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Redwood River TMDL Critique. David De Paz, Alana Bartolai , Lydia Karlheim. Introduction Redwood River. The Redwood River is impaired for both aquatic life and aquatic recreation due to fecal coliform and turbidity. Our critique is on the TMDL for bacteria.
Redwood River TMDL Critique David De Paz, Alana Bartolai, Lydia Karlheim
IntroductionRedwood River • The Redwood River is impaired for both aquatic life and aquatic recreation due to fecal coliform and turbidity. • Our critique is on the TMDL for bacteria. • 8 reaches of the Redwood River fail to meet the water quality standard for bacteria (E. coli). [MPCA]
Watershed CharacteristicsRedwood River The impaired reaches are classified as: Recreation of all kind/aquatic life stringent 2B Aquatic life support and recreation 2C 2B General industrial purposes 3B 2C 7 Less stringent Limited resource value Note: Class 7 streams had not been assessed in this draft report but will be in 2010. Area: 705 sq. mile Tributary to the Minnesota River
Land UseRedwood River • Land Use • 85.5% Agriculture • 2.5% urban/Residential • Artificial drainage
BacteriaRedwood River Causes in the watershed: • failing septic systems -there are 1,948 subsurface sewage treatment systems. 1,051 are deemed “failing”, 334 are deemed “threats to public health” • wastewater treatment plant bypasses and flushes (there are 8 WWTP) • unsewered communities • livestock waste from feedlots • land applied manure (98% of total) • Domestic pets and wildlife [wolfenotes.com]
Sampling SitesRedwood River ’99-’06 ‘99 ‘74-’06 ’99-’06 ’99-’06 ‘99 ‘99 ‘03-’06 ‘99 [USEPA, 2011] Sites sampled by the MPCA and the Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area (RCRCA)
Fecal Coliform Redwood River Time Period: 1997-2006 [MPCA] (geometric mean by reach)
TMDL DevelopmentRedwoodRiver TMDLs were calculated for each of the 8 reaches at each flow condition (helpful for BMP implementation). TMDL= ∑ (WLAs + ∑ LAs + MOS + RC) nonpoint sources future development point sources accounts for uncertainty
TMDL Allocation WLA & LARedwoodRiver • Waste load Allocations (WLAs)- • NPDES permits= 0 (Livestock facilities that have been issued NPDES permits are assigned a zero WLA) • WWTF: assumed to be discharging the maximum of 200 orgs/100 mLs => overestimated • MS4(storm sewer systems): => MS4 + LA • The rest is assumed to be LA • Load Allocation (LA)- non-point sources not subject to NPDES permit • (except land applied manure)
TMDL Allocation MOS & RC Redwood River • Reserve Capacity (RC)- • Total RC== 0 because the watershed shows trends of decreasing population and stagnant animal numbers. • Note: The MPCA will reopen the TMDLs covered in this report if adjustments are required • Margin of Safety (MOS)- • calculated per flow zone since allocations = (flow) • x conversion factors => load • Implicit MOS: used when dry and low flow zone calculations used a concentration-based limit. In these conditions, flow is primarily GW fed and very little E. coli is conveyed.
TMDL AllocationsWest line to Threemile Creek • Land use : • 82.3 %cultivated • 10.9 % urban • 4.2 % grass • 2.0 % forest • 0.5% water/wetlands • 1 WWTF with MS4 permitcovering 2.86 % of the entire watershed • No feedlots with NPDES permits • 5472 animal units without permits • 140 SSTS units with 56 are failing. [MPCA]
TMDL Required ReductionWest line to Threemile Creek 69.65% 60.55% 60.32% 58.42% 0% Inadequate Inadequate data data [MPCA]
Implementation and BMPsRedwoodRiver Goal: Achieve water quality standards for fecal coliform bacteria within 10 years by educating, training, and providing monetary incentives. [MPCA] Note: Specific implementation plan will be made after TMDL gets approved
Critiques & Assumptions:Fecal Coliform/ E.coli • Unknowns of Fecal Coliform: • Survival rates • Fecal coliform may be higher when stream bed is aggravated (i.e. scouring events, runoff) [Davis et al. ,2005] [http://www.shardcore.org]
Fecal Coliform vs. E.Coli • Standard is normalized based on comparison studies by MPCA showing that 63% of fecal coliform will be E.Coli. Critiques & Assumptions:Fecal Coliform • E. coli samples converted using 179 E. coli = 200 cfumeaning that 89.5% of fecal coliform will be E. Coli. • Substantiated using 35 sample pairs from the same Watersheds between 1985-2006 [MPCA]
Several reaches don’t have sufficient flow monitoring data • USGS gage stations were used to find missing flow data • Duration of monitoring data varies between stations ’99-’06 ‘99 ‘74-’06 Critiques & Assumptions:Flow ’99-’06 ’99-’06 ‘99 ‘99 ‘03-’06 ‘99 [USEPA, 2011]
Critiques & AssumptionsImplementation • Livestock manure has environmental and economic benefits: • Less prone to erosion • Reduces commercial fertilizer • Wetland restorations • affects farmers • Streambank stabilization • Can be expensive • Livestock exclusions • Requires fencing and more management
Strength Required ReductionWest line to ThreemileCreek- site with largest reduction 69.65% 60.55% 60.32% 58.42% 0% Inadequate Inadequate data data [MPCA]
Strengths • TMDL broken up by flow andreach • 4 of the 8 reaches analyzed were not yet on the 303d list, but were included for thoroughness • Entire portion of report focuses on understanding E. coli sources • Willingness to reevaluate plan if/when changes occur ( i.e. population growth) [MPCA]
Questions? [confusedcow.webs.com]