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Curriculum Mapping Overview. Based on the work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Ph.D and Susan Udelhofen, Ph.D . Compiled and Presented to IUP undergraduate students by Seth Wollam. Research-Based Principles of An Effective Learning Environment. Collaboration Reflection
Curriculum Mapping Overview Based on the work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Ph.D and Susan Udelhofen, Ph.D Compiled and Presented to IUP undergraduate students by Seth Wollam
Research-Based Principles of An Effective Learning Environment • Collaboration • Reflection • Shared Vision for Professional Growth • Student Learning The process of curriculum mapping incorporates all these principles and brings educators together to learn from their practice as they share their insights to create a positive, effective learning environment for students.
Paradigm Shift on Two Fronts • Curriculum is no longer an individual choice or action – individual curriculum maps are • Made public • Shared • Changed • Modified • Curriculum is never “finished” – rather it is the beginning of a dynamic process
What is Mapping? • Calendar based • Process for collecting data representative of the operational (real) curriculum in a school and/or district Susan Udelhofen/SU-Consulting
Types of Curriculum Maps • Journal Map (diary)-mapping as you go • Projection Map-map what you did last year–use it to plan or project for this year • Consensus Map-district decision to map when and what things are taught in the classroom. The “how” is the individuality.
Curriculum Mapping is a process which begins… • With the instructor listing content (who knows better) • When it is being taught (how much time is spent) • What skills are use to teach content • We then add state standards (makes it obvious what standards are not being addressed) • Schools/teachers become more aware of the flow of the curriculum horizontally (all classrooms in grades 1-12) and vertically (grade to grade) instructors need to keep the needs of the students in mind.
The Mapping Process Can Improve School Culture • Shared sense of purpose • Opportunity to SHARE what you do in the classroom (collaboration) • Time to reflect • Builds learning communities • Increased Test Scores • Make what students learn in one grade connect with what they will learn in the next grade • Accountability to self, students, and parents
Curriculum Map Is a Tool for… • Communication (between all stake holders) • Planning (curriculum, assessments, reforms) • Pacing instruction over time • Differentiating instruction to meet “Michael’s” specific needs - (by content, by process, by product, by learning environment) • Staying focused - (what’s good for “Michael or Susie”?) • Resource allocation - (space, time, materials, staff development)
Why Create Curriculum Maps? • Communication and Reflection We rarely have these conversations! • identify what occurs throughout the entire school year • a picture of students’ experience from grade to grade • teacher expectations to parents and students • Locates gaps, repetitions, areas for integration, assessments • Authentic alignment to standards • Accountability • New teachers • Defines expectations
Ask Yourself These Questions • What do I want all my students to know or do as a result of my teaching? • How will I judge the quality of my student’s work? • How will I know my students have learned? • How does my practice impact student achievement? • Based on data, what do I know about my students’? • How do my schools’ goals and improvement plan impact my teaching? • How can I improve or strengthen my practice?
“Give me the D and let’s get on with it.. • Students very often • see education as something that happens TO THEM • fail to see the relevance in their lives • don’t understand HOW they learn • learn to “play the game” or learning stops being fun • increase the rigor and relevance!!
What information is collected on the map? • Content (What is taught) • Skills (What students will do) • Assessments (This is how you find out if they really know) • Standards (Meet by teaching skills) • Essential Questions*-(overarching question)
Content can be: • discipline - focus on specific knowledge, or content area • interdisciplinary – combination of one or two disciplines to examine a common focus Wagner-Rienzi
Skills • precise skills can be assessed, observed and described in specific terms – unlike general processes – and connected to assessments and standards • this is often the most challenging aspect of mapping. • the skills are what the kids do to learn the content! Sight read with a high degree of accuracy of accuracy Identify timbres of musical instruments
Assessment Data:Include all Assessments • Crucial component of the maps • Often the least developed, inclusive or balanced • Formative Assessment Used to monitor student progress during instruction and provide continuous feedback • Summative Assessments that are on-going Given at the end of a course or unit, provides data determining the extent which instructional goals have been achieved-mastery of intended learning outcomes
Standards for Music Education 1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments. 4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines. 5. Reading and notating music. 6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. 7. Evaluating music and music performances. 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. 9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Essential Questions • Answers are more than “just” facts • Brings content “to life” and makes it relevant • Helps students and teachers “go deep” into the content • Avoids activity with little meaning-a way of organizing content • Answers the “why” for learning “What was the effect of the Civil War?” can be revised to, “Is the Civil War still going on?” ARE NOT LEARNING OBJECTIVES