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Kohrville Elementary

Help your child thrive in third grade by understanding their responsibilities, reading habits, and communication tools. Learn about homework, attendance, and more!

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Kohrville Elementary

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  1. Kohrville Elementary Third Grade Parent Night

  2. Responsibilities • Third graders have more responsibilities. They are responsible for their work and making sure it is completed and turned into their teacher. • They are responsible for being ready to learn every day. • Their teachers will help them learn how to take care of their school business.

  3. Organization • They will have to organize their time to complete longer and more difficult assignments. • Text books are not consumable. They will learn how to organize their work on notebook paper. • They will learn how to manage the paper flow of more assignments.

  4. Reading • In Kindergarten through second grades the students are learning to read. Now they will read to learn. • The reading curriculum will emphasize fluency, vocabulary development, comprehension, and story element analysis.

  5. Home Activities Chores Homework Watching TV Listen to Music Hobbies Reading a Book Reading Periodicals Family Dinner negative positive .07 .19 .17 .13 .05 .29 .07 .14 Correlation between out-of-school activities and gains in reading comprehension

  6. The majority of students don’t read very much, a fact conceded by most teachers and unknown to most parents. Even worse, they don’t read much when they grow up. Two comprehensive investigations of how 155 capable fifth- grade students spend their after-school time showed that… 90 percent of those students devoted only 1 percent of their free time to reading, and 30 percent to watching television. 50 percent read for an average of four minutes or less a day 30 percent read two minutes a day 10 percent read nothing at all (A Place Called School, John Goodlad’s) How Much Do Students Read?

  7. Reading Time Per Day Words Per Year • 90th 37.8 minutes / 2.3 million words per year • 70th 19.5 minutes / 1.1 million words • 50th 11.1 minutes / 0.6 million words • 30th 5.3 minutes / 0.25 million words • 10th 1.1 minutes / 0.05 million words Reading Rank

  8. Problem Solving • Problem solving strategies will be emphasized in all subject areas. • Students will interpret information presented in many different forms.

  9. Parent-teacher communication Communicating with your child’s teacher is important for their success. Email is the quickest way to contact us.

  10. All teachers in the Klein School district have e-mail addresses. We will check our mail at least once a day and get back to you as quickly as possible. Kristi DeShazo kdeshazo@kleinisd.net Susan Jones sjones7@kleinisd.net E-mail us!

  11. Give us a call • Teachers have direct lines. • You can leave a voice message any time during the day. We will check our messages at least once a day. • Emergency messages should be left through the office. • Kristi DeShazo 832-484-7256 • Susan Jones 832-484-7280

  12. The daily agenda is a quick and easy way for teachers and parents to send brief messages. Homework assignments will be recorded every night in this organizational tool. Student Agendas

  13. Tuesday folders will be sent home every Tuesday with your child’s graded papers. If you do not get it ask where it is. Look for teacher’s comments and concerns. Parents can use this as a way to send notes to your child’s teachers. Ask for conferences in the comments column. Tuesday Folders

  14. Kristi DeShazo and Susan Jones Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday 10:45-11:30 Or after school Schedule a Parent Conference

  15. Parent Involvement • Check your child’s homework and help them when they have problems with an assignment. • Join our school’s PFO • Keep up with decisions made by the Klein School Board. Try to attend at least one school board meeting a year.

  16. Homework • Nightly homework assignments will be recorded by each student in their personal agenda. • It is the students responsibility to complete all homework assignments and make sure they are turned into his/her teacher. • Homework assignments are designed to practice the skills the students are learning at school.

  17. Attendance • Attendance is an important factor in your child’s education. Please make every effort to have him/her in school. • In case of illness or emergency, you will need to notify the school via a parent note or doctor’s note to verify the absence. This can also be done by e-mail or the phone.

  18. GradeSpeed • Klein ISD has a new tool for Parent –Teacher communications. The GradeSpeed program will give parents access to their child’s grades at all times. • You will be receiving a letter outlining the features and access to this sight. • We are very excited about this new tool for communication with you.

  19. Web sites for parents • http://www.tea.state.tx.us/ • http://www.kleinisd.net

  20. Grading Guidelines Reading • A minimum of 3 major grades will account for 50% of the nine weeks grade. • A minimum of 8 minor grades will account for 50% of the nine weeks grade.

  21. Language/Composition A minimum of 3 major grades will be averaged for 50% of the nine weeks grade. A minimum of 5 minor grades will be averaged for 50% of the nine weeks grade. Grading

  22. Math averages will be calculated from at least 4 major grades and at least 9 minor grades. Major and Minor grades will each account for 50% of the nine week average. Math Grades

  23. A minimum of 3 major grades and 6 minor grades will be taken during a nine weeks period for both Social Studies and Science Major and minor grades will be valued at 50% each in the nine weeks average. Social Studies and Science

  24. Major and Minor grades • Major grades are unit exams, district benchmark tests, investigative activities, book reports, projects, and presentations. • Minor grades are made up of class participation, class work, daily quizzes, and short investigative activities.

  25. When you visit please come in through the front doors and sign in the office We would love to have you join your child for lunch. Warning dress warmly! Lunch schedule Mrs. Jones 12:24-12:54 Mrs. DeShazo 12:27-12:57 Please come and visit our school!

  26. Thank you for sharing your children with us. We are looking forward to a great year at Kohrville.

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