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Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview. Office of the Provost University Curriculum and Catalog www.reg.msu.edu/ucc/ucc.asp. Rev. 2/17. Administrative Support. John Gaboury , Associate Provost for Academic Services and Enrollment Management and Academic Initiatives

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Curriculum Overview

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  1. Curriculum Overview Office of the ProvostUniversity Curriculum and Catalog www.reg.msu.edu/ucc/ucc.asp Rev. 2/17

  2. Administrative Support • John Gaboury, Associate Provost for Academic Services and Enrollment Management and Academic Initiatives • Joy Speas, University Curriculum Administrator • University Curriculum and Catalog Office of the Provost439 Administration BuildingPhone: (517) 355-8420Email: ucc@msu.eduWeb: www.reg.msu.edu/ucc/ucc.asp

  3. Overview • Understand and improve the curricular process • Assist colleges and departments in achieving curricular change responsive to their needs • Helpful hints and resources • Questions and answers

  4. Whose responsibility is it to shape the curriculum?

  5. The faculty!

  6. The faculty shapes the curriculum for students. • Directed to the skill and knowledge needs of students.

  7. ACADEMIC GOVERNANCE SYSTEM • The academic governance system is the “system for the participation of faculty and students in the development of policy on academic matters.” Bylaws for Academic Governance

  8. ACADEMIC GOVERNANCE SYSTEM (cont.) • The academic governance system is essentially a large communication system. • Includes committees that have faculty and student representatives. • The University Committee on Curriculum (UCC). • The UCC exercises “delegated” authority over the curriculum.

  9. Michigan State University - Office of the Provost – University Curriculum and Catalog Path of Academic Program and Curricular Requests Numbers on charts refer to the outlined procedural steps in each overview web document. New Requests(www.reg.msu.edu/Read/UCC/newoverview.pdf) Change Requests(www.reg.msu.edu/Read/UCC/changeoverview.pdf) Change Requests with Funding Implications(www.reg.msu.edu/Read/UCC/changeoverview.pdf) 1. Initiation of Program Concept by Department/Dean 1. Department 1. Department 2. Dean/Provost Consultation 2. College 2. College 3. Department 3. University Curriculum & Catalog, Office of the Provost 3. University Curriculum & Catalog, Office of the Provost 4. College Provost Consultation with Dean(including Office of Planning and Budget Analysis) 5. University Curriculum & Catalog, Office of the Provost 4. University Committee on Curriculum Subcommittee A, B, or C Provost Determination 6. Provost Consultation(including Office of Planning and Budget Analysis) After consultation with the Dean and the Office of Planning and Budgets, the Provost will make a determination about the forwarding of the program request to the University Committee on Curriculum for approval of its curriculum and degree requirements. UCUEconsultation UCGSconsultation TECconsultation UCUEconsultation UCGSconsultation TECconsultation 4. UCC Full Committee 4. University Committee on Curriculum Subcommittee A, B, or C Provost Determination 5. Faculty Senate Upon receipt of consultative commentary the Provost will make a determination about the forwarding of the program request to the University Committee on Curriculum for approval of its curriculum and degree requirements. UCUEconsultation UCGSconsultation TECconsultation Statewide Academic Program Review(name changes only) 7. University Committee on Curriculum Subcommittee A, B, or C 4. UCC Full Committee 7. UCC Full Committee 5. Faculty Senate 8. Faculty Senate Statewide Academic Program Review(name changes only) UCUE= University Committee on Undergraduate Education UCGS = University Committee on Graduate Studies TEC = Teacher Education Council 9. Statewide Academic Program Review

  10. Michigan State University - Office of the Provost – University Curriculum and Catalog Path of Academic Program and Curricular Requests Numbers on charts refer to the outlined procedural steps in each overview web document. Moratorium Requests(www.reg.msu.edu/Read/UCC/moratoriumoverview.pdf) Discontinuation Requests(www.reg.msu.edu/Read/UCC/discontinuationoverview.pdf) Must be preceded by an approved moratorium. 1. Department 1. Department 2. College 2. College 3. University Curriculum & Catalog,Office of the Provost 3. University Curriculum & Catalog,Office of the Provost UCUEconsultation UCGSconsultation UCUEconsultation UCGSconsultation 4. Provost consults with President and Issues Determination 4. Provost Determination-Moratorium 5. Provost notifies Dean If the Provost approves the discontinuation, the Provost sends a memorandum to the University Committee on Curriculum requesting action on the request to delete the program’s curriculum, degree requirements, and specified courses. 6. University Committee on Curriculum Subcommittee A, B, or C 6. UCC Full Committee 7. Faculty Senate 8. Statewide Academic Program Review UCUE = University Committee on Undergraduate Education UCGS = University Committee on Graduate Studies TEC = Teacher Education Council

  11. University Committee on Curriculum (UCC) The UCC has four subcommittees: • Subcommittees A, B, and C have faculty and student representatives who review courses and programs submitted by all colleges on behalf of their departments and schools. • Subcommittee A includes the Colleges of: • Agriculture and Natural Resources, Engineering, Human Medicine, Lyman Briggs, Natural Science, Nursing, Osteopathic Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine • Subcommittee B includes the Colleges of: • Agriculture and Natural Resources, James Madison, Law, and Social Science • Subcommittee C includes the Colleges of: • Arts and Humanities (RCAH), Arts and Letters, Business (Eli Broad), Communication Arts and Sciences, Education, and Music • Subcommittee D is composed of the chairs of the subcommittees. This committee considers policy and procedural matters.

  12. UCC Full Committee • The Full Committee is comprised of Subcommittees A, B, C, and D, considers recommendations from the subcommittees, UCUE, UCGS, TEC and votes on the recommendations. This becomes the Report of the UCC to Faculty Senate.

  13. University Committee onUndergraduate Education (UCUE) • Undergraduate program changes that have academic policy implications or impact students must be approved by UCUE. • Most requests involve grade-point requirements and admission requirements. • It also provides consultation on new programs, moratoria, and discontinuations.

  14. University Committee onGraduate Studies (UCGS) • Reviews all new or changed graduate programs with attention to policy implications. It also provides consultation on all requests for moratoria and discontinuations.

  15. Teacher Education Council(TEC) • Teacher Education Council reviews all new or changed programs that lead to teacher certification.

  16. Report of the UCCto Faculty Senate • Serves as the official record of all approved courses and programs. • View reports at: www.reg.msu.edu/UCC/ReportsAC.asp

  17. In addition to being approved by Faculty Senate, some programs are also sent for Statewide Academic Program Review. • Statewide Academic Program Review Criteria • New degree program(new field of study for the institution) • Program Modification(new combinations of existent curricula, title changes) • Discontinuation(degree program deletion)

  18. Program Submission Cycle for the University Committee on Curriculum • For a SPRING effective date, colleges must submit program requests by September 1st. • New programs that fit Statewide Academic Program Review criteria must be submitted by January 1st for the following spring of the next year. • For a FALL effective date and availability for annual enrollment, colleges must submit program requests by January 1st. • More detailed information on the Academic Program Submission Cycle is available at https://www.reg.msu.edu/ucc/programcycle.asp

  19. Creating a Program Request • Program requests must be entered by an authorized Academic Programs user in the Academic Programs system. • https://www.reg.msu.edu/Forms/FormsMenu.asp

  20. Changing an Existing Academic Program • Enter changes by creating an “academic program change request” in the Academic Programs system. • Take care to include all necessary signoffs and approvals. • Sign-off is a request for support or commentary (act of collegiality) • Units have 14 days to respond • Indication of support/non-support is not binding • Approval is a request for support (required) • Example: interdepartmental programs require approvals • Example: a program uses another unit’s course as a requirement in a program

  21. Requesting a Moratorium in an Academic Program • Request a “moratorium in an academic program” in the Academic Programs system. • A moratorium suspends admission to a program • Current students are not affected • After consultation with appropriate committees, the Provost will make a determination.

  22. Discontinuing an Academic Program • If a moratorium is in effect, “discontinuation of an academic program” in the Academic Programs system may be requested. • After consultation with appropriate committees, the Provost and the President, programs will be phased out and discontinued based on current student enrollments and time limit to degree.

  23. Academic Programs: Guidelines and Procedures • Detailed information regarding guidelines and procedures for academic programs can be accessed on the University Curriculum and Catalog website: • www.reg.msu.edu/ucc/guidelines.asp

  24. Creating a New Course • Course requests must be entered by an authorized COURSES user in the COURSES system. • https://www.reg.msu.edu/Forms/FormsMenu.asp • Contact Joy Speas for COURSES Training.

  25. New Courses • A new course may have a two-year interim approval in SIS after being approved by the College. • The request for interim approval must be made to the University Curriculum and Catalog office. After interim approval is granted, the course may be scheduled. • Concurrently, the new course will continue its normal route through the governance process.

  26. Changing an Existing Course • Enter changes by creating a “course change request” in the COURSES system. • If the change is substantial and completely alters the content of the course, submit a “new course request” instead.

  27. Course Changes • Must go through the academic governance process. • May not be scheduled as an interim course (avoids negative impact on students).

  28. Deleting a Course • Request the “deletion of a course” in the COURSES system. • Course numbers may not be reused for a period of six years.

  29. Deleting a Course • Four Year Rule – The UCGS and UCC support the practice of deleting from the catalog courses that have not been taught in the preceding four calendar years. • After the end of every Summer Semester, courses that have not been taught during the preceding 4 calendar years (12 calendar semesters including summer sessions) shall be identified and administratively deleted from the catalog with notification to the Associate Dean.

  30. To find all the information needed for MSU’s curricular process, visit . .

  31. University Curriculum and Catalog Websitewww.reg.msu.edu/UCC/UCC.asp • What’s New • New degree programs, Department and College Names, Discontinuation of Programs, Moratoria, Subject Codes • Academic Programs Catalog (Keyword Search) • Course Descriptions Catalog • Academic Programs and COURSES online forms • Academic Policies and Procedures • Academic Programs: Guidelines and Procedures • Academic Program Terminology • University Committee on Curriculum

  32. Important Items to Remember Think about how your change affects other existing programs or courses and notify affected units before the college submits to the Office of the Registrar, University Curriculum and Catalog. Don’t assume others know. Share! Approvals and sign-offs are necessary! Program and course review will be delayed if missing. Contact Joy Speas for Training If you have questions, ask!

  33. Office of the Provost • University Curriculum and Catalog within the Office of the Provost serves to: • Explain academic policies and procedures • Develop and maintain the University catalog • Academic Programs • Course Descriptions • Assist units in implementing curricular changes via academic governance • Facilitate faculty efforts in shaping the curriculum.

  34. Whom to Contact Office of the Provost University Curriculum and Catalog 439 Administration Building (517) 355-8420 ucc@msu.edu Joy Speas University Curriculum Administrator

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