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Define your WIFI needs:. ?Types of connections?Speed of connection??Acceptable uses??Cost and redundancy . Site Survey: . What types of interference are you going to contend with?What distances do you need to broadcast?What types of data are you going to support over WIFI (data/voice) Network a
1. Setting up and securing a campus-wide WIFI network Lessons Learned
@ Georgia Cumberland Academy
Ernest Staats erstaats@gcasda.org
MCSE, CNA, CWNA, CCNA, Security+, I-Net+, Network+, Server+, A+ and all around Nerd
URL http://www.gcasda.org/tech/index.asp?id=118
2. Define your WIFI needs: Types of connections
Speed of connection
Acceptable uses
Cost and redundancy
3. Site Survey: What types of interference are you going to contend with
What distances do you need to broadcast
What types of data are you going to support over WIFI (data/voice) Network access
Setup worst-case scenario for testing
Know what your signal to Noise ratio
You should be expect an interview before any testing is done (how many users, roaming, location of wiring closets)
4. Site Survey: Report Describe survey’s basis, approach and results.
Define all requirements, and assumptions
Describe RF interference found
Identify recommended installations locations and channels for Access Points
Give a map with listing of RF strength, and list any dead spots
5. Self-Installation: Do you have the skills/ time for self-installation
Software for testing
Equipment for testing—use the same equipment you plan to deploy
6. Consultant Installation: How and what are they using for a site survey
The Ping of Death True load testing S/N
Ask for guarantee of results and be a part of the testing process
7. Vendors : So many choices—which one is right for you?
Standardize on ONE vendor for a given application
The type of network may determine what vendor you choose
8. Vendor Relations Establishing Constructive Relationships
Types of Hardware Support
Two-way Problem Resolution
9. Establishing Constructive Relationships Avoid the bleeding edge
Price should not be the only factor
Evaluate sales contact from vendor
Specify who has what responsibility in the contract
Never buy under pressure (FUD)
Write down details of meetings and distribute to all participants
10. Securing the network: First, secure your wired network
Then secure your wireless network
Security methods for WIFI
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
WEP (easier to crack) (Change your Keys)
Airsnort, Airfart, AirCrack, and others
11. A Case study—GCA: GCA has two separate WIFI networks one is secured and one is open.
Providing wireless ISP services for another school (secured)
Giving access to all staff on campus homes (secured)
The campus WIFI network for student access (not secure)
What went wrong
What was done to solve the issues
12. Campus Map External WIFI
13. Campus Map Internal WIFI
14. Hardware: Used @ GCA Amplifier (now removed from system)
Bridges 3COM work
Access Points
Client cards
15. Photos Outside WIFI network
16. Outside WIFI network cont.
17. Inside WIFI
18. Security: used @ GCA Building to building Networks
Used non WIFI Compatible settings
MAC Address Filtering
Campus in the buildings
Separate from main school network
Open system
Radius ?
19. Tips Use at least four devices to test the AP at the same time
Use same equipment in test as will be used in real life
Understand what will cause issues Metal heat ducts, placement of AP, 2.4 gig Phones, etc.
Understand co-channel interference
20. Resources: Software Air Magnet http://www.airmagnet.com/products/demo-download.php
Net Stumbler –Free http://www.netstumbler.com/downloads/
Mini Stumbler –Free http://www.netstumbler.com/downloads/
Aircrack-2.1 802.11 sniffer and WEP key cracker for Windows and Linux. -Free http://www.cr0.net:8040/code/network/
21. Resources: Links CWNP Learning Center has over 1000 free white papers, case studies: http://www.cwnp.com/learning_center/index.html
free electronic site survey forms (excellent): http://www.cwnp.com/mlist/subscribe.php
GUIDE TO MASTERING NEGOTIATIONS: http://common.ziffdavisinternet.com/download/0/2537/whiteboardtoview.pdf
List of Equipment used at GCA: http://www.gcasda.org/uploadedFiles/tech/gcaeq.pdf
22. Stay away from vendors who use FUD How FUD is used: The following is a compilation of FUD 101 v1.0 by Eric Lee Green and The Newbie's Guide to Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt by Brian Martin. There are twelve ways in which FUD is used and they are listed in 5 different categories. Urgency get our products today!
1) Buy our product now to avoid increased cost tomorrow!
2) Buy our product now because they will have the features you want in an upcoming update. Who endorses this product:
3) No one has endorsed the product.
4) Those who endorse the product are known frauds or charlatans. Technical:
5) Use large or trendy words instead of easily understood technical terms.
6) Hyping currently in use technologies and then claiming that they are such an amazing product or service because they use the common technology. Harm:
7) Only our Products or services can protect you!
8) Your company will lose future contracts without our products since they are becoming the new industry standard.
9) You need our products to save time and money today. Spin Doctoring:
10) ``Spin'' your opponent's strengths as a weaknesses, or Hype your opponent's weaknesses
11) Lie or make up weakness in opponent or for a given network.
12) Associate other vendors or an individual’s current configuration with undesirable elements.