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K-5 Math Alliance. Liz Brewer June 8-12, 2009. I can increase my knowledge of current research and complete an activity for :. Formative Assessment. Differentiated Instruction. Learning Target. Flexible Grouping. Formative Assessment. Students can hit any target they can see
K-5 Math Alliance Liz Brewer June 8-12, 2009
I can increase my knowledge of current research and complete an activity for : • Formative • Assessment • Differentiated • Instruction Learning Target • Flexible • Grouping
Students can hit any target they can see and which stands still for them. Rick Stiggins, Educator and Assessment Expert
Determining Where I Am Now? • Complete the Survey • Please circle your grade level @ the bottom • Mark your “priority” with an asterisk in the far right. • When you have finished, please bring them up front- face down. • Then- You will choose one to represent during our histogram activity
Research Formative Assessment enhances mathematics achievement, particularly in elementary schools when: -Teachers have additional guidance on using the assessment results to design and individualize instruction. -Teachers are trained in the development and use of formative assessment. -Children’s goals and beliefs about learning are related to their mathematical performance. National Math Panel Report, 2008
What in our lessons should we adjust so that all students can succeed? We look at our teaching methods, resources, accommodations and assessments. Wormeli, 2006
What is Differentiation? Create a metaphor, analogy, or visual symbolthat represents & clarifies differentiation. 21
Differentiating instruction means changing the pace, level, or kind of instruction you provide in response to individual learners’ needs, styles, or interests. 22
Carl G. Jung Sensing ST Mastery SF Interpersonal Feeling Thinking NT Understanding NF Self-Expressive Intuition
Research on Differentiation • The Panel recommends that professional organizations, schools districts , and state agencies provide tools that inform teacher about specific way of using formative assessment information to provide differentiated instruction. • The National Mathematics • Advisory Panel Final Report, 2008 p. 47 • According to Hall (2002), “differentiated instruction adopts the concept of “readiness.” This is the difficulty of skills taught should be slightly in advance of the child’s current level of mastery. • Hall (2002) 24
“Even though students may learn in many ways, the essential skills and content they learn can remain steady. That is, students can take different roads to the same destination.” Carol Tomlinson 25
According to students’ Learning Profile Interest Readiness Differentiation of Instruction Is a teacher’s response to learner’s needs Shaped by mindset & guided by general principals of differentiation within a quality curriculum Planning Strategies Continual Assessment Classroom Community Teachers can differentiate through Affect/Environment Process Product Content Through a variety of instructional strategies such as: RAFTS….Graphic Organizers…Scaffolding Reading….Cubing …..Think -Tac- Toe Learning Contracts….Tiering… Learning/Interest Centers…Independent Studies Intelligence Preferences… Complex Instruction… 4MAT…Web Quests & Web Inquiry etc. 27
“Assessment is today’s means of understanding how to modify tomorrow’s instruction.” Carol Tomlinson
Research on Flexible Groups • Tracking fails to provide satisfactory achievement for either average or advanced students. (Third International Mathematics and Science Study, 1998) • Strong negative effects were found of low-track classes (National Research Council synthesis in 1999)(Heubert & Hauser, 1999;Smidt, 1998) Note: There is exclusive research for GT students. Kentucky Regulations have specific guidelines for instructional grouping with this population..
Video clip-PD 360 • The Differentiated Classroom-Flexible Grouping from Differentiated Instruction Applied
Time to Reflect Complete the activity sheet Share with your table Chart common ideas & questions Be prepared to share out with group
Bibliography • Sousa, David A. (2008). How the Brain Learns Mathematics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. (ISBN 978-1-4129-5306-1) • Stiggins, Richard J. (1997). Student-Centered Classroom Assessment, Second Edition. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. • Tomlinson, Carol Ann (2001). How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability Classrooms, 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.(ISBN 0-87120-512-2) • Tomlinson, C. (1999). The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. • Van De Walle (2004) Elementary and Middle School MathematicsTeaching Developmentally, Fifth Edition, Massachusetts; Allyn and Bacon. • Wormeli, Rick (2006). Fair Isn’t Always Equal: Addressing & Gradingin the Differentiated Classroom. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. (ISBN 1-57110-424-0) • www.teach-nology.com
Contact Information • Liz Brewer 270-563-2113 ex.2040 Liz.Brewer@grrec.ky.gov