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Morphology. Compounding and derivation. Compounds of different categories. N + N apron string, kitchen towel, bathroom, police car A + N high school, smallpox, dimwit, greenbelt P + N overdose, underdog, afterthought, uptown V + N swearword, rattlesnake, whetstone, scrubwoman
Morphology Compounding and derivation
Compounds of different categories N + N apron string, kitchen towel, bathroom, police car A + N high school, smallpox, dimwit, greenbelt P + N overdose, underdog, afterthought, uptown V + N swearword, rattlesnake, whetstone, scrubwoman N + A headstrong, honey-sweet, skin-deep, nationwide A + A red-hot, worldy-wise, widespread P + A overabundant, underripe, underprivileged V + A --- N + V colour-code, breast-feed, chain-smoke, pan-fry A + V sharpshoot, dry-clean, whitewash P + V outperform, underfeed, overreact V + V stirfry
An arbitrary lexical gap in English: V-A compounds fonkelV-nieuwA druipV-natA (Dutch) shine new drip wet ‘brand new’ ‘soaking wet’
Heads of compounds Right-hand Head Rule The head of a compound is its right-hand member. Not universal: matang-lawin lasang-isda (Tagalog) eyes hawk tasting fish ‘hawkeyes’ ‘fishy-tasting’ timbre poste bleu ciel (French) stamp postage blue sky ‘postage stamp’ ‘sky blue’
Exocentric compounds Compounds without a head: sabretooth (a type of animal, not a type of tooth) redneck (a type of person, not a type of neck) skinhead (a type of person, not a type of head)
Compound stress in English On the left-hand member: kítchen towel báthroom whítewash héadstrong
Synthetic compounds Compounds that only show up in combination with derivation: truck-driv-er, dish-wash-er, blue-eye-ed, fair-skin-ed *to truck-drive, *to dish-wash *She truckdrives all day long while he dishwashes. *his blue-eyes
What is the head of a derived word? I The free morpheme? concernN - unconcernN matchN - rematchN tieV – untieV paintV – repaintV happyA – unhappyA
What is the head of a derived word? II The affix? to swimV – swim-erN to singV – sing-erN solidA – solid-ifyV gloryN – glory-ifyV to doV – do-ableA to dispenseV – dispense-ableA
What is the head of a derived word? III Does the Right-hand Head Rule hold for derived words as well? Maybe. Although: throneN – de-throneV slaveN – en-slaveV cloudN – be-cloudV
Class I versus Class II affixes Some affixes are stress-attracting: sólid – solíd-ify íllustrate – illustrát-ion grammátical – grammaticál-ity jústify – justifý-able Others are stress-neutral: stándard – stándard-ize defénsive – defénsive-ness pénny – pénny-less grammátical – un-grammátical
Rule ordering? attachment of class-I affixes stress rules attachment of class-II affixes express-ionI-lessII reason-ableI-nessII *fear-lessII-ityI *tender-nessII-ifyI But: develop-mentII-alI
Allomorphy The same morpheme can have different shapes. Stem allomorphy: indexindic-es Affix allomorphy: work-er translate-or drive-er instruct-or
The base of a derived word need not be an independently existing word. spiritual – spiritual-ist – spiritual-ist-ic surreal – surreal-ist – surreal-ist-ic cannibal – #cannibal-ist – cannibal-ist-ic character – #character-ist – character-ist-ic