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Recap. Question: What is Heaven Like?. Heaven is making a much-needed comeback. 8 million people in America have had near-death experiences. More people believe in Heaven now than 10 years ago. More people are turning to prayer. September 11, 2001 changed everything.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Recap

  2. Question: What is Heaven Like?

  3. Heaven is making a much-needed comeback

  4. 8 million people in America have had near-death experiences

  5. More people believe in Heaven now than 10 years ago.More people are turning to prayer

  6. September 11, 2001 changed everything

  7. Now we worry about everything

  8. “Heaven is For Real”New York Times Bestseller

  9. Synopsis

  10. What do you make of this?

  11. Skepticism is natural = this is mysterious stuff

  12. 90 Minutes in Heaven - Don PiperOther Voices

  13. Almost every person who experiences these visions returns with a greater sense of purpose, a greater sense of peace...

  14. The Church has embraced an “escapist” view of HeaenWe’ve abandoned grand, imaginative languageWe operate more like tourists of this earth than residents

  15. A Spirit-filled vision of Heaven should give us hope for the future, and a purpose for the present

  16. Isaiah 2:2-4In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.

  17. Many peoples will come and say,“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

  18. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

  19. Other Visions of Heaven inthe Bible

  20. Ezekiel 1beasts, wings, giant wheels, light, singing, worshipping

  21. Daniel 12angels, resurrection, a new earth, worship

  22. John the Revelatorthrones, sea of glass, gold, beasts, elders, worship, singing, Jesus as a freaky lamb with seven horns and seven eyes...

  23. Could it be that these guys had a Near Death Experience sort of vision?

  24. Emily Williams Kelly, University of VA Division of Perceptual Studies

  25. “...opens up the possibility that these experiences are what they say they are and we have to take that seriously.”

  26. So it's evident that there is something to these visions, which makes the  bizarre visions that we find in Scripture...not that bizarre.  

  27. So what’s it like?

  28. The Protestant vision of Heaven is boring... Who wants to sit in an endless church service?

  29. Great Aunt Tessie’s house of “No-touch-y”

  30. What if it was different?

  31. Imagine time and space havingno constraintsImagine perfect peaceImagine being filled with the most unbelievably joy

  32. What we will we do there?

  33. We will see JesusWe will SingWe will LearnWe will Be One

  34. Heaven is not where we will live forever. Our eternal home where God will come to dwell among his people is called the New Earth.

  35. John 14:1-4“...in my Father’s house are many mansions...”

  36. “monai” Greek word meaning: “abiding place,” “way station,” “a place of halt on a journey”

  37. 2 Peter 3:13But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.

  38. The fact that God is going to be there makes it “Heaven.”This present earth is bursting with suggestions.

  39. The transition from the old world to the new will not be destruction, but radical healing

  40. It’s closer than you think...

  41. My vision and thekavod of God

  42. A Spirit-filled vision of Heaven should give us hope for the future, and a purpose for the present

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