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Unit 4 English Language 1

Unit 4 English Language 1. Vocabulary & Instructive Texts. Use of the Thesaurus. In a thesaurus you refer to familiar words, whose meanings are known, but you would like to use alternatives.

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Unit 4 English Language 1

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  1. Unit 4English Language 1 Vocabulary & Instructive Texts

  2. Use of the Thesaurus • In a thesaurus you refer to familiar words, whose meanings are known, but you would like to use alternatives. • For example, the word ask can be replaced with request, invite, demand, require, and inquire.

  3. Task 1 • Replace the italicized words with a more suitable word. • This instrument is not good for the job we have to do.   • Both Ali and Meng Wee are good workers. • These articles are of good quality. • Sarah is a nice person.   • That was not a nice thing to say • Suzanne had cooked a nice meal. • Get the parcel from the post office, please.   • What do you expect to get by being lazy?

  4. Task 1 • _suitable__ • __skilled_ • _superior_ • caring, nice, warm, friendly etc • _polite____ • _delicious, tasty • _collect__ • _achieve_

  5. Choice of Words • The choice of words is very important when we communicate with people. • TASK 2 • Read the signs in your text that were found in various places in a foreign country.

  6. TASK 2 • The lift is being fixed for the next day.During that time weregret that you will unbearable. • We take your bagsand send themin all directions • Ladies mayhave a fit upstairs. • You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid.

  7. Word Power • English has one of the largest vocabularies of words compared to other languages. • It is important to widen our vocabulary so that we can use a variety of words when describing something. • Good. GREAT. EXCELLENT. LOVELY. • FANTASTIC.GORGEOUS. • MARVELLOUS. WONDERFUL!

  8. Task 3 In your small groups, brainstorm different words that have the same meaning as these:

  9. Task 3 • Brave- courageous, bold, daring, fearless, heroic, gallant, valiant etc • Bad - poor, lacking in quality, evil, naughty, rude, wrong, rotten, not well, immoral, corrupt, sick, etc • Clever- intelligent, talented, skilful, smart, ingenious, bright, wise, resourceful, shrewd, etc… • Think- reason, ponder, consider, meditate, reflect, fancy, imagine, believe, etc… • Nervous- nervy, fearful, apprehensive, uneasy, tense, jumpy, jittery, frightened, etc… • Angry – raging, furious, annoyed, irritated etc… • Sure – Certain, convinced, positive, confident, etc…

  10. Task 4 • Put each of the given words into the correct category. The categories are happy, sad or peaceful.

  11. HAPPY, SAD or PEACEFUL glad relaxed upset lonely excited cheerful sorrowful tranquil joyful gloomy still melancholy unruffled bright quiet calm delighted unhappy spiritless inspired mild pleased settled merry restful troubled elated discouraged blissful composed ecstatic content satisfied dreary jolly miserable disheartened pensive jubilant untroubled solemn gentle

  12. Task 4 (Answers)

  13. Wrong Use of Words • Common errors in Singaporean English: • Can I lend this book from you? • On your way home, kindly wash this roll of film. • Have you seen the movie, already? • The word ‘dog’ has 3 alphabets. • It’s 11pm. Can you fetch me home? • I need to get my passport chopped.

  14. Confusable Words Identify the subtle differences in the meanings of some closely related words which are easily confused:

  15. Confusable Words

  16. INSTRUCTIVE TEXTS • An instructive text is a text that instructs or tells you how to do something.A recipe wants to instruct you how to cook something. • A care-instructions tag on a shirt advises you how to clean and maintain it.

  17. Features of instructive texts: • Written as though the reader is being spoken to - (but no ‘you’) • Use precise verbs / verb phrases eg discard plastic wrap, do not machine wash • Language is direct, no unnecessary words • often use 'must', 'must not', ‘do not’ • sometimes use diagrams or pictures

  18. Identify the instructive verbs / verb phrases used: • Use only miniSD cards approved by XXXX for use with this device. • Do not use to contain hot water. • Please keep the floors dry. • Refrigerate once open.)

  19. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. • Always switch the device off, and disconnect the charger before removing the battery. • You must not hand/pass ANYTHING to anyone else during the exam. • You are not allowed to leave/enter the room 60minutes after the test has begun. • Cameras/video equipment are not allowed into the concert venue.

  20. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. • Students must wear their lanyards at all times on campus. • Replace/change batteries. • Connect/disconnect/cut the cables. • Open/shut the door. • Turn on the switch. • Slot in the card.

  21. Web-Activity Time Now that you know what an instructive text is, have some fun at this web-site. You will have to identify an instructive text from among other text types: • http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/reading/typesoftext/game.shtml

  22. More Practice – fill in the blanks with a suitable word A) Warm Up – HOW TO BE FUN TO BE AROUND • You don't have to be a superstar to be fun. You don't even have to do cartwheels. You do need to be positive and friendly, however, so that people feel good when they're around you. From the very first conversation you have with someone, you should use body language to convey that you are affable, non-threatening, and approachable. Smile frequently, laugh often, and make eye contact. In your words, be confident, but don't be cocky, condescending, or mean-spirited.

  23. B) Challenge yourself – HOW TO MANAGE YOUR MONEY • Don't buy things you do not need. • Figure/work out what you need to save for • Set savings goals. • Figure/work out how much you’ll have to save per wk, • Add together all installments you have committed yourself to • Deposit savings into an account as soon as you get paid. • Keep a record of your expenses. • Trim your expenses. • Make and stick to your budget. • Open an interest-bearing savings account. • Don't use your credit cards. • Kill/cut/reduce your debt.

  24. Put it into practice.Write it! Write an instructive piece with at least 10 steps. Some topics for your consideration: • How to make a tasty sandwich? • How to impress a date? • How to be a good friend? • How to stay healthy? • How to cross the road safely? • How to buy a mobile phone? • How to study for a test? • How to use a MP3? • How to be a good housemate / room-mate? • How to save water?

  25. ICA 4. • Report on progress of ICA 4. • Report to be submitted in Week 12. • Presentation to be done in Week 14.

  26. ASSIGNMENT 4 (80marks), (max 3/grp)INVENTION & ORAL PRESENTATION Part 1 – Invention (30m) • Invent/create something. Make it as incredible, fantastic, bizarre and imaginative as you can!! It does not have to be possible, plausible or probable. It can be whimsical, far-fetched and unbelievable. • It can be a Gadget /Appliance /Equipment / Vehicle / Something to wear or apply / Service / Software / Programme / or anything you can think of. • Make a model [mock up] OR illustration [PowerPoint or poster min size: A4, max size: A3] of your invention.

  27. ASSIGNMENT 4 (80marks), (max 3/grp)INVENTION & ORAL PRESENTATION Part 1 – Invention (30m) • Submit a page-long description of your invention to your tutor in week 12. Describe how your invention works along with its uses and benefits. Ensure that you include all the features of a descriptive text in your submission. [Font: Arial size 12 with double-spacing] • You will be graded according to: • Creativity of your invention (10m) • Quality of your model/illustration (10m) • Your descriptive report of the invention (10m).

  28. ASSIGNMENT 4 (80marks), (max 3/grp)INVENTION & ORAL PRESENTATION Part 2 - Oral Presentation 5mins (50m) • Imagine that your classmates are potential buyers of your invention. You are to try your best to “sell” your invention using persuasive language. Present/display or demonstrate (if possible) your invention using excellent adjectives to convince the audience of its wonders. You are to be dressed professionally. Each team member presents one of the following segments: • appearance & features [use of nouns & adjectives/vocabulary - descriptive] • purpose & functions ie how it works [use of adverbs & verbs - instructive] • potential benefits to your buyers [use of persuasive language]

  29. ASSIGNMENT 4 (80marks), (max 3/grp)INVENTION & ORAL PRESENTATION Part 2 - Oral Presentation 5mins (50m) You are graded on: • your narration of the segment of the invention – use of language, organization of speech (15m - individual) • delivery of speech (20m - individual) • verbal: clarity/confidence/tone of voice, pronunciation, pace, volume, pitch • non-verbal: eye-contact, gestures, movement, posture • Appearance: grooming & appropriateness of attire (5m - individual) • Teamwork (10m): cooperation, flow, cohesion & harmony of presentation

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