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Collegiate FFA

Collegiate FFA. Tarleton State University. Tarleton State University Collegiate FFA. We are an organization dedicated to the promotion of agriculture and our members.

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Collegiate FFA

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  1. Collegiate FFA Tarleton State University

  2. Tarleton State UniversityCollegiate FFA We are an organization dedicated to the promotion of agriculture and our members. CFFA, with over 100 members, is one of the largest student organizations within the College of Agriculture and Human Sciences at Tarleton State University.

  3. Areas of Emphasis • Leadership and Professional Development • Service to Agricultural Youth • Community Service • Fundraising • Public Relations • Social

  4. Service to Agriculture Youth • State CFFA officer meeting • Judge LDE’s and CDE’s • Help at State, Area, and District LDE’s and CDE’s • Hosts world’s largest invitational CDE contest with over 6000 students

  5. State CFFA Officer Meeting Student Mixer Tarleton CFFA provides the meal State Officers and CFFA members (right)

  6. Community Service Tarleton Roundup • Watermelon Crawl • Halloween Carnival • Habitat for Humanity • Storage Building • Dr Pepper Days

  7. Watermelon Crawl - 2003

  8. Members helped an elderly lady at her home for the Big Event Casey Hogan lends a hand at Tarleton Roundup Tarleton Roundup

  9. Fundraising • Christmas Ornaments • Building Raffle • Candy Bar Sales • Bake Sales • Dr Pepper Days Storage Building constructed by students in the Fundamentals in Ag. Building Construction

  10. Dublin Dr Pepper Days Tarleton’s Collegiate FFA joins the Knights of Columbus Council #10816 for a cooperative charity fundraiser at the 2005 Dublin Dr Pepper Days. The 2005 theme was “Marti Gras In June” and the groups sponsored a Red Beans & Rice Cook-Off and served Cajun specialties such as andouille and boudin sausages along with authentic Cajun gumbo.

  11. Public Relations • Texan Tour • Organizational Fair • Fajita Feast • Family Weekend • Orientations

  12. FFA members introducing new freshmen to Tarleton’s CFFA program

  13. Social & Cooperative Activities • Homecoming • Construction of Grand Prize Float with Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, Midnight Breakfast, Yell Contest, Drum Beat • Campout • Ag Olympics • Alpha Gamma Rho Chili Fiesta

  14. TSU CFFA and Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity teamed up to build the Grand Prize float for the Homecoming parade!

  15. FFA Members John Braden and Heath Hodges hanging out at Chili Fiesta Many students attended the festivities

  16. Ag Olympics 2005 The Tarleton Collegiate FFA sponsors and challenges all organizations in the College of Agriculture & Human Sciences to some good “clean” competition!

  17. Leadership & Professional Development • State CFFA meetings in Austin • Texas CFFA Convention • Texas FFA Convention • VATAT Professional Development Conference • National FFA Convention • State LDE and CDE Contests (SHSU & TAMU) • Texas FFA/Ford Leadership Center Building Dedication

  18. Austin State CFFA Convention Planning meeting

  19. Texas Collegiate FFA Convention 2004

  20. National FFA Convention Louisville, Kentucky October 2003

  21. National FFA Convention Louisville, Kentucky October 2004

  22. Chapter Meetings • Alternating business and fun meetings • Activities: Greenhand challenge, putt-putt, skating, bowling, scavenger hunt • Meals provided at every meeting • Officers meet every Tuesday morning at 7:00 to plan for the next meeting and chapter activities • Guest Speakers • Casey Hogan, National FFA Western Region Vice President • Stacy Fox, Ag Workers Mutual Insurance • Campus Personalities • College Faculty • Purple Poo

  23. Officers plan a meeting (left) A few of our chapter meetings

  24. Looking Forward . . . • The Tarleton State University CFFA chapter encourages its members to participate in various activities. • As our chapter continues to grow, we plan to incorporate many more activities that include our chapter members as well as other Collegiate FFA chapters.

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