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What Is the Take Control Initiative?

What Is the Take Control Initiative?. The Take Control Initiative (TCI) empowers women with the choice of when to bear children through the through education, outreach, and free clinical services for long acting reversible contraception (LARC). Why Do Tulsans Need TCI?.

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What Is the Take Control Initiative?

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  1. What Is the Take Control Initiative? The Take Control Initiative (TCI) empowers women with the choice of when to bear children through the through education, outreach, and free clinical services for long acting reversible contraception (LARC)

  2. Why Do Tulsans Need TCI?

  3. Why Do Tulsans Need TCI? • Oklahoma ranks 6th in the nation for highest rate of teenage pregnancies • About 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned • About 50% of unplanned pregnancies occur while using a form birth control

  4. Why Do Tulsans Need TCI? • Women who plan their pregnancies are more likely to finish school, begin careers, be financially stable, and lead healthier lives. • Babies born to women who plan their pregnancies generally have better health outcomes. • Access to effective contraception reduces the number of abortions and improves the lives of women.

  5. How to Prevent Unplanned Pregnancies? • Use birth control consistently and correctly • Understand that unprotected sex or inconsistent use of birth control can lead to unintended pregnancy

  6. Birth Control Choices

  7. Birth Control Choices

  8. Birth Control Choices

  9. Birth Control Choices

  10. Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) • LARC is defined as birth control methods that require less than monthly administration • LARC options through the Take Control Initiative include an arm implant and two IUDs that are effective between 3 – 10 years • LARC is birth control that you do not have to think about regularly

  11. LARC Benefits • LARC is the most effective form of reversible birth control. • LARC devices are all over 99% effective at preventing pregnancies. • Easy to use. Once the LARC device is placed it is effective for between 3 – 10 years with nothing to do before sexual intercourse. • Safe

  12. LARC Benefits • Discreet birth control option • Allows women to postpone having children until they are ready • Great for healthy birth spacing • Enables women who are finished bearing children to have an effective yet reversible birth control option in case they change their minds

  13. LARC Benefits: Birth Spacing Waiting 18 to 23 months after the birth of your last child before becoming pregnant again increases the likelihood of healthy outcomes for both the mother and the infant.

  14. LARC Benefits: Birth Spacing • LARC is a great way to influence birth spacing for healthier birth outcomes. • LARC device can be placed after you baby is born, and removed when you are ready to have another baby • Once the LARC device is in place you do not need to do anything else for birth control. • Women typically regain fertility quickly after LARC device is removed.

  15. LARC Devices • Mirena • ParaGard • Implanon

  16. Mirena • An intrauterine device (IUD) that contains levenorgestrel (no estrogen) and lasts for up to 5 years • Additional Benefits: Used to treat anemia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and other health related conditions

  17. Mirena: How It Works

  18. ParaGard • An IUD that contains no hormones and lasts for up to 10 years • Great option for women who either cannot or do not want to use hormone based birth control • Regain fertility almost immediately upon its removal

  19. Implanon • A small plastic single-rod implant placed in the inner side of the upper arm under the skin. It contains etonogestrel (no estrogen) and lasts for up to 3 years • Great option for women who have not yet had children • Great option for women with multiple sexual partners

  20. Who Qualifies for Clinical Services? Females of reproductive age who: • Live in Tulsa County • At-risk for pregnancy • At or below 185% FPL

  21. What Free Services Are Provided? • Choice of Mirena, ParaGard, or Implanon device • Device insertion fee • Device removal fee • Pregnancy test (when necessary) • Necessary STD testing

  22. What Clinics Are Participating? • Tulsa Health Department (5 locations) • Morton Comprehensive Health Services • OSU Physicians – OB/GYN • Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma (3 locations) • Community Health Connections • OU Tulsa – Women’s Health Care Specialists

  23. For More Information For more information visit: www.takecontrolinitiative.org

  24. To Schedule an Appointment Call Planline: 838-0697

  25. You Should Know… • Mirena, ParaGard, and Implanon do not protect against STDs and HIV/AIDS • Cramping can occur during and after Mirena & ParaGard insertions. Regular dosing of over-the-counter pain medicines like Ibuprofen can be used to help manage this temporary pain

  26. Benefits of Family Planning & LARC • Have children on your time when you are ready and prepared • Women who plan their pregnancies are more likely to finish school and begin careers or marry and enjoy healthier lives.

  27. Thank You For Listening!

  28. Questions

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