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Morphology. The wordland. What is morphology ?. the study of the structure and content of word forms the part of linguist ic that deals with the study of words, their internal structure .

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  1. Morphology Thewordland

  2. What is morphology? • the study of the structure and content of word forms • the part of linguisticthat deals with the study of words, their internal structure. • It is also interested in how the users of a given language understand complex words and invent new lexical items. • It is thesubdiscipline of grammar.

  3. What is lexicon? • A collection of linguisticknowledgethatcannot be capturedbyrules • The collection of words--the internalized dictionary--that every speaker of the language has. • An understanding of therulesthatgoverntheformation of words • Similaritiesanddifferences in thebehavior of words • Thefunction of words

  4. Bytheend of theclass, youwillhavethelinguistic background toanswerthefollowingquestions: • What is morphology? • What is a morpheme? • How aremorphemesclassified? • How arewordsstructured in Turkish? • What is an allomorph?

  5. Why is karşılıksızacceptable, but sevgiliksizoutrageous? • Whatmakesevdelerdifferentfromevlerde? • Why is evdemlerterrible, but dedemlerperfectlyfine? • Keywords: • Morphology • Morpheme • Freemorpheme • Boundmorpheme • Derivationalmorpheme • Inflectionalmorpheme • Morphemeordering • Allomorphy

  6. Thestructure of words SyllablestructurevsMorphemestructure FreemorphemesvsBoundmorphemes DerivationalmorphemesvsInflectionalmorphemes

  7. Twoways of analysingwordstructure • Through syllablestructure • Through morphemestructure

  8. Syllablestructure • Table 1:

  9. Morphemestructure • Table 2:

  10. Table 3: morphemeandsyllableboundaries

  11. Table 4: compatibilitybetweenmorphemesandsyllables: hastalandım

  12. Table5: compatibilitybetweenmorphemesandsyllables: yaşlandım

  13. Thegist here: • Simplycodingthesyllables of a word is not reliablewaytocodethemorphemes of thatword.

  14. So, • What is a morpheme? • What is thecriteriontoidentify a morpheme? • Morphemesarethesmallestmeaningfulunitsthatconstructwords in a language.

  15. Ourexamplesareconstructed in thefollowingway: (1) Yaş Yaş-lan Yaş-lan-dı Yaş-lan-dı-m (2) Hasta Hasta-lan Hasta-lan-dı Hasta-lan-dı-m

  16. Eg. babama (3)

  17. Eg. gözcüler (4) Göz+ cü+ ler Stem 1st morph. 2nd morph. unit of grammaticalfunction Organ of form NsfromNs not meangözanymore seeing

  18. Remark • Morphemesmighthavedifferentmeanings, functionsandmorphologicalstanding. • Althoughmorphemeandsyllableboundaries of a wordmaysometimesoverlap, lack of correspondencebetweentheseboundaries is common. • A singlemorphememay be composed of morethanonesyllable. • A singlesyllablemayincludemorethanonemorpheme.

  19. It is yourturn 1

  20. Interms of theirmorphologicalstand,ng, morphemes in gözcü can be classifiedintotwogroups • Freemorphemes • Boundmorphemes

  21. Why is cgrammaticalwhileaandbare not? (5)

  22. Morphemes FreemorphemesBoundmorphemes Content morp.Functionalmorp. Nspostpositions ADJsconjunctions ADVsdeterminers Vspronouns, etc.

  23. It is yourturn 2

  24. Affixation: theattachmentprocess of a boundmorphemetoanothermorpheme. • Affixes: theattachedboundmorphemes. • Roots: wordsthatare not affixed. • An overwhelmingnumber of roots in Turkisharemonosyllabic: • Morethanonesyllable in a root is alsopermissible:

  25. Stem: the root or roots of a word, together with any derivational affixes, to which inflectional affixes are added.Theyaremorphologicallycomplex. Eg. Yaş-lıstem yaş-lı-larstem Çağroot çağ-daşstem, çağ-daş-lıkstem

  26. Complexwordsareformedthrough 3 types of affixation in a language: • Suffixes: placedafterstem • Prefixes: beforestem • Infixes: withinstem

  27. Whataboutaffixation in Turkish? • Sev-gi • Sev-gi-li • Sev-gi-li-ler Loanwords: • Anti-propaganda > propaganda • Gayri resmi > resmi • Bihaber > haber • Postmodern > modern

  28. Backtothecase of gözcüler Göz- cü-ler Freemorphemesboundmorphemes contentmorpheme: derived N from a N having a meaningdifferentfromthat of thestem

  29. That is, somesuffixes can changeboththemeaningandthesyntacticclass of thestem Derivation: a process of formingnewwordsbyusingboundmorphemes Derivationalmorphemes: themorphemeswhichaddtoorchangethemeaning of a stemwordorthesyntacticclass of it. Eg. Sat-ıcı -ICI: a derivationalmorphemeformingNsfromNs

  30. Whatotherderivationsarepossible in Turkish? • Table6: examples of derivationalsuffixes

  31. 4 types of stemsformedthroughderivation Suffixesthatattachtoverbs Deverbal nominal stems: V > N Deverbalverbalstems: V > V Suffixesthatattachtonominals Denominal nominal stems: N > N Denominalverbalstems: N > V

  32. Otherderivationalsuffixes in Turkishnotethatsomesuffixesaremoreproductivethantheothers • V>N: Kaz-I, güldür-Ü, kay-AK, sev-ECEN, san-AL, diz-GE • V>V: dürt-ÜKLE, şaş-ALA, kaç-IN, ara-ŞTIR, Considerthesemanticdifferences –(I)ş provides • Koşuş-: denotes an unorganisedmanner • Bölüş-, kırış-: denotes a sharedact • Kokuş-: denotestheintensity of a property of therootverb

  33. Otherderivationalsuffixes in Turkishnotethatsomesuffixesaremoreproductivethantheothers • N>V: tür-E-, kara-R-, şakır-DA, göz-ÜK-, güneş-LEN-, haber-LEŞ-, kir-LET-, su-SA- • N>N: ana-Ç, sol-AK, yer-El, kök-En, dört-GEN, Considersemanticdifferences –lIprovides: • Atlı, sevgili, hızlı, akıllı : denotestheattribute of something • Üniversiteli, köylü: indicates a personbelongingtoorcomingfrom • Üçlü, altılı: indicatesgroupsmade of itemscontainingthatnumber of objects

  34. Anotherproductivesuffix -lIk • NsfromNs, adjectivesoradverbstoindicate: • İyilik, çabukluk : thestaterelatingto a particularconcept • Askerlik, krallık: institutionalisation of theconcept • Gözlük, başlık: an objectassociatedwiththe body • Kitaplık, odunluk: a storageplace • Zeytinlik, mezarlık: a placewheretheentitydenotedbythe N is foundcollectively • Analık, evlatlık: a personwhoserelationship is analogoustothebloodrelation (2) Adjectiveswhichindicate: • Dolmalık, elbiselik: suitabilityforthetype of entity • Günlük, aylık: periods of time • Ellilik: approximateage of a person (3) Bir kiloluk, üç saatlik: expressweight, length, capacity, value, price.

  35. Is thelexiconcomposed of onlyfreelexicalmorphemesandderivationalboundmorphemes? Considerthis: * Bu sınıf öğrenci hep öğretmen kız. • Whichnoun is thesubjectabove? • How aretheothernounsandtheverbrelatedto it?

  36. Modifiedsentencewithgrammaticalinflection: • Bu sınıfta öğrenciler hep öğretmeni kızdırırlar. Spatialrelationpluraldirectobj. temporalstructure of event personagreementwithsubj Thesemorphemesdid not createnewwords but mark grammaticalrelations: inflectionalmorphemes. Number, case, tense andagreementmarkersin Turkishareinflectionalmorphemes.

  37. How differentcharacteristics can combine in a singlemorpheme? • Let’s test «insan-lık» followingthecharttodiscovertype of themorpheme

  38. Another test todiscoverthetype of themorpheme • Considertheuse of theinfinitive marker –mAk • Claim: whateverprecedestheinfinitive marker –mAkshould be considered as thestem; thereforeanything in it as derivational Eg. Koşuş-tur-du Theinfinitive form: koş-uş-tur-mak Whatprecedes –mAk: koş-uş-tur Derivationalmorphemes

  39. It is yourturn 3

  40. Organisingprinciples of turkishmorphology Morphemeordering Allomorphy

  41. Morphemeordering Whyareaandcarepossible but not b? • Kalınlaştırılmamışlardanmışmş • *Kalıntırlaş • kalınlaştırılmamıştanmışmışlar ! ConsideringthatTurkish is an agglunativelanguage, theorder of morphemes in a sentence is fixedandeachmorpheme is used in thepositionspecifiedfor it. b)Ungrammatical: causative-DIr is usedafter -lAş

  42. Ifthemorphemesare in rightorder, you can producethefollowingsgrammatically • öl-üm-süz-leş-tir-t-tir-il-e-me-yebil-in-en-ler-de-ki-ler-den-mi-ymis-ler-ce-sin-e • Gör-üş-tür-ül-e-me-ye de bil-iyor-mu-ydu-nuz?

  43. *kes-ler-im vs kesimler ! Inflectionfollowsderivation as derivationalmorphemesaremorefirmlyattachedthaninflectionalones: • Root+Derivation+Inflection

  44. Turkishinflectionalsuffixes • nominal inflectionalsuffixes Thosemarkingnumber, possession, case Eg: çocuk- lar-ın- a 2. Verbalinflectionalsuffixes Thosemarkingverbforms root-voice-negation-tense/aspect/modality-copular marker-person marker-DIr Eg. Otur-acağ-ım

  45. Nominal inflectionalsuffixes in Turkish • pluralsuffix: -lAr • Possessivesuffixes: evim, evin, evi, evimiz, eviniz, evleri • Case suffixes: • Accusative: saray-ı • Dative: masa-(y)a • Locative: ev-de • Ablative: okul-dan • Genetive: çocuğ-un • Other nominal inflectionalmarkers: • ile (kedimle) • -ki (dünkü, odanınki) Eg. arabanınkiyle

  46. Verbalinflectionalsuffixes in Turkish • Voice suffixes • Causative: yap-TIR, piş-İR, çık-AR, çök-ERT • Passive: yıka-N, del-İN, yap-IL • Reflexive: giy-İN, sar-IN, ört-ÜN • Reciprocal: öp-ÜŞ, gör-ÜŞ • Negative marker: -ma, git-ME • Tense aspectmodalitymarkers: • Copular markers: (y)DI, -(y)mIşand –(y)sA (bırakmışTI, hastaYDI, yürümekteYMİŞler, evdeYMİŞler, koşuyorSAk, hevesliYSEk) • Personmarkers: (odamdayIM, kaçsaN, çalışıyorUZ)

  47. Whatifmorethanoneinflectionalmorphemeareused in a word? (6) • Kitap • Kitap-lık • Kitap-lık-lar • Kitap-lık-lar-ım • Kitap-lık-lar-ım-da !Theyalsocombine in a predictableorder. Stem+plural+person+place marker

  48. Inthecase of verbalinflections: (7) • Boya-dı-m • Boya-ma-dı-m • Boya-t-tı-m • Boya-t-ma-dı-m Thepermissibleorder: (causative) + (negation) + tense + person

  49. It is yourturn 4

  50. !Eachsuffixtakestheprecedingstem as thescope of itssemanticandsyntacticmaterial • Table 7: outerlayers of wordsareformedbyinflectional; innerlayersbyderivationalmorphemes

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