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What is Sanctuary?

What is Sanctuary?. Shay Williams, M.Ed., LPC-S, LCCA. Founders of the model: Then and Now. The Sanctuary Model. ba sic beliefs of the sanctuary model.

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What is Sanctuary?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Sanctuary? Shay Williams, M.Ed., LPC-S, LCCA

  2. Founders of the model: Then and Now

  3. The Sanctuary Model

  4. basic beliefs of the sanctuary model A belief that adversity is an inherent part of human life, and that many of the behaviors that lead clients to care are directly related to those experiences – and that people and groups of people can heal from those experiences A perspective that asks: “what’s happened to you?” rather than “what’s wrong with you?” when organizing goals and assessing strengths and challenges

  5. The Seven Commitments

  6. S.e.l.f.

  7. The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health Status A collaborative effort of Kaiser Permanente and The Centers for Disease ControlVincent J. Felitti, M.D.Robert F. Anda, M.D.

  8. Percent of Participants exposed to at least one Adverse Childhood Experience

  9. ACE Score

  10. ACEs & Interpersonal Violence

  11. It’s Not Just the Clients

  12. Trauma Alters the Way the Brain Works

  13. Trauma Alters the Way the Brain Works

  14. Trauma Alters the Way the Brain Works

  15. Trauma Alters the Way the Brain Works

  16. Poor Emotional Management Leads to:


  18. Trauma Alters the Way the Brain Works

  19. So What Do We Do????

  20. The Sanctuary model TOOLKIT

  21. Thank You!!!

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