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Human and Animal Health Monitoring: Enhancing Quality of Life and Security Through Research in Distributed, Reconfigurab

Human and Animal Health Monitoring. Where Health Care is Headed. In-person visits ? telemedicine ? smart sensors. Internet. Telemedicine. Home Nets. Novel Devices. . . Patient-Centric Care Model.

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Human and Animal Health Monitoring: Enhancing Quality of Life and Security Through Research in Distributed, Reconfigurab

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    1. Human and Animal Health Monitoring: Enhancing Quality of Life and Security Through Research in Distributed, Reconfigurable Sensor Networks EPSCoR Review Panel Lawrence, KS June, 2005 High-Level Presentation: Where health care is headed; the role that telemedicine will play in that future. Our plug-and-play architecture: promote cost-effectiveness through vendor competition economy of scale driven by acceptance of technology that is secure Information surety: TM systems that talk to EPR’sHigh-Level Presentation: Where health care is headed; the role that telemedicine will play in that future. Our plug-and-play architecture: promote cost-effectiveness through vendor competition economy of scale driven by acceptance of technology that is secure Information surety: TM systems that talk to EPR’s

    2. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Where Health Care is Headed In-person visits ? telemedicine ? smart sensors HCT Visions - desire that health care will migrate to a highly proactive, preventative model that is vastly different from the reactive, episodic model utilized today. We desire that a variety of highly advanced, market-directed health care and information technologies will permeate the home environment. We desire that individuals will assume a much more active role in their own health care, essentially becoming a member of their own primary care provider team. We desire that universal design and standardization will facilitate both cost-effective and flexible configurations of home technologies for special needs. HCT Visions - desire that health care will migrate to a highly proactive, preventative model that is vastly different from the reactive, episodic model utilized today. We desire that a variety of highly advanced, market-directed health care and information technologies will permeate the home environment. We desire that individuals will assume a much more active role in their own health care, essentially becoming a member of their own primary care provider team. We desire that universal design and standardization will facilitate both cost-effective and flexible configurations of home technologies for special needs.

    3. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Key Trends Human & animal care model Reactive/episodic ? preventive/predictive Closed-loop systems: beyond “telemedicine”

    4. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Our solution

    5. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Model: Wearable Human Monitoring System

    6. Human and Animal Health Monitoring And for animals Gather primarily environmental/ behavioral data while researching heart rate & respiration technology Features More capable processor 256 MB compact flash card (65 hours of storage) Power-saving mode Smaller/cheaper/more accurate accelerometers Core body temperature with Digital Angel implantable chips

    7. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Testing – Version 4

    8. Human and Animal Health Monitoring

    9. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Proposed Activities Technical challenges Smart, reconfigurable sensor development Software robustness Sensor selection & placement Data interpretation

    10. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Broader impacts Integration of research and education RET Embedded Systems CRCD Biomedical inst. Class New wireless sensor courses IGERT REU Recruiting minorities RET Robot outreach Open House

    11. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Activities in support of IGERT Initiative Topic - Intelligent Systems: A cross-disciplinary platform for designing wireless sensor networks for monitoring living systems, micro-climates and environment. Proposal Planning grant – funded by NSF EPSCoR (PI: Namuduri) Planning Workshop – to be held in Fall 2005 Meeting with NSF program Manager for Bio-Engineering Dr. Bruce Hamilton on June 15th, 2005 Proposed conference session on “Biosensors and Biosensor networks” at IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking 2006, Jan 2006 Collaborators (15 faculty from KSU, KU, WSU – ECE, Biological Sciences and Chemistry Departments) Development of curriculum, research links with industry, recruitment programs and outreach activities.

    12. Human and Animal Health Monitoring Activities in support of ERC

    13. Human and Animal Health Monitoring NSF-RFP and us - A great choice! Support for Strength based Research Collaborations (SBRC) Focus on engineering challenge with regional/national importance with social and economic value Increases our national competitiveness Sustainability Clearly stated goals, implementation mechanisms and project milestones Built on prior EPSCoR and NSF support

    14. Human and Animal Health Monitoring NSF-RFP and us – A logical Choice! Collaborative efforts Role of this proposal in the context of EPSCoR like programs in the jurisdiction – Kansas Bio Science Initiative Animal Sciences Hot Team: … enable Kansas to become the global hub for advancement of animal health and food safety. Includes animal health monitoring technologies as a major component Telemedicine Business Plan: Envisions a fully-integrated, statewide telemedicine infrastructure based on a real-time tele-health sensor information network for collection of personal health information, as well as a secure medical records system. Examples of Infrastructure Improvements Support for faculty Partnerships with universities and industry (TI, iNTERFACEWARE, Cerner and Sandia and Los Alamos National labs) Cyber infrastructure for collaboration between KSU and WSU Outreach Activities Mentoring of Junior Faculty (Kansas RFP) Submission of large NSF grants (IGERT – within 3 years; ERC)

    15. Human and Animal Health Monitoring

    16. Human and Animal Health Monitoring

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