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Unit 1 : English Language

Unit 1 : English Language. Section A : 15 mins reading 1 hr to answer questions Section B: 25 mins – shorter writing task 35 mins – Longer writing Task. Section A: Foundation Tier 1 mark = 1 ½ minutes. 1a. Information Retrieval (4) 1b. Inference (Reading below the surface) (4)

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Unit 1 : English Language

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  1. Unit 1 : English Language Section A : 15 mins reading 1 hr to answer questions Section B: 25 mins – shorter writing task 35 mins – Longer writing Task

  2. Section A: Foundation Tier1 mark = 1 ½ minutes 1a. Information Retrieval (4) 1b. Inference (Reading below the surface) (4) 2. Inference (8) 3. Language Analysis (12) 4. Compare presentational devices (12)

  3. Unit 1. Section A 15 minutes reading: 5 minutes per text For Source 1 read for a WHAT question so SUMMARISE – DO NOT underline language devices For Source 2 read for a WHAT question so SUMMARISE - DO NOT underline language devices For Source 3 - HOW question - underline language devices as you read– at least 6.

  4. Question 1a Retrieval 4 marks 6 minutes Source 1 List of 4 quotations or details

  5. Question 1b Inference 4 Marks 6 minutes Source 1 EPE: When the writer says “….” this shows the reader that… because… 2/3 EPEs needed USE YOUR OWN WORDS to explain the quotation

  6. Question 2 Retrieval and Inference 8 Marks 12 minutes Source 2 EPE: When the writer says “….” this shows the reader that… because… 4/5 EPEs needed USE YOUR OWN WORDS to explain the quotation

  7. Example question: 2. What insights are you given into the fashion Industry in source 2? (8) Use EPE x4 Evidence Point Explanation = Do not use words from the article. Use your own words.

  8. Question 3 Language 12 marks 18 minutes Source 3 Note = if there are 2 purposes: e.g. inform and persuade EPE: When the writer says “….” this makes the reader feel that… because… REMEMBER TO name the language device e.g. metaphor; explain what it does [B2] e.g. puts an image in the reader’s mind; refer back to the text and the writer’s purpose [B3] e.g. so that we understand how language supports purpose EPEE 4/5 times [Try to explore more than one feature of language) Evaluate at the end

  9. Example: 3. How does the writer use language to inform and persuade? (12) Use EPEE X 4 OR 5 (In the explanation comment on 2 language features) Evidence Point Explanation – Name and explain effect of 2 devices Evaluation

  10. Question 4 Presentation 18 minutes; 12 Marks;2 texts; 3 TEPEDEPEEs T:BOTH writers use…. [e.g. images] to persuade/inform us. E: In source 1 the writer uses… P:this makes the reader think/feel… E:because [CONTENT, SHAPE, COLOUR, POSITION, SIZE] – name it, explain [B2] take it back to the text and the writer’s purpose [B3]. D: Similarly/however E: In source 2 the writer uses… P: this makes the reader think/feel… E: because [CONTENT, SHAPE, COLOUR, POSITION, SIZE] – name it, explain [B2] take it back to the text and the writer’s purpose [B3]. E: In my opinion BOTH writers are successful in…

  11. Example: 4. Compare the use of presentational devices in source 3 and one other source of your choice. (12) Use TEPEDEPEE Topic sentence EPE Text 1 Discourse marker to compare – similarly, however EPE Text 2 Evaluate both – why are their similarities or difference? Link to purpose

  12. Section B(Same for both tiers) Q5. 25 mins – shorter writing task (Explain/Describe/Inform) Q6. 35 mins – Longer writing Task(Argue or Persuade) ALWAYS COMPLETE THE LONGER WRITING TASK BEFORE THE SHORTER WRITING TASK.

  13. Longer Writing Task 35mins 5 paragraph minimum requiredon Persuade OR Argue. There will be one question only – there is no choice. Time allocation: 5 mins – plan 5 mins to write each paragraph (5x5 = 25mins) 5 mins – to check through writing This question will be either persuade or argue: YOU MUST KNOW BOTH WRITING TO ARGUE AND PERSUADE STRUCTURES. The structure for Persuade- SEE TEMPLATE. You should aim for 5 paragraphs. This structure simply shows you how to order points and suggests language devices. For the Argue Structure - SEE TEMPLATE .You should aim for 5 paragraphs. This structure explains how ideas should be organized. It is a quick way to plan and write within 35mins.

  14. Shorter Writing Task 25mins Be aware that that there will be 2 purposes. They will come from the Describe/inform/explain triplet but may not always be the case. One may not be named but will still be there. You must address both purposes. Example - Descibea holiday and encourage a friend to come with you = Two purposes : describe and persuade. 4 paragraph minimum. If time allows could aim for 5 – or this could be a 1 or 2 sentence paragraph to conclude. Time allocation: 4 mins - plan 4 mins to write each paragraph (4x4 = 16mins) 3 mins – to check through writing

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