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UNIT 4 English II. CRS Standards covered: English. TOD.301- Identify the basic role of a sentence English.COP .-Provide appropriate punctuation in straightforward situations. The Big Picture. The next interim is March 28, 2011!
UNIT 4English II CRS Standards covered: English. TOD.301- Identify the basic role of a sentence English.COP.-Provide appropriate punctuation in straightforward situations
The Big Picture • The next interim is March 28, 2011! • That’s 13 school days away-which means we only have 6 A days to get ready! • Learning these 2 skills will help you improve your score on the next interim
Goal: English.COP.-Provide appropriate punctuation in straightforward situations • ALL: will be able to recognize and write the following punctuation symbols . ! ? , : ; - () • Most: will know the purpose of each punctuation mark (i.e. when to use/not use the tool) • Some: will be able to incorporate the marks individually into their own writing • A Few: will be able to properly incorporate multiple marks at time into their own writing
Phonetic Punctuation • Please enjoy the clip! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF4qii8S3gw&feature=related
Life without Punctuation • Ifwedidntehavepunctuationinlifetheneverythingwouldjustruntogetherlikethisitwouldbehardforpeopletoknowwhatwasmeantcanyouputthepunctuationintothisblurb
Life without Punctuation • If we did not have punctuation in life, then everything would just run together like this. It would be hard for people to know what was meant. Can you put the punctuation into this blurb?
Punctuation=Road signs • Just like drivers need road signs to guide them, writers need punctuation to guide them too!
Ending Punctuation • There are 3 punctuation marks to let someone know that a complete thought has come to an end: • . Period= is used when a declarative statement has been made • ! Exclamation point=is used for emphasis, usually to show surprise or some strong emotion • ? Question mark=is used at the end of a direct question
Punctuation for sentences • COMMA , • COLON : • SEMI-COLON ; • DASH – • PARENTHESES ( )
COMMA , • REMEMBER THE 5 COMMA RULES? • Comma #1—commas between items in a list • Comma #2—comma & conjunction to join 2 sentences • Comma #3—comma after intro clauses • Comma #4—commas to set-off interrupting phrases or unnecessary information • Comma #5—commas between adjectives if you can put the word ‘and’ or ‘or’ between them
Colons : • Can you think of instances where you have seen this symbol?
Colons • You probably have seen colons used in these places: • Subtitles of books, articles, chapters, etc The title of the book is Michael Jordan: Basketball Superman Expressions of time School is over at 2:35 p.m. Literary references John 3:16 Ratios The bill passed 3:1 Dialouge in a play or script Gatsby: I love her Nick: Dude she’s married!
Colons • Colons signal that something is coming up and you need to pay attention.
Colons • When writing you can use a colon to say “here comes an example” or “here’s what I am talking about” Ex: There’s one thing that I love more than anything else in the world: my sophomore students. There’s only one sport for me: soccer.
Colons • When writing a list with the following phrases: these are, there are, the following, such as, or these things, a colon is needed. Ex: These are the ingredients: flour, milk, eggs, and butter. I want to travel to the following cities: New York, DC, Boston, and Atlanta.
Colons • Do NOT capitalize the first word after a colon if it is NOT a sentence Ex: WRONG • These are the ingredients: Apples, sugar, onions, and olives. • Ex: RIGHT • I’m sure you know the old saying about apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Ready to Practice? • As a class we will place colons into the following sentences when appropriate. Remember to use your notes as a guide.
“We Do” Colons • Mary disliked visiting Gordon's father she disapproved of his habits and his brutish behavior. • 2. Mary disliked her father-in-law he smoked, he bragged, he belched, and he scratched his belly. 3. A management student should study the following courses Human Resource Management, Finance, Accounting, and Organizational Behavior
“We Do” Colons Answers • Mary disliked visiting Gordon's father: she disapproved of his habits and his brutish behavior. • 2. Mary disliked her father-in-law: he smoked, he bragged, he belched, and he scratched his belly. 3. A management student should study the following courses:human Resource Management, Finance, Accounting, and Organizational Behavior