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PowerPoint for Reciprocal Teaching The SIOP Model Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners Assessment of Student Comprehension Taylor Sanders EDBE 3453. Purpose of SIOP Assessment. To guide teaching and re-teaching Inform decision making Lead to supportive feedback
PowerPoint for Reciprocal TeachingTheSIOP ModelMaking Content Comprehensible for English LearnersAssessment of Student ComprehensionTaylor SandersEDBE 3453
Purpose of SIOP Assessment • To guide teaching and re-teaching • Inform decision making • Lead to supportive feedback • Provide for fair and comprehensive judgments about student performance • To make sure each student is understanding and comprehending the information being taught
Content Objectives for Assessment • Select techniques for reviewing key content concepts • Incorporate a variety of assessment techniques into lessons • Describe the challenges in assessing the content learning of students with limited proficiency
Language Objectives for Review and Assessment • Write a lesson plan that includes review of key vocabulary • Teach a lesson with group response techniques • Orally provide feedback to ELL students that enhance language development • Use oral, written, and physical means to provide specific feedback to students on their performance
Assessment The gathering and synthesizing of information concerning a student’s learning that occurs throughout a lesson.
Examples of Assessment • Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down (Y/N, T/F, A/D) • Pencils Up/Pencils Down (older) • Number Wheels • Dry-erase boards • Tests/Quizzes • Ask the group as a whole • In the end, assess with students holding up 1,2, or 3 with fingers: • 1- Did not understand the lesson • 2-Did not understand the lesson, but made some progress • 3-Fully understood the lesson
What is the best way to assess English language learners? • Thumbs up/Thumbs Down • Number Wheels • Tests or Quizzes • Dry erase boards • There is not a “best” way to assess English language learners because each child is unique.
Why are group response assessments effective? • Teachers can quickly determine how many students understand and comprehend the information. • It is obvious if students are having problems with language and content concepts. Remember: • Teachers need to be able to determine whether the problem is with the content or the lack of English proficiency. • Most of the time, they know the information, but language proficiency issues keep them from demonstrating their knowledge.
References Echevarria, J (2007). Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.. Short, D.J. Center for Applied Linguistics. The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol: A Tool for Teacher-Researcher Collaboration and Professional Development. California State University (1999).
Conclusion In conclusion, teachers need to be familiar with a student’s proficiency levels before and after lessons in order to determine student growth. Assessments help guide teaching and re-teaching and provide teachers with ways of knowing whether their instructional methods are effective in the classroom.