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ANGKANA “ TAO” MAKVILAI Tiger Conservation Pride Campaign in HKK wildlife Sanctuary , Thailand. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION. Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary , Thailand. HKK was designed as a wildlife sanctuary. in 1972 , covers an area of 2,780 km2.
ANGKANA “ TAO” MAKVILAI Tiger Conservation Pride Campaign in HKK wildlife Sanctuary , Thailand CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary , Thailand • HKK was designed as a wildlife sanctuary in 1972 , covers an area of 2,780 km2. • HKK is a world heritage site since 1991. • HKK has been globally prioritized as a key landscape for tiger conservation and restoration of the Indochinese tiger in SE Asia. HKK CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
To increase the density of 5 species of ungulates by reduce poaching of ungulates and demand and supply of ungulate meat by the local community whilst increasing reporting and enforcement of wildlife poaching and trading. The Strategy in HKK Wildlife Sanctuary CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
The campaign Target Audiences General Consumers Food shop Owners Market Stall Owners CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
HKK Wildlife Sanctuary Theory of Change Results & Critical Analysis CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
CR Conservation Result Goal • to increases the density of tigers in HKK from 1.74 tigers/100km2in 2007 to 2.61 tigers/100km2 by 2016 • to increases the density of ungulate in HKK from 5.31 prey/km2 in 2007 to 13.05 by 2016 CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
K CR Knowledge Conservation Result Results Only 1% of restaurant and food shop owners that said they don’t know and think is legal to sell wild meat (decreases from 17% , 16pp) (decreases from 9% to 6% for control site , 3pp) CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
A K CR Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result Results 93% of restaurant and food shop owners agree that selling wild meat must be stopped. (increase from 87% , 6pp) (increases from 92% to 93% for control site , 1pp) CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
A K CR IC Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result Interpersonal communications Results • 4% of restaurant and food shop owners have talked to one other about stop selling wild meat (from 2%, 2pp) • (decreases from 1% to 0% for control site , -1pp) • 33% of restaurant and food shop owners have heard about food shop inspection program (from 0% , 33pp) • (increases from 0% to 28% for control site , 28pp) CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
CR A K IC Conservation Result Attitude Knowledge Interpersonal communications Critical Analysis • the campaign material and outreach activities was successful for A and K • campaign activities have focused with small group in each target audience or group leaders , The campaign material which publishing on the campaign were too small number to distribute Conservation issues in Thailand for local people’s very small issues and not related to peoples' lives. Most people are not interested so this is not an issue that will be discussed CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
BR CR A K IC Barrier Removal Conservation Result Attitude Knowledge Interpersonal communications Results • The inspection team had inspected and check 25 restaurants and food shops in the area and enforce the law for wildlife trade and didn’t found the illegal action • 2) set up a hotline number for reporting wildlife crime. Critical Analysis • Encourage the government agencies and RO ,FO involved • in the interests of wildlife trade. • Campaign materials (poster , sticker, apron and chefe hat) were successful • no calls to hotline number CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
Barrier Removal Deep Dive Began working to prevent wildlife trade seriously with the government agencies in the area. No agencies have shown they are the host of the BROP activity this clearly. They have thinking come to help each other organization work. There is no concentration of work. Small area for pilot project of wild meat inspection. Hotline number didn’t work. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
BC CR K A BR IC Behavior Change Conservation Result Barrier Removal Attitude Knowledge Interpersonal communications Results • 21% of consumers said the Restaurant and Food shop in • Campaign and control site are selling wild meat for food (decreases from 31%, 10pp) • (decreases from 44% to 21% for control site , -1pp) • 56% of consumers said they have seen sticker to promote wild meat free shop in the restaurant and food shop (increases from 18% , 38pp) (decreases from 6% to 4% for control site , -2pp) Critical Analysis • Poster , sticker and apron were specific materials for RO and FO • Law enforcement • keep the target audiences are still maintenance their behavior CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
BC TR A BR CR K IC Behavior change Threat Reduction Barrier Removal Conservation Result Knowledge Attitude Interpersonal communications Results • poaching case of ungulate in HKK reduce from 0.03 (hunting pressure indicator from MIST database, all hunting pressure indicators for all 4 zones) in 2007 to 0.021 (2009) • 14% of all TA have heard someone hunting wild animals in HKK for trade (decrease form 20% ,6pp) (decreases from 22% to 17% for control site , 5pp) Critical Analysis • The density of tiger prey and number of poaching tiger prey that will be swinging every year. • The HKK wildlife sanctuary is very wild area. The campaign works with only 1 district in the north part. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
BC TR A BR CR K IC Attitude Threat Reduction Barrier Removal Conservation Result Knowledge Attitude Interpersonal communications Results • the density of Tiger increase from 1.74 tigers/100km2 • in 2007 to 2.40 ±0.32 in 2010 • the density of ungulate in HKK increases from 6.36 prey/km2 in 2007 to 6.94 in 2008 and decreases to 6.18 in 2009 Critical Analysis good result from monitoring system but 2 years for tiger conservation that lees than to see the changes. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
Where are we and where are we going? Where are your target audiences at on the Theory of Change? K + A + IC + BR BC TR CR RO. and FO. What are your future goals to move them along the Theory of Change? • K,A,IC: continue building capacity and constituency in communities. • BR: to develop strategy for barrier removal activities • BC: keep and maintenance new behavior of TA • TR: strong enforcement with patrol system and law enforcement 2010 CR Baseline CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
How we monitored success ? • Capacity ; LAP – WCS Thailand Program●Have started the social marketing campaign • ● Lesson learned for outreach and education program with communities • CM – Angkana Makvilai ● Progress in leadership , management and communications skill 2. Constituency ●Relationship between partners and stakeholder ● Cooperation between law enforcement agencies ● New partners • Conservation ●Monitoring system and result • ● SMART Objective Attainment on TR and CR from the monitoring plan CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION
How we monitored success ? Feedback from LAP ; Anak Pattanavibool , Director of WCS Thailand Program 2009 CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION