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Being Safe. Smithy Street at Victoria Park. First Aid. You will be given a map of the park C lass teachers will have a basic first aid kit.(plasters and wipes) Please bring your own wipes and plasters if you can.
Being Safe Smithy Street at Victoria Park
First Aid You will be given a map of the park • Class teachers will have a basic first aid kit.(plasters and wipes) • Please bring your own wipes and plasters if you can. • If needed, go to the V&A playground or Pools Playground- there will be a first aider there. If your child can’t walk there, please approach a member of staff, who will assist you, and will ensure a first aider will make their way over to you instead. • Please call 999 for any serious injuries • Be aware of animal waste such as dog poo
Sunshine/ Rain If it is very sunny: • Make sure you and your children are wearing light clothing which is long sleeved to protect your skin • Make sure you and your children wear sun cream on exposed skin • Bring hats • Bring plenty of water If it is rainy: • Bring umbrellas and rain proof coats • You can decide if the weather is too wet for you and your family to stay in the park
Traffic • Watch out for traffic when you are walking to the park. • Follow the instructions given by staff when walking to the park and crossing roads. • Look out for moving “park vehicles” inside the park. • Stop still and move out of the way if a “park vehicle” is moving towards you
Strangers/ children getting lost • Make sure your children stay with you at all times. • Talk to your children about what to do if they get lost- they should find a member of staff. • If you lose your child, please approach a member of staff, so they can phone Edith or Annika. Edith and Annika will have the phone numbers of all staff members and will arrange a meeting point once your child has been located. • Always supervise your children when they go to the toilets. They may be used by other people. • If other schools are using the park – be respectful to their children. Ask your children to play with other children from Smithy Street School only.
Toilets There are three toilets: Pavilion café In the V&A Playground In the Pools Playground
Open Gates There are lots of open gates in the park. Many of them lead on to busy roads. Please tell your children to never leave the park alone.
Dogs Don’t chase dogs that get your ball. Don’t run away from dogs that come up to see you. Stand still. Stay calm. The owner will come and take them away.
Trees Please don’t climb trees, as this would be a high risk. You may damage branches.
Playground and general safety • Please tell your children to look after themselves and each other and to stay safe on all play equipment • No over crowding, pushing and running in front of swings and moving objects such as Frisbees • Ensure children only stay on equipment that suits their age. • The long slide in the pool playground is only suited to children aged 7 and over. Do not let your children add sand to the slide to speed it up.
Water Water can be dangerous if you can’t swim. Water can be dangerous if it’s dirty. Please tell your children not togo near water without your permission. A lot of the ponds have no railings. Ensure your children wear a life vest on the boats, and make sure that they don’t stand up. The water is 5 feet deep, so if you do fall in, you should be able to stand up safely. The paddling pool may be very slippery, ask your children to not run
Things to wear and bring Wear comfortable shoes for walking. Bring extra clothes if you think your children may get wet in the paddling pool. Maybe a towel too! Bring a raincoat if it looks like the weather forecast is bad. Bring a picnic rug ( and a picnic!) to sit on. Bring plasters, wipes, hats, sunscreen Bring plenty of water Bring games to play, e.g. balls, badminton rackets Don’t allow your children to bring electronic games such as DS game consoles, I-pods etc.