Part One: The Questions • These statistics are the collapsed results with the not applicable answers removed. The categories were reduced from the original six (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree and not applicable) to three categories, disagree, neutral, and agree. This was done to increase the numbers in each category in order to make the results more meaningful as well as to avoid the not applicable answers. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
Legend • Solid black bars indicate female responses • White bars indicate male responses • The first two bars indicate Disagree, the second two indicate Neutral and the last two bars indicate Agree responses. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
1. I feel safe on campus. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
2. I feel safe in my residence (on campus). Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
3. I feel safe walking around campus by myself in the daytime. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
4. I feel safe walking around campus by myself after dark. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
5. I think I am at a high risk for becoming a victim of crime on campus. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
6. I sometimes miss classes and extracurricular activities when they are held on campus at night because of safety concerns Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
7. My academic performance has suffered because of personal safety concerns. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
8. My social life has suffered because of personal safety concerns. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
9. I feel safe using the phys-ed facilities at night. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
10. I feel safe inside campus bars. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
11. The buildings on campus are clearly marked with their names on the outside. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
12. The campus maps are useful. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
13. Building directories are available and accessible. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
14. Stairwells, fire routes and building exits are clearly marked. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
15. Stairwell doors that automatically lock behind you are well marked. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
16. The lighting on campus is adequate and effective in the day. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
17. The lighting on campus is adequate and effective at night. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
18. The signs on campus are well lit Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
19. the bike racks are located in well lit areas. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
20. The physical aspects of the campus (placement of trees, bushes, lights, wheelchair ramps), contribute to a general feeling of uneasiness at night. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
21. I feel safe when using the bike rack areas. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
22. I feel safe using the bathrooms on campus. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
23. While walking past a large lineup for a campus bar, I feel intimidated. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
24. I think Queen's is committed to creating and maintaining a safe campus. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
25. I am encouraged to report personal safety concerns that I have. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
26. I know what to do to report a personal security concern. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
27. I think help would be readily available if I had a personal safety concern. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
28. I think Queen's follows up on personal safety concerns promptly. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
29. The presence of security patrols oncampus increases my sense of safety. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
30. I think Queen's effectively communicates personal safety concerns (e.g. by posting warnings) to the Queen's community. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
Please note that the number of responses in the category of transgendered was 2, therefore, a meaningful comparison between all the categories (female, male and transgendered) could not be made. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
For the part of the survey that asked where you felt particularly safe or unsafe, there were many common responses. In order from most common to the least common response are the answers. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
Why do you feel particularly safe in a building at night? • Lots of people around. • Well lit. • Familiar building • Many staff around. • Can be behind locked doors. • Lots of services open late (pubs, Walkhome etc...). • Very busy. • Always open. • Central location. • Available phones. • Things going on. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
Why do you feel particularly unsafe in a building at night? • Not well lit. • No people around. • Too many corners/stairwells etc... • Suspicious people have access. • Confusing buildings. • Building isolated. • People can see where you are in the building. • Underground. • Dark corridors. • Very physically open building. • Building not locked when it could be. • Have no staff on at night. • No phones around, close to you. • Unmonitored hallways. Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
The buildings that were felt to be the most safe determined by the number of identical responses are; • John Deutsch University Centre • Stauffer Library • The Phys-ed centre • Mackintosh Corry Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
The buildings that were felt to be the least safe again, according to the number of identical responses are; • Mackintosh Corry • Jeffery Hall • John Deutsch University Centre Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6
Further Information • Our survey responses also included 28 persons who self-identified as target groups under the Human Rights Act (visible minorities, gay, persons with disabilities etc.). We compared their responses to both the male and female non-self-identified responses. The main discrepancies were in terms of perceptions of safety. Self identified respondents felt less safe than men, but more safe than women on campus at night and when walking past lineups to campus bars. Self identified people also felt, along with women, that they were more at risk to become a victim of crime than men. Gay persons felt the most unsafe around the Phys ed centre, campus bars and bike racks, compared to men, women or visible minorities/persons with disabilities. Visible minorities/persons with disabilities also felt most unsafe in bathrooms, followed by women, gay persons and men. Because of the relatively small sample size of self-identified individuals, we are reluctant to read too much into the responses, but it appears that as a group, these individuals who self identified generally feel less safe on campus than men, but slightly more safe than women. Once adjusted by gender, the indication is that members of these groups feel more vulnerable than those who did not self-identify Bar Designation: Disagree-1 and 2/ Neutral - 3 and 4/ Agree - 5 and 6