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Welcome to Year 3 at Brookburn Primary School! Communicate with us via open-door policy, learn about internet safety, attendance, and explore our engaging topics, including Science, History, Art, and more. Let's support your child's learning journey together!
Welcome to Year 3 Miss Jones (3A)Mr Alderdice (3B) -Teachers Mr Marsh -TAs Ms BurrowsMiss SwanstonMrs Pereira
Lines of communication We have an open door policy at Brookburn and are always happy to meet with you to discuss any queries or concerns that you may have. This is key to our partnership in supporting your child. Should you ever wish to speak to your class teacher, the following can be done: • Catch teachers on the door at the end of the school day • Pass a message on through the staff member on your child’s door in the morning – this will be passed on and your child’s teacher will get back to you • Phoning the school office to arrange a meeting • Emailing parentinbox@brookburn.manchester.sch.uk
Communication continued We would always ask that wherever you have a problem or a concern, we as class teachers are your first port of call. We are the staff who work with your children and get to know them best. We will always listen and respond to concerns you may have, working towards solutions that work for everyone. If you feel that you need to take a concern further, you can speak to your child’s year or phase leader. The year / phase leader for our year group is: Mr Alderdice Our SENDCo and Deputy Headteachers are always available to offer support.
Behaviour Expectations • 6 Golden Expectations • Traffic Light systems • Golden certificates • Team points / stickers • Whole class rewards • Individual reward systems
Staying Safe on the Internet We take this issue very seriously at Brookburn Primary. Internet and social media safety is taught to all year groups at the beginning of the school year. We have school-wide safety features, but if anything gets past the filters, students are taught to switch off the screen and report to a member of staff immediately. Our digital code – Zip it, Block it, Flag it. We value your support in keeping children safe online by urging you to supervise your child’s on line presence at home and to regularly check your privacy settings on social media sites.- for more info see the IT section of our website under the curriculum tab.
Attendance and punctuality School doors open from 8.50am and close promptly at 9am. Once the door is closed, all children must enter school via the main entrance to be recorded as late. Doors open to dismiss children at 3.30pm and are locked at 3.40pm. After this time, any children not collected will be sent to the office where their parents will be contacted.
Attendance and punctuality Persistently late/poor attendance - a record is kept in the class register and parents are contacted. Learning sessions not attended significantly impact on children’s learning and are recorded as unauthorised absence in the register. Any serious attendance concerns will be passed on to the Local Authority. Please contact class teachers with any concerns or difficulties you may be having.
Year 3 topics for 2019/2020 Autumn Seek and you will find! Science – Human body/healthy eating History – Ancient Egypt Art/D.T – Making canopic jars and masks PE - Outdoor P.E skills/ gymnastics / storytelling through dance Spring Adventure though the Ages Science – Plants and rocks History – Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age Geography – The UK and land use Art – Clay and cave paintings PE – Gymnastics/Team sports Summer Let me entertain you! Science – Light, forces and magnets History - Entertainment in the 20th Century Art – Storyboards and animation. PE – circuits/outdoor P.E skills
PE • Indoors • White t-shirt • Black or dark shorts / skorts • White socks • Black pumps • Outdoors • White t-shirt • Black or dark shorts / skorts • Black or dark jogging bottoms for colder weather • Jumper / hoodie for colder weather • White socks • Trainers We do have some spares in school, but a letter will be sent home to parents when a child does not regularly have their PE kit.
Den Monday - Children must have a change of shoes for the den that they can leave in school. 3A – to be stored on the shoe rack near the external door 3B – to be stored on the shoe rack outside classroom door.
Key areas that we will be working on in Year 3: • Maths • Place value up to four digit numbers • Learn to recall multiplication/division facts (out of order) for the 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 multiplication times tables. • Written methods for the 4 main operations. • Fractions, money, time and written word problems. • Writing • Organisation of texts and features of genre. • Using various sentence structures. • Use full stops, capital letters, question marks, exclamation marks and speech marks. • Spelling/handwriting. • Proof-reading for errors and editing. • Reading • Fluency, fact finding and inference. • Writing clear, responses using evidence from the text • Understanding and extending vocabulary.
Assessing Children’s Progress Assessment Fortnight Over two weeks each term, teachers will assess and discuss progress targets with each child. These will be followed by Parents’ Evenings so that we can share children’s individual targets with parents. Parents’ Evenings 15thand 17thNovember 2019 24th and 26th March 2020
Homework • Homework is set weekly, for all children. • Presentation of homework should match the standard in school. • Maths, English and spellings are set on Wednesday to be returned by the following Monday. • Each week, your child will be set a weekly task from both their maths and English CGP work books. • Prior to setting homework, teachers will ensure that content within the tasks has been revisited in lessons and each week, children will have the opportunity to review their answers with their teacher and correct any errors that they have made. • We must ask that if your child loses their homework book this year, you pay a contribution of £2.25, which is the cost to us for replacing each book.
Homework (continued) Alongside a ten minute English and 10 minute maths task, we ask that children continue to read regularly as part of their homework, in addition to learning spellings that will be set weekly. The children continue to have access to Sumdog, TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed, all of which are excellent interactive tools provided by the school to encourage children to practise and revise their learning each week. Your class teacher may set additional projects over the holidays and will aim to give you plenty of notice of this as we appreciate that you may want to start holding on to your recycling in readiness for building Ancient Egyptian pyramids or volcanoes!
Reading Books • Reading books will be changed throughout the week • Children who are still on the coloured book bands will bring a reading record home for parents/carers to note the title of the book and leave any comments. • Children who are on ‘copper’ banded books will no longer take home a reading record. However, parents/carers are still encouraged to read with these children for ten minutes a day.
Blogs: Access our class blogs to see what we have been up to and to find links to play games that will help with your child’s learning: Miss Jones: 3a2019.brookburnprimary.net Mr Alderdice: 3b2019.brookburnprimary.net
Reminders • P.E bags – bring in on Monday and keep in school • Water bottles – Please bring in on Monday and take home to wash over the weekend • Labelling – please label clothing, shoes and water bottles with child’s full name • Lost property – encourage children to be responsible for their possessions • Jewellery – watches and stud earrings only (must be removed for PE) • PE Kit - black or navy shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings and a white t-shirt – trainers for outside • Medical – inhalers to be kept in school • Wellies – bring into school and to be kept here • Snacks – As children do not get a piece of fruit at break in KS2, they are permitted to bring a healthy snack to school for this time • End of day – School finishes at 3:30 for KS2 children