1. Washington RecFINEstimates forPuget Sound (& Strait) Peter Hahn, WDFW
(aka Jennifer Cahalan)
August 29, 2006
3. What is estimated & provided: Catch, effort (trips) & CPUE for the recreational private/rental boat mode
(with variance). Catch = (a) kept, (b) released.
mca (of catch)
target (salmon, RF, both, cutt. only) **
day type (M-Th, Fri, weekend) *
season (ie. regulations)
intercept mca
(fishing mode = PB)
4. What else is estimated: Effort (licensed angler trips) for other fishing modes (beach-bank, manmade (piers), charter-party)
5. What else is measured/recorded: Fish length
Fish weight
(Gender - kelp greenling only)
Unlicensed anglers
6. Where: We sample the large geographic expanse of Puget Sound from numerous public boat ramps, throughout marine catch areas 5 through 13.
We are organized into 4 regional sampling divisions: Peninsula, North Sound, Central Sound, and South Sound.
We sample the large geographic expanse of Puget Sound from numerous public boat ramps, throughout marine catch areas 5 through 13.
We are organized into 4 regional sampling divisions: Peninsula, North Sound, Central Sound, and South Sound.
7. Method Effort (person-trips) estimated via telephone survey of licensed anglers (WDFW license file).
CPUE from creel (intercept) survey of public ramps.
> (Also unlicensed anglers per licensed.)
> Some limited CPUE data for other sites/modes (incidental).
8. Recreational Baseline Sampling (Intercept)
9. Intercept Site Sampling: All public ramps are sampled
Sampling proportional to effort at ramps
> (I dont know details of how sites are chosen each day - but seems treated as simple random sample)
> (Is actually cluster sampling.)
Catch & # anglers recorded by boat
> (licensed & unlicensed)
> CPUE = catch/angler trip
Oriented to salmon (but rockfish seasons generally tied to salmon seasons)
10. Intercept Survey (cont.): All boats are attempted to be interviewed, but does not always happen.
Daylight sampling only.
Fish are observed & counted by species
Released catch # & species depends on memory of angler (species ID is cautious)
Some lengths & weights taken - Im not sure of protocol used to select fish)
> (kelp greenling gender recorded)
11. Telephone Survey: Sample frame: electronic POS license data, saltwater-entitled licenses only.
>This misses some charter issued non-POS licenses. (minor in Puget Sound)
> Some free fishing weekend anglers are also missed
Phone numbers are requested but voluntary, about 20% of records with no phone# (both mailing & residence addresses recorded so some can be looked up)
12. Telephone Survey (cont.): Sample drawn 1-3 days after close of wave
1700 interviews for each wave (2 month period) made starting ~4-7 days after close of wave. (10200 / year)
Interviews require recall of trips made 1 week & up to ~2.5 months ago.
Angler trips made on charter boats are recorded (POS licensed only). (Charter fleet small in Puget Sound.)
Night fishing not distinguished.
13. Telephone Survey (cont.): Example for 2006 Wave 2
14. Telephone Survey (cont.): Memory recall bias not directly evaluated. (In some cases estimates for salmon (halibut?) could be compared to creel survey estimates, and to catch record card estimates.)
15. Missing Data: For some strata:
(a) Effort data but no intercept (CPUE)
> CPUE estimated as the weighted mean over all mcas of intercept for that mca of fishing
(b) Intercept data but no effort data
<next slide>
16. Missing Data (cont.): (b) Intercept data but no effort data
> use mean ratio (phone trips/intercept trips) for all mca strata where both data exist
> Usually stratified by number of anglers intercepted (usually <10, 10-29, >30 based on a plot of the data in each wave)
> ratio times anglers interviewed = effort
Note: Increase in phone interviews would reduce this problem.
17. Missing Data (cont.): (c) Phone interviews where angler cannot remember date (day type) or area
> day type &/or area is randomly assigned based on distribution of like known data from interviews