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. Rome suffers an economic and military decline.As people's loyalty and service to the empire decrease, only the armies remain active in politics.. A Century of Crisis. A.D. 161-180 reign of Marcus Aurelius, last of Five Good EmperorsA.D. 180 Marcus Aurelius dies and Roman empire begins its de
1. FOCUS 2BCLASSICAL AGE - ROME The Decline of the Roman Empire
2. Rome suffers an economic and military decline.
As people’s loyalty and service to the empire decrease, only the armies remain active in politics.
3. A Century of Crisis A.D. 161-180 – reign of Marcus Aurelius, last of Five Good Emperors
A.D. 180 – Marcus Aurelius dies and Roman empire begins its decline
Rulers that followed weakened Roman empire
4. Rome’s Economy Declines 1. Pax Romana
a. Trade flourished
b. Gold and silver taken from conquered
territories added to Rome’s wealth
c. Surplus of food
2. Above listed resources disappeared in 3rd
century A.D.
5. Rome’s Economy Declines 3. Trade was disrupted
4. Wars were frequent and a financial drain
5. Wealthy overspent on luxury items
6. Gold and silver supplies drained
7. No new sources of precious metals
6. Rome’s Economy Declines 8. Efforts to cover expenses
a. Taxes raised
b. Minted coins contained less silver
9. Inflation, severe drop in value of money
plus a rise in prices, resulted
7. Rome’s Economy Declines 10. Food sources dwindle
a. Western harvests meager due to
overworked soil
b. Farmland destroyed by warfare
c. High taxes forced small farmers to
give up their land
d. Cheap slave labor discouraged technological
8. Rome Faces Military Upheaval 1. Military crisis contributed to economic
2. Roman armies were constantly at war
with invaders, “barbarians”
3. Use of mercenaries caused collapse in
loyalty to the empire
9. Roman Politics 1. Lack of loyalty was key in feelings of
2. Political office no longer an honor
3. Only armies active in politics
4. See chart text page 160
10. Diocletian institutes many reforms, creating an Eastern and Western Empire, but fails to ensure orderly succession.
Constantine moves the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium, shifting the center of power east.
11. Emperors Attempt Reform 1. Roman empire survived another 200
2. Empire’s life prolonged by emperors who
divided it
a. Eastern
b. Western
12. Diocletian Reforms the Empire 1. A.D. 284 – Diocletian becomes emperor
2. He restored order and increased the
empire’s strength
3. Diocletian governed as an absolute ruler
4. He limited personal freedoms
13. Diocletian Reforms the Empire 5. Reforms
a. Drafted prisoner of war and hired
German mercenaries
b. Set fixed prices for goods
c. Ordered farmers and workers to
remain on their farms and jobs for life
d. Personally proclaimed he was a descendant
of Roman gods
e. Persecuted Christians
14. Diocletian Reforms the Empire f. Divided empire
1. Greek-speaking East
2. Latin-speaking West
3. Appointed himself co-ruler of west
4. Each ruler chose an assistant who
was to be their successor
6. A.D. 305 – Diocletian retires and civil war
15. Constantine Moves the Capital 1. A.D. 312 – Constantine gains control of
Western empire
2. A.D. 324 – Constantine takes control of
Eastern empire
3. A.D. 330 – Constantine moves capital
from Rome to Byzantium (bih –ZAN-
a. Strategic for trade and defense
b. City renamed Constantinople
16. Internal and economic problems and invading tribes bring down the Western Roman Empire.
Although Rome’s power is gone, is cultural heritage endures.
17. Invaders Overrun the Western Empire Western Roman Empire in decline for many years
Causes of final collapse
a. Internal problems
b. Separation of West from East
c. Invasions
A.D. 376-476 – Germanic invasions
a. Drove out Romans
b. See text page 161
18. The Huns Move West 1. German invasions were result of the Huns
moving into Europe
2. Huns were Mongol nomads from central
3. Read description of the Huns text page
19. Germanic Invasions 1. Winter 406 – Rhine River froze allowing
warriors to cross on ice
2. 410 – Alaric (AL-ur-ihk) crosses Alps to
attack Rome
20. Attila the Hun 1. 444 – Huns unite under Attila (AT-uhl-
2. Attila attacked both western and eastern
halves of empire
3. A.D. 452 – Attila’s attack on Rome foiled
by famine and disease
a. Pope Leo I negotiates their withdrawal
4. 455 – Gaiseric saks Rome
21. Rome’s Last Emperor 1. Roman emperor of west becomes
2. Romulus Augustulus – last Roman
emperor and their power in west
3. Eastern half of empire becomes
4. Byzantine empire flourishes until 1453
22. KEY IDEAS The Roman Empire splits in two. Economic, military, and political decay and outside invaders bring down the Western Roman empire, but the eastern half survives