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Adam, Eve, and the Garden in Biblical and Qur’anic Perspective. ddeat. The Creation of Adam. Biblical View: ‘adam in the image of God The unique act of creation: ‘Let us make…’ (Gen 1:26) Qur’anic View: ‘adam as prototypical Muslim Resistance to ‘imaging’ deity
Adam, Eve, and the Garden in Biblical and Qur’anic Perspective ddeat
The Creation of Adam • Biblical View: ‘adam in the image of God • The unique act of creation: ‘Let us make…’ (Gen 1:26) • Qur’anic View: ‘adam as prototypical Muslim • Resistance to ‘imaging’ deity • Adam not a unique act of creation.Created by God simplySaying ‘Be!’ • Adam endowed immediately with wisdom (taught ‘the names of everything’)
Good, Bad and the Tree of Knowledge • The divine goodness of the trees • Pleasant to the sight and Good for food • The Tree of ‘Good and Bad’ • The Role of the snake • Naked and Crafty creature • Not (yet) Satan • The snake is not singled out forblame
God’s Warning: You shall die • Traditional View: • Paul, Rom 5:12. Sin and Death entered the human condition that was originally immortal. • The Significance of Gen 3:22 • Was the snake right after all? Was God only bluffing, trying to protect divine prerogatives? • The Death-Dealing Nature ofWisdom • Humans alone are focused on their mortality
The Doctrine of ‘Original Sin’ • 2 Esdras 3:7 And you laid upon him (Adam) one commandment of yours; but he transgressed it, and immediately you appointed death for himand for his descendants. From him there sprang nations and tribes, peoples and clans without number. 2 Esdras 3:21-22 For the first Adam, burdened with an evil heart, transgressed and was overcome, as were also all who were descended from him. 22 Thus the disease became permanent; the law was in the hearts of the people along with the evil root; but what was good departed, and the evil remained. 2 Esdras 7:118 O Adam, what have you done? For though it was you who sinned, the fall was not yours alone, but ours also who are your descendants.
The Garden in Islamic Tradition • There is only 1 tree (Immortality). Wisdom is not a problem. It is not ‘seized’ by stealth • Part of the human condition, given to humans when God ‘taught Adam all the names’ (2:30-31) • Adam as superior to the Angels and Jinn. The cause for Iblis’ fall from heaven. Contrast Psalm 8:4-5, “just lower than God” and Heb 2:7, “lower than the angels.” • Cp. Pseudepigraphic “Life of Adam and Eve”, Satan cast out of heaven for refusing to worship ‘the image of God in Adam’ • Adam is duly warned by God, knows exactly what is at stake and what Iblis will do (7:22; 20:117) • Adam and Eve repent and are forgiven, thereby becoming exemplary models of Muslim piety (2:37; 7:23) • There is no lasting consequence. Rejection of ‘Doctrine of Original Sin’