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Re-Imagining How to Fund the Future in the California State University System. Leveraging AASCU’s Red Balloon Initiative to Enhance Campus Collaboration and Innovation in the Face of Budget Cuts: Engaging Faculty and the Campus to Envision and Implement Change William Covino
Re-Imagining How to Fund the Future in the California State University System Leveraging AASCU’s Red Balloon Initiative to Enhance Campus Collaboration and Innovation in the Face of Budget Cuts: Engaging Faculty and the Campus to Envision and Implement Change William Covino Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, California State University, FresnoEllen Junn Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, San Jose State University Harold Hellenbrand, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs & Interim President California State University, Northridge
Leveraging AASCU’s Red Balloon Initiative to Enhance Campus Collaboration and Innovation in the Face of Budget Cuts: Engaging Faculty and the Campus to Envision and Implement Change William Covino Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, California State University, Fresno Ellen Junn Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, San Jose State University 2012 Academic Affairs Winter Meeting San Antonio, TX, February 9-11, 2012
CSU, FresnoDemographics • CSU part of 23-campus system (Fresno est. 1911) • 21,981 students: Fall 2011 (19,109=ug; 2,290=g; 582=postbac) • Diversity: 36.7%=Hispanic; 30.6%=White; 14.7%=Asian; 4.6%= African American; 0.5%=American Indian; 10%=other; 3%=International • 64undergraduate degrees,44 Master’s, and 4doctorates (2 Ed.D’s, DNP, DPT) for a total of 112degrees. • First generation college:: 68% • 1,144 faculty, Fall 2011 (556 T/TT; 588 lecturers)
AASCU Red Balloon New Models for: • Institutional Organization and Design (Academic Affairs - Student Affairs collaboration, new departmental, college structures) • Enrollment Management (academic advising, tracking, early warning, predictive modeling) • Faculty Workload(different kinds of faculty work, the use of part-time faculty) • Curriculum(degrees limited to 120 units, interdisciplinary programs, new designs for general education) • Course Design(reduced seat time, student-centered learning, undergraduate research, project-based learning) • Instructional Design(new forms of student engagement, use of technology in teaching, distance education)
Two Stage Process: 1st Focus=Tech AASCU-EDUCAUSE-UCF, July 2010: Presidential Teams Summit “Designing 21st Learning Environments” • Call for Presidential 5-6 member teams that included president, provost, campus technology mangers and staff, academic technology administrators, faculty technology experts. • Intensive, 2-day retreat for each campus to develop their own academic technology plan. • In preparation, the SATO hosted a cross-campus June retreat with 30 faculty, staff, administrators to brainstorm technology ideas. Of the 6 topic areas, the group focused on brainstorming technology goals and solutions for: (1) course design; (2) instructional design.
Fresno State Acad Tech Initiatives • GOAL: Increase online certificates/degrees offered through Continuing and Global Education: RESULT:6 new online (2ndEdD, MA Reading, DNP, PSM Water Resource Management, online MBA, GSI certificate) Case management approach: flow charts, timelines, process, contacts, forms, TILT point person; coordinated team approach 2. GOAL: Syllabus Redesign: RESULT:78 faculty (Fall 2010=56 faculty; Spring 2011=22 faculty) Training to implement universal design, link LO & assessments, create rubrics, apply cognitive science, improve student studying
Fresno State Tech Initiatives 3. GOAL: Curricular Innovation, based on NCAT Course Redesign RESULT:4 depts, BIOL 10=APLU-Gates-OLI • Goal is to increase student learning, reduce cost and enhance course quality using technology and innovative pedagogy. • Provost/SATOcollegedeansdeptapproach to invite, train, assess and follow up. • Departments provided with $5,000. • BIOL 10 = APLU-Carnegie Mellon OLI Grant Phase 2
Fresno State Tech Initiatives 4. GOAL: Strengthen and refine Improving Student Writing Initiative using Criterion (from ETS) RESULT: Over 152 faculty and over 6,000 students (Spring 2010=103 faculty; Fall 2010=52 faculty) Added Pearson’s MyWritingLab & WriteClick to improve student writing. 5. GOAL: TWISTERS Conference (Teaching With Innovative Stars To Engage & Reach Students): incorporate one new technology innovation in a course RESULT: 97 faculty attended, Spring 2011 Workshop topics: • Digital media and constructing learning objects (e.g., MERLOT) • Social media (blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter) • Collaboration (Googlewave, Googledocs) • Streaming media (e.g., podcasts, lecture capture, 3D, 2nd Life) • iClickers and new cell phone app response systems • e-conferencing (Eluminate, Skype) • eportfolios
Fresno State Tech Initiatives 6.GOAL: Enhance Student Information Literacy RESULT: 11 departments (Spring 2010=7 dept; Fall 2011=4 dept). • Invite departments to work with librarian faculty in developing two information literacy assignments within an entry-level and capstone-level course within a major. • Department teams (along with chair) attend a day-long retreat (keynote speaker from CSU Chancellor’s Office) and work with their library liaison through the semester. 7. GOAL: Create Tech Faculty Learning Communities (FLC): RESULT: 6 FLC’s (lecture capture, eportfolio, open source materials, UDL--Universal Design & Learning, Web 2.0, Pearson MyWritingLab & WriteClick)
Stage 2: Campus Red Balloon LaunchA Collaborative, Campus-wideProcess How to? • Capture interest and engage everyone--faculty, staff, administrators, students • Foster creative, transformative ideas • Produce sustained engagement and positive change
Campus Red Balloon Launch • Provost’s Aug Academic Affairs Leadership Team Retreat focused on the Red Balloon (RB) Initiative. • Sought the active involvement of Senate. • Invited Senate Exec to brainstorming dinner in August 2010 to plan campus Red Balloon Launch event. • Held 15 meetings of RB Steering Committee. • Presented RB to Student Affairs Leadership Team. • Hosted RB Event on Oct 29, 2010 with George Mehaffy as the keynote speaker, along with small breakout groups and reports. • Over 250 faculty, staff, administrators and students participated in the October RB Launch.
Next Steps to Support Continued Dialogue • Created RB website: http://www.csufresno.edu/academics/redballoon/index.shtml • Consolidated 6 topic areas to 4 and invited people to register online for 1 of the 4 RB Task Forces: (1) Institutional Organization and Infrastructure; (2) Curriculum, Course & Instructional Redesign; (3) Faculty Workload; (4) Enrollment Management. • Each RB Task Force faculty leader or co-leaders scheduled 4-5 Task Force meetings for Spring 2011 and facilitated dialogue.
Next Steps to Support Continued Dialogue • The RB Steering Committee created and provided Task Force Leaders with a recommendations matrix. • Each Task Force was charged to identify specific challenges or roadblocks, then generate possible solutions or recommendations for change. • For each recommendation, Task Forces had to specify: (1) solution or action; (2) responsible office(s); (3) timeline; (4) estimated costs. • All Task Forces also were asked to recommend 1-2 short-term achievable solutions.
OUTCOMES? • 89 faculty, staff and administrators registered to become members of one of the 4 RB Task Forces. • Each of the 4 RB Task Forces met a minimum of 4 times over the Spring 2011 semester, and completed their RB Recommendations matrix by the end of the semester. • The final RB Report proposed a total of 40 recommendations. The Provost sought feedback on all recommendations from the Provost Leadership Team. • The RB Recommendations Report went to the President’s Cabinet, and summarize their recommendations at the Cabinet’s June 2011 retreat. • The Cabinet and Provost’s Leadership Team reviewed, discussed and assessed recommendations to determine the status of each recommendation. • The Final RB Task Force Recommendations with Cabinet status updates can be found at: http://www.csufresno.edu/academics/documents/redballoon-final-recc-aug-2011.pdf
Recommendations Results Of the 40 RB recommendations, • 6 recommendations are already in existence; • 4 recommendations were not approved; • 4 recommendations were passed on; • Remaining recommendations appear to be solvent In Fall 2011, a final campus-wide event was hosted to unveil the Final RB Report Recommendations. See RB Recommendations handout.
Caveats, Advice & Questions • RB participants were appreciative of considering positive change in the face of difficult budget cuts. • Faculty/staff consultation and engagement is important. • Task Force Leaders should be conscientious and skilled. • Primary participation from AA and SA, some Adm/Fin. • Cross unit/division interaction was very positive. • Surprisingly, few recommendations incorporated technology or radically innovative solutions—maybe 2nd round? -------------------- • NEXT STEPS? Innovative initiatives/ideas at Fresno State and San Jose State. . .
THANK YOU! Bill Covino • wcovino@csufresno.edu • w: 559-278-8812 Ellen Junn • ellen.junn@sjsu.edu • w: 408-924-2400