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Personalized Treatment of Advanced NSCLC A Coordinated Multidisciplinary Approach

Personalized Treatment of Advanced NSCLC A Coordinated Multidisciplinary Approach. Program Goals. Treatment of Advanced NSCLC. Impact of NSCLC-NOS on Treatment Selection in Advanced NSCLC. Impact of NSCLC-NOS on Treatment Selection in Advanced NSCLC (cont). IPASS: Study Design.

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Personalized Treatment of Advanced NSCLC A Coordinated Multidisciplinary Approach

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Personalized Treatment of Advanced NSCLCA Coordinated Multidisciplinary Approach

  2. Program Goals

  3. Treatment of Advanced NSCLC

  4. Impact of NSCLC-NOS on Treatment Selection in Advanced NSCLC

  5. Impact of NSCLC-NOS on Treatment Selection in Advanced NSCLC (cont)

  6. IPASS: Study Design

  7. IPASS: PFS in Patients Positive and Negative for EGFR Mutation

  8. EGFR TKI Therapy vs Chemotherapy for Patients With EGFR-Mutated DiseaseResults From Randomized Clinical Trials

  9. Crizotinib in Patients With ALK-Positive Advanced NSCLC

  10. Crizotinib vs ChemotherapyPhase 3 Study Design

  11. Crizotinib vs ChemotherapyPFS by Independent Radiologic Review

  12. Case Study 1: 54-Year-Old Woman With Right-Sided Chest Pain and Cough

  13. Advanced NSCLC-Biopsy Specimens

  14. Transthoracic Core Needle Biopsy inBATTLE Lung Trial

  15. Case Study 1: 54-Year-Old Woman With Right-Sided Chest Pain and Cough (cont)

  16. Stepwise Approach to Classification of NSCLC

  17. Light Microscopy: NSCLC, Adenocarcinoma Subtype

  18. Light Microscopy: NSCLC, Squamous Cell Carcinoma Subtype

  19. Light Microscopy: NSCLC, Subtype Not Identified

  20. IHC Staining in NSCLCThe Basics

  21. Histologic Subtyping in NSCLCIHC Staining Arsenal

  22. Napsin-A Cytoplasmic Staining in NSCLC, Adenocarcinoma Subtype

  23. p40 Nuclear Staining in NSCLC, Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  24. Using Clinical Criteria To Select Treatment

  25. Molecular Testing GuidelineWho Should Be Tested for EGFR and ALK?

  26. Molecular Testing GuidelineWhen Should EGFR and ALK Testing Be Done?

  27. Molecular Testing GuidelinePrioritize EGFR and ALK Testing Over Other Molecular Predictive Tests

  28. Molecular Testing in Advanced NSCLCKey Principles

  29. Case Study 1: 54-Year-Old Woman With Right-Sided Chest Pain and Cough (cont)

  30. SATURN

  31. Pemetrexed + Erlotinib vs Pemetrexed or Erlotinib AlonePhase 2 Trial of Second-Line Treatment

  32. IHC as a Screening Tool for ALKDetection

  33. Rebiopsy

  34. Case Study 2: 41-year-old Woman With Dry Cough

  35. Case Study 2: 41-year-old Woman With Dry Cough (cont)

  36. Case Study 2: 41-year-old Woman With Dry Cough (cont)

  37. Case Study 2: 41-year-old Woman With Dry Cough (cont)

  38. Rapid Onsite Evaluation (ROSE)

  39. Cytologic Specimens for Histologic Subtyping and GenotypingEBUS-TBNA

  40. Use of Cytologic Material for Molecular Testing in NSCLC

  41. How Much Cytologic Material Is Needed for Molecular Testing?

  42. Molecular Testing GuidelinePrimary vs Metastatic Site

  43. Coordinating Care for Patients With NSCLCMultidisciplinary Tumor Boards

  44. Summary

  45. Abbreviations

  46. Abbreviations (cont)

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