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The evolution of technology. Introduction : .
Introduction: • Sincethestartof te times ,humansalwayswanted to createnewmachinesthatcouldhelpthem solve tasksorhelpthemwiththedailydaylife. Thehumanbeing as a bigdesire to envolve, andthatdesiredidnt come fromnowbutitcomedfromtheold times….
Past: As weknowthe light wasinventedby Thomas Edison IN 1979 butwe can see in thehieroglyphs a device similar to the light, itwas a light? Weneverknow … butwe can know a thing, thehumanswouldnever stop hishungerofdevelopingtechnologybecauselookingatthepastwesee a greatdevelopandweneed to thanktheancientcomunities for thereinnovativeideas.
Present: • In ourdailydaysociety, technologyisour leader, there are humansthatcant live withouttechnologythey are obesessedwithcomputeres, tabletsorotherinteractivedevices. Look intoyourlifeandseehowtechnologycalitis, you look aroundandyousee a PC orsimply a telefone. Lifewithouttechnologynowadayshavenowsense.
Future: • In thenear future, i can see a evolution in comparationwiththelifenow. You are going to look attheskyandseenotonlybirdsand planes flyinharoundbutyouwouldseecarsandeventrucks. Thelifewillchangehopefully for thebest.