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WELCOME TO THE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Professor Flavio Menezes Head, School of Economics. PROGRAM. Session 1: Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students:. PROGRAM. Session 2: Undergraduate Students (Physiology Lecture Theatre, Building 63, Room 358) .
WELCOME TO THE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Professor Flavio Menezes Head, School of Economics
PROGRAM Session 1: Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students:
PROGRAM Session 2: Undergraduate Students (Physiology Lecture Theatre, Building 63, Room 358) Session 2: Postgraduate Students (Physiology Lecture Theatre, Building 63, Room 360)
UQ ECONOMICS: WHERE DO WE STAND? According to RePEc (Jan 2014), we are ranked 38th in the world http://ideas.repec.org/top/top.econdept.html Economics Academic staff were awarded $100 000 in the last Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery round. Our School has an ARC Laureate Fellow, and two ARC Future Fellows. Our ambition is to become the BEST School of Economics that Australia has ever had. We aim to offer an education in Economics that is world class
OUR APPROACH TO TEACHING We endeavor to: Offer a cutting-edge curriculum Provide intellectually stimulating lectures Attract talented students and lecturers Well rounded students who pursue careers in the private sector, government and not-for-profit sectors. Students who influence some of the main issues of our times: ageing population, climate change, and how to benefit from the resources boom. Your University experience should go beyond economics. The University has over 130 clubs and societies, sporting opportunities etc … Join up today. Brisbane is a vibrant, multi-cultural city with lots to offer – go explore!
HONOURS IN ECONOMICS UQ’s economics honours program has an international reputation for producing outstanding, highly motivated and skilled graduates that are well placed for entrance into top PhD programs, especially in the USA, and places at the RBA, Federal Treasury, Consulting companies, etc. Since 2009, nine UQ Economics Honours graduates have been offered PhD placements with North American universities on full scholarships: • Kim Nguyen in 2012- University of British Columbia • Archibald Scholar Ben Young in 2011 – Princeton University • Josh O’Donnell in 2011 – New York University • Steven Hamilton in 2009 – University of Michigan • Aubrey Clark in 2010 – Harvard University • Tom Gole in 2009 – Australian Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship to undertake graduate study at Harvard University • Other recent UQ Economics Honours graduates completing their PhD’s in the US include Amy Wagner at Northwestern University, Zheng Huagn at the University of California and Joseph Mullins at New York University
INFLUENCING THE PUBLIC DEBATE UQ Economics regularly invites top economists to discuss relevant economic policy issues. Examples include: • 10th Asia Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC) from 8 -11 July 2014 • Peter Bogetoft (Copenhagen Business School) • William Greene (New York University) • Dale Jorgenson (Harvard University) • Chiang Kao (National Cheng Kung University) • SubalKumbhakar (Binghamton University) • Victor Podinovski (Warwick University) • Peter Schmidt (Michigan State University) • Robin Sickles (Rice University) • Léopold Simar (UniversitéCatholique de Louvain) • Paul Wilson (Clemson University) • 23rd Colin Clark Memorial Lecture with Professor John Quiggin • Advanced Methods for Productivity and Efficiency Analysis • Time Series Modelling and Analysis • Presented by Professor Andrew Harvey (Cambridge)
FACTS Over 1200 Students Undergraduate approx: 70% Post-graduate approx. 30% Including over 350 international students from over 40 countries Majors in the Bachelor of Economics program: International Trade and Finance Business and Industry Quantitative Methods Natural Resources and Environment Economics and Public Policy
POSTGRADUATE ECONOMICS PhD and Research Masters Programs An economics PhD at UQ involves making an original contribution in the field of economics, which is suitable for publication as a book or as several articles in well-ranked economic journals. Postgraduate Coursework Programs: Master of Business Economics* Master of Development Economics* Master of Economics Master of Health Economics* Master of International Economics and Finance* Master of Economics and Public Policy* Grad Cert in Economics Graduate Diploma in Economics Graduate Diploma in Health Economics * Including Advanced
FIRST YEAR LECTURERS, SEM 1 ECON1010 Introductory Microeconomics ECON1020 Introductory Macroeconomics ECON1050 Tools of Economic Analysis ECON1310 Quantitative Economic and Business Analysis A Mr Carl Sherwood A/Prof Kam Ki Tang Dr Marco Faravelli A/Prof John Asafu Adjaye
MASTERS LECTURERS, SEM 1 ECON7010 Microeconomics for Business ECON7020 Macroeconomics for Business ECON7300 Statistics for Business & Economics Postgraduate Coursework Coordinator A/Prof Mohammad Alauddin Dr Bryan Morgan Dr Thanh Le A/Professor John Asafu Adjaye
FURTHER INFORMATION Level 6 Reception, Colin Clark Building (39) St Lucia Campus P: 07 3365 6570 F: 07 3365 7299 E: enquiries@economics.uq.edu.au W: www.uq.edu.au/economics www.facebook.com/uniofqldeconomics
WHO ARE WE & WHAT DO WE DO? Accommodation Support
WHO ARE WE & WHAT DO WE DO? Learning Support
WHO ARE WE & WHAT DO WE DO? Careers Support
WHO ARE WE & WHAT DO WE DO? Personal Counselling
WHO ARE WE & WHAT DO WE DO? Transition Support
WHO ARE WE & WHAT DO WE DO? Disability Support
WHO ARE WE & WHAT DO WE DO? Multi Faith Chaplaincy
WHERE ARE WE & WHEN CAN YOU ACCESS US? • Building 21D • (across from Boost Juice) • Advisors • Appointments
GET INVOLVED! New2UQQ new2uq@uq.edu.au
TO FIND OUT MORE… www.uq.edu.au/student-services
Marko Bogicevic, President www.uqes.com.au m.bogicevic@uqes.com.au Eloise Jolly e.jolly@uqes.com.au tiny.cc/uqes • The University of Queensland Economics Society (UQES) is a dynamic student organisation which aims to enrich the university life of its members by providing opportunities for professional development and social interaction in economics and related fields. The UQES achieves these goals through various events and initiatives designed to create value for both our members and sponsors. • What does the UQES do? • The UQES has three main focus areas: • Corporate networking (Careers and Cocktails 18th March etc.) • Social activities (First Year Dinner, Launch Parties, Econ Dinner etc.) • Publications (Corporate & Social – Becon guide, Careers guide etc.)
UQES will maximise your surplus at the FIRST YEAR DINNER DO YOU DEMAND: When: 6pm, Tuesday 18th of March (Week 3) Where: UQ Union Complex, Holt Room Tickets will cost $20 (ONLY $15 AFTER THIS EVENT) and be on sale around uni. Come along for your chance to win fantastic prizes from CPA, meet other students studying Economics, and have a chat to your lecturers, tutors, PASS Leaders and members of the 2014 UQES Executive. Email firstyear@uqes.com.au if you have any questions! Awesome prizes? Fantastic company? Delicious dinner? Trivia?
CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE UQ BUSINESS SCHOOL UQ SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS TC BEIRNE SCHOOL OF LAW The Careers and Recruitment Centre is a dedicated team which assists students from UQ Business School, the School of Economics, and TC Beirne School of Law to increase their employability, access opportunities and manage their careers. CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE P +61 3365 4222 E careers@bel.uq.edu.au careerservices.business.uq.edu.au
CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE What we do UQ BUSINESS SCHOOL UQ SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS TC BEIRNE SCHOOL OF LAW Individual consultations • Career option exploration • Application and resume review • Job search strategies • Links to available employment opportunities CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE P +61 3365 4222 E careers@bel.uq.edu.au careerservices.business.uq.edu.au
CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE Opportunities UQ BUSINESS SCHOOL UQ SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS TC BEIRNE SCHOOL OF LAW Internships • from 2nd year of study • Apply what you are learning to a professional work environment Graduate Placements • Full time ongoing or contract positions • Locally, Nationally, Internationally CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE P +61 3365 4222 E careers@bel.uq.edu.au careerservices.business.uq.edu.au
CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE Develop UQ BUSINESS SCHOOL UQ SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS TC BEIRNE SCHOOL OF LAW Community Engagement Program • Enables groups of students to work on a project for a not for profit or charity organisation • Starts mid semester 1 Career Mentoring Program • Links motivated students with industry professionals in their field of interest CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE P +61 3365 4222 E careers@bel.uq.edu.au careerservices.business.uq.edu.au
CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE Explore and Network UQ BUSINESS SCHOOL UQ SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS TC BEIRNE SCHOOL OF LAW Edge Student Leadership Series • 6 lectures by inspirational leaders who provide insight on their personal and career journeys. Workshops • Skills development and employability Networking opportunities • Events and functions connecting students with industry professionals and potential employers CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE P +61 3365 4222 E careers@bel.uq.edu.au careerservices.business.uq.edu.au
CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE Find out more UQ BUSINESS SCHOOL UQ SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS TC BEIRNE SCHOOL OF LAW • Please visit our website for any information regarding our services. www. careerservices.business.uq.edu.au • Subscribe to our newsletters via our website. • Like our facebook page to find out about available opportunities and upcoming events www.facebook.com/UQBEL.employmentservices CAREERS & RECRUITMENT CENTRE P +61 3365 4222 E careers@bel.uq.edu.au careerservices.business.uq.edu.au
INFORMATION • ONLINE: • First Year Students: www.bel.uq.edu.au/first-year-students • Current Students: www.bel.uq.edu.au/current-students • All Students: • Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.bel.uq.edu.au/faqs • my.UQ: https://my.uq.edu.au/ • myAdvisor (Enrolment matters, Financial matters, Rights & responsibilities, Forms): www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/ • Program planning toolkit: www.bel.uq.edu.au/program-plans • IN PERSON: • Faculty Collaborative Learning Centre (Level 1, Colin Clark Building) • General enquiries • Assignment submissions • Space for small group presentations and study meetings • After hours Computer Lab Access • Exchange information and consultations • Appointments with Faculty Academic Administrative Officers(Undergraduate - program planning, credit, cross-institutional study, graduation) • Schools • General enquiries
Key Dates • IMPORTANT DATES ONLINE: www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/ • DOMESTIC STUDENTS: • You should have enrolled on mySI-net by now; • INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: • You must enrol via mySI-net by 28 February; • ALL STUDENTS: • Add or substitute courses by end of week 2 without penalty; • Finalize enrolment by census date*: • Semester 1 = 31 March; Semester 2 = 31 August • NB: Some INTENSIVE courses may have a different enrolment due date, and census date. • Last day to drop courses without academic penalty (financial liability will remain): • Semester 1 = 30 April; Semester 2 = 30 September • *If you have not paid all of your fees by the semester census date your enrolment will be cancelled. • YOU are responsible for confirming YOUR program of study and ensuring that • YOU enrol in the correct courses by the due dates.
OPPORTUNITIES • INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES: www.bel.uq.edu.au/exchange • Start planning your exchange early – the application process takes 12 months; • CAREERS AND RECRUITMENT: http://careerservices.business.uq.edu.au/ • Short term internship placements with a range of organisations; • Volunteer placements in Australia and internationally; • Graduate roles with some of the world’s largest organisations; • Network with employers, industry professionals and alumni; • EVENTS AND PRESENTATIONS: • http://careerservices.business.uq.edu.au/event/edge-student-leadership-series-2014 • The Edge Student Leadership Series. Listen to, and connect with, inspirational leaders.
Involve me and I’ll understand KK Tang
Imagine this… • Let’s move fast forward to 3 or 4 years from now. • You have just graduated from UQ and you are looking for a job. • You have been shortlisted for an interview for an economist position. • I am the interviewer.
How much would you expect or want to earn annually? • Below $30,000 • $30,000-$35,000 • $35,000-$40,000 • $40,000-$45,000 • $45,000-$50,000 • $50,000-$55,000 • $55,000-$60,000 • etc.
Now ask one of you neighbors how much he/she expects/wants to earn. • Please raise your hand if you expect/want to earn more than your neighbor.
How much would you expect or want to earn? • What make you “worth” more than your peers? • What make you “worth” $$$? • Is it your knowledge? • Is it your ability to solve complex problems?
Imagine that… • Bitcoin is a digital currency. Doing a money transaction using Bitcoin costs much less than using a bank. • It is gaining popularity. • You are asked to write an report to analyse the potential impact of Bitcoin on the banking sector.
What do you know that your boss can’t get it directly from the Internet/Google/Wikipedia? • If your boss can get it directly from the Internet, why would he/she pay you $$$ to get the same answer?
What are Employers looking for when hiring staff? • Besides good economic knowledge & analytical skills: • Communication skills (verbal and writing) • Team work skills • Ability to adapt to new challenges
A Chinese proverb… • Tell me and I’ll forget. • Show me and I’ll remember. • Involve me and I’ll understand.
Peer Assisted Study Session PASS Johnny Black – ECON1010/ECON1020 PASS Coordinator
What is PASS? Summaries; practical questions and MCQ practices. Summary sheets of key content Great way to meet people PASS leaders are 2nd/3rd year students who have excelled in subjects recently • Can help you reach your desired grade (whether that’s a 4, 5, 6 or 7) • - Can help you with anything else regarding starting uni • How do you find a park at 9am? • When is the best time to go to the Red Room?
PASS Overall Under review in 2014; different subjects have different approaches • ECON1010 – Starts week 3 (come after tutes) • ECON1020 – Starts week 2 (come before tutes) • ECON1310 – Starts week 2 (you can decide whether to go to PASS or tutes first) • ECON1050 – Starts week 3 Email pass.econ@uq.edu.au if you have any questions; we’ll get back to you ASAP.
PASS Consult In Colin Clark (39) – Room 513 • Scary office; but not scary coordinators, so just knock • - ECON1010/1020 – 12pm – 2pm Mondays • - ECON1310/1320 – Tuesday afternoons (check Blackboard/ask your PASS leaders) • - ECON1050 – 9am – 11am Tuesday • - CML (ECON1310/ECON1320) – 9am – 11am Wednesdays