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Enhancing VET Partnerships in BiH

Explore the legal framework, key partners, cooperation mechanisms, and challenges for Social Partners in Vocational Education and Training in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Enhancing VET Partnerships in BiH

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  1. VET SECTOR & SOCIAL PARTNERS IN BiH Slavica Ivošević Deputy Director of the Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education BiH , Head of VET Department

  2. Legal framework for social partneship Important documents for improvement of VET in BiH: • 2000, "Green Paper": Policy and Strategyfor Vocational Education and Training; • 2001, "White Paper": Vocational Education and Training in BiH; • 2003, Decision on the Nomenclature of Occupations (13 families,100 occupations); • 2005, Review / Revision of Public Administration of Education

  3. Legal framework for social partnership Important documents for VETimprovement in BiH: • 2006, Strategy for Development of VET in BiH 2007– 2013; • 2007, Law on the Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education BiH; • 2008, Framework Law on VET in BiH; • 2011, Baseline Qualifications Framework BiH.

  4. Options given by the legal framework → Framework Law on VET anticipates establishment of the Tripartite Advisory Councils • Enable connections between VET and the labour market; advisory role; • TripartiteCouncils include representatives of employers, trade unions and competent educational authorities; • In BiH,Tripartite Councils are in the phase of establishment at the level of entities, cantons and Brcko District.

  5. Options given by the legal framework • Every school establishes Advisory Council, including representatives of the local labor market connected to education and training of specified occupations. → Eestablishment of Tripartite Advisory Councils in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not fully operational yet.

  6. Key social partners in VET in BiH- current status - • Social partnership is not yet at the level of a constructive partnership with education system in BiH; • Number of key partners that are active at the level of entities and cantons is large, but the links between them are insufficient, fragile and complicated.

  7. Key social partners in VET in BiH • Ministries of Labour and Employment, • Ministries of Education • Agencies for Labour and Employment BiH & FBiH • Employment Services, • Chambers of Commerce & Chambers of Crafts, • Associations of Employers, • Trade unions and NGOs engaged in informal types of training, • VET schools and Centers for adult education, • State, entity, cantonal and municipal authorities, • Agencies for Local and Regional Development, • Centres for the development of small and medium enterprises.

  8. Mechanisms of cooperation with social partners in VET • Lack of links between educational institutions and the labor market; • Social partners are not sufficiently included in curriculum development in regard to the labor market needs; • Legislation gives the local economy a possibility of direct participation in developing the content of curriculum in schools;

  9. Mechanisms of cooperation with social partners in VET • Dialogue of social partners will improve the initiatives for: introduction of new occupations, revision of the existing nomenclature of occupations and modernization of existing occupations ; • Key priority of the labor market is - entrepreneurship • Adopted Strategy on Entrepreneurial Learning in Education System in BiH (2012-2015).

  10. Mechanisms of cooperation with social partners in VET • It is necessary to develop procedures for direct cooperation of stakeholders in VET in BiH; • One of the EU projects was engaged in developing a methodology for linking social partners and education authorities, • VET Department of the Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education will also work on the development of a methodology for establishment of links between social partners and education authorities.

  11. Challenges for the future development of social partnership in VET • Establish procedures and protocols of cooperation; • Facilitate the establishment and functioning of the Tripartite Advisory Councils; • Establish a mechanism that enables tax deduction to the companies, in order to strengthen cooperation between industry and educational institutions;

  12. Challenges for the future development of social partnership in VET • Increase participation of economy in creation of educational policy; • Ensure structural dialogue of partners; • Clarify mobility and connection between VET sector and higher education - fifth degree in the Baseline Qualifications Framework;

  13. Challenges for the future development of social partnership in VET • Organize training for the unemployed to independently and actively seek employment, in terms of preparing for a new job, or to improve existing professional knowledge, skills and competences; • Organise professional training after completion of general education in order to be prepared for the job; • Organize additional training and retraining;

  14. Challenges for the future development of social partnership in VET • Establish a balance between demand and the labour force supply at the labour market; • Adjust admission policies in VET schools to the labour market needs; • Increase labor force mobility; • Establish the system of professional counselling and the system of professional orientation; • Develop the concept of lifelong learning and the system of adult education;

  15. Thank you for your attention! Contact:Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education BiH VET Department, Banja Luka, Brace Potkonjaka 2, 78 000 Banja Luka,BiH tel: 051 430 710; fax: 051 430 711; WEB: www.vetbih.org

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