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TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN ONTARIOAND NEW TEACHER INDUCTION * All teachers are to be evaluated every 5 years, except for teachers new to the profession, who are evaluated twice to receive “notation” as a permanent teacher, before entering the appraisal cycle of teachers not designated as “new”.
What does an evaluation involve? • All teachers who are in the evaluation year, are to have the evaluation process completed twice during that year. • Your principal must inform you within the first 20 days of school if you will be evaluated that year. • If you leave the school (e.g., for a leave of absence, maternity leave, etc.) during your evaluation year, the process must be completed within 20 days of your return. • “New” teachers are on a flexible appraisal cycle that requires two “satisfactory” ratings during the first 12 months after they begin teaching.
Mentoring for “New” Teachers *The Student Performance Bill ( passed June 2006), made the New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) law in Ontario. *NTIP has the following elements: - an orientation to the school and Board - mentoring for new teachers by experienced teachers ( an in-school model) - professional development and training suitable for new teachers - two performance appraisals (usually in the first year)
What is the Evaluation Process? • The process involves several steps, including: - an Annual Learning Plan - a pre-observation meeting - classroom observations ( both formal and informal; as frequently as the principal determines is necessary) - a post- observation meeting with written report, which both you and the Principal sign ( except for “new” teachers) - a Summative Report, which both you and the Principal sign; in the case of a “new” teacher, pre- and post-conference information and discussion summaries are recorded on the single Summative Report Form - a parent or student questionnaire about your communication with them
Parent / Student Questionnaire • Focus of this questionnaire is on your communication with the parents ( or students directly if they’re in Grades 11 or 12) about students’ learning progress. • Most Boards advertise the electronic availability of this questionnaire to parents once each school year.
ANNUAL LEARNING PLANS • Completed by every teacher, every year. • Final Annual Learning Plan is attached to your 3 year evaluation Summative Report, and sent to your official personnel file, usually kept at the Board Office. • “New” teachers are evaluated twice in the first twelve months; if both reports are satisfactory, the teacher is place on the experienced teacher appraisal cycle. • Usually Principals will request your plan by the end of September each year. • There is a prescribed format to use for this plan.
Pre- Observation Meeting • Usually takes less than an hour; you and your Principal discussing what you plan to teach during the observation, your students’ progress, etc. • Helpful Hints: - bring your professional portfolio - bring your class list(s) - bring your Assessment and Evaluation records to this meeting - know your I.E.P.’s!
Observation(s) • Astute principals will already have been in your classroom several times during regular, informal “walk-abouts” or “walk-throughs” and already have a good idea of how you teach and how effective you are. • This process provides Principals with 163 things to look for during your evaluation. These are called “look-fors”. • For “new” teachers, the focus is on 8 performance expectations and 45 “look fors”, most relevant to a beginning teacher; however, principals may assess additional expectations at their discretion.
Observation(s) Continued • There are 5 categories of “look-fors”; three of these categories extend to your performance beyond your instruction that can be observed as you teach. • “Look-for” categories include: 1. Commitment to Pupils and Pupil Learning 2. Professional Knowledge
Observation(s) Continued 3. Teaching Practice 4. Leadership and Community* 5. Ongoing Professional Learning* * This is where your portfolio, kept current, will benefit you.
Post- Observation Meeting • Must take place within 20 days of the observation. • Involves reviewing specific observations. • Form is prescribed. • Includes comments about what competencies have been “addressed” with very good results and which ones need improvement. • You and your Principal sign and date this form but you keep the only copy ( one Summative Form for NTIP participants).
Summative Evaluation Form • Summarizes what was discussed in your Post- Observation meeting; for “new” teachers, this Summative report records all interactions for the evaluation cycle. • Concludes the process if your overall rating was “exemplary”, “good”, or “satisfactory”; for “new” teachers, two consecutive satisfactory reports conclude the “new teacher” designation. • Starts an improvement plan process if your overall rating is “unsatisfactory” • Two consecutive overall ratings of “unsatisfactory” will result in a recommendation to terminate your contract. • Form is signed and dated by you and your Principal and will be filed permanently in your Board personnel file. • You get a copy of this form for your files.
Unhappy with your appraisal? • You have the right to appeal your evaluation only if the Principal has not followed the mandated process and timelines. • You cannot appeal the Principal’s judgment about your performance.
What’s changing? • There has been discussion about reducing the evaluations from 2 each cycle year to 1 if the teacher’s first report was rated as “exemplary”, “good”, or “satisfactory”. • Principals have been the main advocates of this change because each appraisal can take 10 or more hours to complete.
NTIP • Who Is A “New” Teacher in Ontario? - hired to a permanent position, either full or part time - an experienced teacher new to Ontario - a teacher who has not yet successfully completed the New Teacher Induction Program by having two “successful” evaluations OR when 24 months has elapsed since first being hired to the Board ( some ability to extend the 24 months is allowed in the regulation governing NTIP)
GOAL OF NTIP • Support and orientation for new teachers and experienced teachers new to the Board ( e.g., classroom management skills, effective communication with parents, mentoring, etc.) • Focus in on supporting professional development so the student achievement is maximized. • Principals will maintain “Evidence Logs” to support their evaluations of performance.
What happens if…? • The “new” teacher who has not received two satisfactory ratings in the first year ( i.e., needs more support) of employment has a second year to complete the NTIP program. • The “new” teacher who has two successful ratings (“satisfactory”) is deemed to have completed NTIP. • You change schools or Boards?...the new school or Board must transfer information about your involvement and stage in NTIP.
Appraisals for “New” Teachers • There is a two point rating scale for NTIP * Satisfactory * Development Needed ( additional mentoring and P.D. will follow) For the “new” teacher who receives a “Development Needed rating, the rating scale for subsequent appraisals is: * Satisfactory * Unsatisfactory ( an “Improvement Plan” will follow)
Additional Appraisals • Two consecutive “satisfactory” appraisals = exit NTIP program • One “satisfactory” & one “Development Needed” = a third appraisal within 120 days • One “Development Needed” & one “Unsatisfactory” = On Review and a third appraisal within 120 days of being notified of being “on review” • A fourth appraisal if needed ( must be within 120 days of third appraisal but not longer than second 12 month period following hiring)