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Expansion Factors

Expansion Factors. Area expansion factors EXPXXX (where XXX = ALL, CUR, VOL, GROW, MORT, REMV or CHNG) Condition proportions and adjusted condition proportions CONDPROP, CONDPROP_XXX, SUBPPROP_XXX, MICRPROP_XXX, and MACRPROP_XXX Tree expansion factors TPA and TPAXXX. where r hik =.

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Expansion Factors

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  1. Expansion Factors • Area expansion factors • EXPXXX (where XXX = ALL, CUR, VOL, GROW, MORT, REMV or CHNG) • Condition proportions and adjusted condition proportions • CONDPROP, CONDPROP_XXX, SUBPPROP_XXX, MICRPROP_XXX, and MACRPROP_XXX • Tree expansion factors • TPA and TPAXXX

  2. where rhik =

  3. Expansion factor EXPXXX

  4. Condition proportion CONDPROP

  5. Condition adjustment factor or Stratum adjustment factor

  6. Adjusted condition proportion CONDPROP_XXX

  7. Indicator WHERE …..

  8. nh = 6 EXPALL = A/nh = A/6CONDPROP_ALL = CONDPROP(24/23) nh = 6 EXPCURR = A/nh = A/6CONDPROP_CURR = CONDPROP(24/23) Out of pop. Hazardous

  9. nh = 6 EXPALL = A/nh = A/6CONDPROP_ALL = CONDPROP(24/23) nh = 6 EXPCURR = A/nh = A/6CONDPROP_CURR = CONDPROP(24/22) Out of pop. Hazardous

  10. nh = 6 EXPALL = A/nh = A/6CONDPROP_ALL = CONDPROP(24/23) nh = 5 EXPCURR = A/nh = A/5CONDPROP_CURR = CONDPROP(20/18) Out of pop. Hazardous

  11. Computation of estimated forest area using EXPCURR and CONDPROP_CURR select P.STATECD, P.CYCLE, SUM(EXPCURR*CONDPROP_CURR) from nims.nims_plot P, NIMS.nims_COND C WHERE P.CN = C.PLT_CN AND C.LANDCLCD = 1 GROUP BY P.STATECD, P.CYCLE

  12. Computation of estimated forest area without using EXPCURR or CONDPROP_CURR select evalid_wh.evalid, sum(pbar_h*w_h) Pbar_d,sum(total_area*pbar_h*w_h) Ahat_d,SUM(N_H) N from (select evalid,h,avg(P_hid_adjusted) pbar_h, n_h from (select psa.evalid, sum(nvl(cond.condprop,0)) P_hid_unadjusted,1.0/pm.pbar_mh stratum_adjustment_factor, nvl(sum(cond.condprop)/pm.pbar_mh,0) P_hid_adjusted, psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd h,n_h,plot.cn from nims.nims_cond cond,nims.nims_PLOT PLOT,nims.nims_plot_pop_stratum_assgn psa , (select evalid,h,avg(p_hid) pbar_mh,SUM(PLT) N_H from (select psa.evalid,sum((cond.condprop)) P_hid,psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd h,plot.cn,1 PLT from nims.nims_cond cond,nims.nims_PLOT PLOT,nims.nims_plot_pop_stratum_assgn psa where plot.cn = cond.plt_cn and cond.landclcd <= 4 and psa.plt_cn = plot.cn and psa.rscd*1000000+psa.evalid = plot.rscd_evalid_expcurr group by psa.evalid,plot.cn,psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd) where p_hid > 0 group by evalid,h) pm where plot.cn = cond.plt_cn (+) and 1 = cond.landclcd (+) and pm.evalid = psa.evalid and pm.h = psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd and (select sum(cond2.condprop) from nims.nims_cond cond2 where cond2.plt_cn = plot.cn and cond2.landclcd <= 4) > 0.000 and psa.plt_cn = plot.cn and psa.rscd*1000000+psa.evalid = plot.rscd_evalid_expcurr group by psa.evalid,plot.cn,psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd,n_h,pm.pbar_mh) group by evalid,h,n_h) evalid_pbar_h, (select eu.evalid, p1pointcnt/eu_total_points*eu.area_used/total_area w_h,eu.estunit*100+eu.stratumcd h,total_area from (select evalid,estunit,sum(p1pointcnt) eu_total_points from nims.nims_estn_unit_stratum group by evalid,estunit) eu_sum, nims.nims_estn_unit_stratum eu, (select eus.evalid,sum(eus.area_used) total_area from(select evalid,estunit,area_used from nims.nims_estn_unit_stratum group by evalid,estunit,area_used ) eus group by eus.evalid) evalid_sum where eu.evalid = eu_sum.evalid and eu.estunit = eu_sum.estunit and evalid_sum.evalid = eu.evalid group by eu.evalid,eu.estunit,eu.stratumcd,eu.area_used,p1pointcnt,eu_total_points,total_area) evalid_wh where evalid_wh.h = evalid_pbar_h.H and evalid_wh.evalid = evalid_pbar_h.evalid group by evalid_wh.evalid,total_area

  13. Computation of estimated forest area and sampling error without using EXPCURR or CONDPROP_CURR select evalid_wh.evalid, sum(pbar_h*w_h) Pbar_d,sum(total_area*pbar_h*w_h) Ahat_d,SUM(N_H) N, sqrt(total_area*total_area/sum(n_h)*(sum(w_h*n_h*var_pbar_H))+total_area*total_area/ (sum(n_h)*sum(n_h))*(sum((1-w_h)*n_h*var_pbar_H)))/sum(total_area*pbar_h*w_h) se_ahat_d from (select evalid,h,avg(P_hid_adjusted) pbar_h, n_h, variance(p_hid_adjusted)/(n_h-1) var_pbar_h from (select psa.evalid, sum(nvl(cond.condprop,0)) P_hid_unadjusted,1.0/pm.pbar_mh stratum_adjustment_factor, nvl(sum(cond.condprop)/pm.pbar_mh,0) P_hid_adjusted, psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd h,n_h,plot.cn from nims.nims_cond cond,nims.nims_PLOT PLOT,nims.nims_plot_pop_stratum_assgn psa , (select evalid,h,avg(p_hid) pbar_mh,SUM(PLT) N_H from (select psa.evalid,sum((cond.condprop)) P_hid,psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd h,plot.cn,1 PLT from nims.nims_cond cond,nims.nims_PLOT PLOT,nims.nims_plot_pop_stratum_assgn psa where plot.cn = cond.plt_cn and cond.landclcd <= 4 and psa.plt_cn = plot.cn and psa.rscd*1000000+psa.evalid = plot.rscd_evalid_expcurr group by psa.evalid,plot.cn,psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd) where p_hid > 0 group by evalid,h) pm where plot.cn = cond.plt_cn (+) and 1 = cond.landclcd (+) and pm.evalid = psa.evalid and pm.h = psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd and (select sum(cond2.condprop) from nims.nims_cond cond2 where cond2.plt_cn = plot.cn and cond2.landclcd <= 4) > 0.000 and psa.plt_cn = plot.cn and psa.rscd*1000000+psa.evalid = plot.rscd_evalid_expcurr group by psa.evalid,plot.cn,psa.estunit*100+psa.stratumcd,n_h,pm.pbar_mh) group by evalid,h,n_h) evalid_pbar_h, (select eu.evalid, p1pointcnt/eu_total_points*eu.area_used/total_area w_h,eu.estunit*100+eu.stratumcd h,total_area from (select evalid,estunit,sum(p1pointcnt) eu_total_points from nims.nims_estn_unit_stratum group by evalid,estunit) eu_sum, nims.nims_estn_unit_stratum eu, (select eus.evalid,sum(eus.area_used) total_area from(select evalid,estunit,area_used from nims.nims_estn_unit_stratum group by evalid,estunit,area_used ) eus group by eus.evalid) evalid_sum where eu.evalid = eu_sum.evalid and eu.estunit = eu_sum.estunit and evalid_sum.evalid = eu.evalid group by eu.evalid,eu.estunit,eu.stratumcd,eu.area_used,p1pointcnt,eu_total_points,total_area) evalid_wh where evalid_wh.h = evalid_pbar_h.H and evalid_wh.evalid = evalid_pbar_h.evalid group by evalid_wh.evalid,total_area

  14. Tree level (volume, number of trees, biomass) estimations

  15. Tree level (volume, number of trees, biomass) estimations Expansion factor EXPXXX

  16. Tree level (volume, number of trees, biomass) estimations Trees per acre (unadjusted) TPA

  17. Tree level (volume, number of trees, biomass) estimations Condition adjustment factor Stratum adjustment factor based on ao

  18. Tree level (volume, number of trees, biomass) estimations Trees per acre adjusted TPAXXX

  19. Tree level (volume, number of trees, biomass) estimations Attribute of interest NETCFVL

  20. Tree level (volume, number of trees, biomass) estimations Indicator WHERE …..

  21. Tree level estimation with 3 different plot sizes

  22. Computation of estimated total net cubic foot volume of live trees on forest area using EXPCURR and TPACURR select P.STATECD, P.CYCLE, SUM(EXPCURR*TPACURR*VOLCFNET) from nims.nims_plot P, NIMS.nims_COND C, NIMS.nims_TREE T WHERE P.CN = C.PLT_CN AND P.CN = T.PLT_CN AND C.CONDID =T.CONDID AND T.STATUSCD = 1 AND C.LANDCLCD = 1 GROUP BY P.STATECD, P.CYCLE

  23. Problems with the current structure in NIMS • De-normalization in the estn_unit_stratum table makes estimation on the fly somewhat difficult. • All of the estimation is linked to a single stratification. • When the stratification changes, the stored estimates change. • When we add a new subcycle, we loose the ability to easily compute the moving average based on the previous subcycles.

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