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Three Years of LibQUAL+™ University of Maryland Libraries

Recap of three years of LibQUAL+ assessment at the University of Maryland Libraries, highlighting findings, actions taken, data analysis, and future strategies for improvement. Data used for enhancing customer service, identifying faculty concerns, and improving communication. 8 Relevant

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Three Years of LibQUAL+™ University of Maryland Libraries

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  1. Three Years of LibQUAL+™ University of Maryland Libraries ARL Assessment to Action Workshop January 10, 2004 San Diego, CA Presenter: Irma F. Dillon ifd@umd.edu

  2. Recap of three years • 2001 Low number of responses. • 2002 Number of responses tripled. • 2003 Number of responses less than previous year, still more than double 2001. IFD0104

  3. What we learned • Undergraduates were satisfied with the Libraries all three years. • Graduate Students were fairly satisfied with the exception of full runs of journals. • Faculty in all three years were dissatisfied with the personal control dimension. IFD0104

  4. What we have done with data • Completed an analysis of three years of the data. • Interviewed faculty members individually to learn their concerns. • Used the data in our Learning Curriculum Customer Service module to show the importance of good customer service. • Compared the data with other surveys we have conducted. IFD0104

  5. What we have done with data, cont. • Shared the data with the University Library Council and received their input. • Shared the data with the Subject Teams to assist them in their liaison work with faculty. • Reviewed the data with the Library Assessment Review Committee to discuss methods of using the information to improve services. IFD0104

  6. Future uses of data • Focus groups with faculty and graduate students to understand their concerns. • Move to increased electronic journal collections. • Improve communication with faculty and graduate students regarding new online system. IFD0104

  7. Future uses of data, cont. • Discussions with staff to explain data results and receive their feedback on further actions. • Use three years as benchmark and conduct LibQUAL+™ on alternative years. • Tie into objectives of Libraries’ strategic plan. IFD0104

  8. and good luck with your data! IFD0104

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