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Committee for the Future - A Finnish Social Innovation. Committee for the Future 2011 - 2015. Committee for the Future. Tasks: Developing futures policy dialogue with the Government and with society at large Evaluating and replying to the Government’s reports
Committee for the Future • Tasks: • Developing futures policy dialogue with the Government and with society at large • Evaluating and replying to the Government’s reports • Organizing and coordinating Technology Assessment (TA) of the Parliament • Following up the results of research and development work in the field of future’s studies and foresight • COUNTERPART= PRIME MINISTER’s office
Parliamentary think tank • Traditionally, future studies have been carried out by ministries and research institutes (=sectoral approach) or private think tanks • Since 1993, Committee for the Future has functioned in the Parliament as a think tank of MP’s. • Since 1993, the Government has issued, once during its term of office, a report on long-term future prospects and the Government’ targets (=horizontal approach) and submitted it to Parliament • Starting point 1: a major economic crisis in the early 1990s • Starting point 2: An initiative made in Parliament in 1992 calling on the Government to present strategies for Finland’s future
Reports on the Future • 6 Government’sproposal-reports and 6 Parliament’sanswer-reports • 1993: Finland and itsrelationship to changes in its operating environment • 1996: The future of Finland and Europe • 1997: Finland’seconomy • 2001: Regionaldevelopment • 2005: Finland'sdemographictrends, populationpolicy and preparation for changes in the agestructure • 2010: Climate and energy • ALL OTHER PROJECTS ARE MADE BY OWN INITIATIVE OF THE COMMITTEE
Dialogue on the future:Government - Parliament Future Reports Government Preparation Preparation Parliament Ministry Implementation Other Committees Experts Experts Report Plenary Session Committee for the Future Plenary Session PMO Research Institutes Statements Research Institutes Ministry Other Committees Implementation Regional/Open Future Forums: participation, collaboration, empowerment and crowdsourcing
Themes and Projects Committee for the Future Themes 2011-2015
The Committee for the Future’s vision, strategy and operational plan for 2011-15 The Committee for the Future heard the views of experts from various sub-sectors of society in autumn 2011. 47 experts from 22 different organisations were consulted at hearings or other meetings. Eight of these organisations were universities and research institutions, three ministries and three companies. Four lobby organisations representing various interest groups were consulted, in addition to public funding and development bodies. Discussions also took place with various groups within the Parliament itself. An operational plan for the term of the present Government was drafted on the basis of these hearings. The Committee also decided on a strategy for 2011-15 to support and strengthen these measures. This totality was complemented with a vision in spring 2012.
The Committee for the Future’s vision for 2015 The Committee for the Future is well known for its work in collating opportunities, threats and weak signals relating to the future. We have produced concrete openings for forthcoming Programmes for Government. We work openly, changing the working methods of the entire Eduskunta and using the means that citizen participation, crowdsourcing and new technology make available. We are more visible as a committee in the public eye and we serve as a respected link between research and decision making. We have made bold and concrete openings, which have prompted a broad civic discourse and Representatives’ awareness of the future has improved. Our image is one of people who take delight in getting things done, producing good ideas and passing them on to the other committees. We publish an extensive range of material.
The Committee for the Future’s strategy and operational plan for 2011-15 In autumn 2011 the Committee preliminarily chose seven areas of study for itself during the 2011-15 parliamentary term: Sustainable Growth, An Inspired Society, Acquiring New Knowledge, Can the Welfare Society Endure? Black Swans, Crowdsourcing, and Radical Technologies The themes are chosen from the Committee’s interests, but also to create a readiness to respond to the Government’s report on the future. These reports facilitate a long-term general analysis for Finland and prepare a futures map/roadmap for use in a global, unpredictably changing world that contains new and multidimensional uncertainties.
Seven areas of study The Sustainable Growth project will seek bold and concrete openings from the sector of sustainable growth. Its objective is to produce ten concrete proposals for measures by means of which economic growth will be increased at the same time as the problems of sustainable development will be resolved. The An inspired Society project will examine the relationship between the social environment and enterprise and growth entrepreneurialism. There are two research problems: Why do people in some areas become entrepreneurs more often than people elsewhere? And why in some areas do people become growth entrepreneurs more often than people in other areas? The goal is to develop a (social) operational environment that supports growth entrepreneurship.
Seven areas of study The Acquiring New Knowledge project will be done as case studies, in which the best practices in education and teaching are sought. To conclude, we shall evaluate implementation of the these themes in the present educational system and present proposals for measures by means of which acquisition of new knowledge can be promoted. In addition, we can launch pilot development projects in collaboration with schools and similar educational establishments. The project will support the Government’s goal of making the Finns the world’s most competent people by 2020. The objective set for the Can the Welfare Society Endure? project was that of understanding the causes and consequences of wellbeing and malaise in society and defining the welfare state of the future: What would the best possible welfare state be like if we could plan it from a blank slate?
Seven areas of study A preliminary report on Crowdsourcing was commissioned in late 2011 from Tarja Aitamurto, who is a researcher at Stanford. The report is due for completion on 25.4.2012. The long-term objective is to build a Committee for the Future presence in social media. This means, among other things, stronger participation than hitherto by various actors and citizens in a variety of projects, the distribution through the Internet of videos, e-books and comparable material as well as also transmitting expert presentations and seminars online through live streams. Crowdsourcing example from Icelandhttp://youtu.be/4uJOjh5QBgA The Black Swans project will be implemented as a writing competition in the course of 2012 and it can be availed of also as part of the programme for Helsinki’s year as Design Capital. In futures research, Black Swans refer to rare, improbable, surprising and unanticipated events that have very major effects when they happen. These effects can be either negative or positive. What the Committee is looking for through the writing competition are ideas, views and visions regarding what could be events, actions or matters – positive or negative – that would change everything or at least very much? What would the world and life be like in the future if a Black Swan comes to pass?
Seven areas of study The Radical Technologies study will collect together the future pictures for technology and weak signals that have been detected in the other projects and studies. In addition, small-scale preliminary studies focusing on the future of technology and the technology of the future can be implemented.
Expert Hearings (IKEA Professor Saara Taalas from Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Expert Hearings About Finland’s transport policy lines for the future (entrepreneurs, NGO’s, researchers and civilservants)
Co-operation with the Finland Futures Research Centre (http://www.utu.fi/en/units/ffrc/about/Pages/home.aspx) • Established in 1992 • SpecialUnit of the University of Turku • Personnel: 55 • Ongoingresearch, development andeducationprojects: 60–80 • Turnover: 3,5 M€ (2012)
Public Relations (Media Center)
Press Conferences in Regions (during the visits)
Crowdsourcing with IdeaScale Virtual Environment (Social media)
TuV:n kotisivut Jäsenet, esityslista, päätökset, lausunnot, mietinnöt ja julkaisut: www.eduskunta.fi/tuv Valiokunnan visio, strategia ja toimintasuunnitelma: http://web.eduskunta.fi/dman/Document.phx?documentId=vh13212161536406&cmd=download TuV:n esittely Eptan sivuilla:http://eptanetwork.org/members.php?country=Finland Jaostojen sivut:http://web.eduskunta.fi/Resource.phx/eduskunta/organisaatio/valiokunnat/tulevaisuusvaliokunta/jaostot/index.htx Joukkoistamisvideot youtubessa: • Islanti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU9y0y7w1p8&feature=youtu.be (236 latausta) • Islanti englanniksi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uJOjh5QBgA&feature=youtu.be (1337 latausta) • USA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epqo7KG5yPY&feature=youtu.be (82 latausta) Joukkoistamispilotit:http://www.suomijoukkoistaa.fi/ (480 tykkää facebookissa, 34 tweettaa, 115 ideaa, 580 kommenttia, 5076 ääntä, 374 käyttäjälle Jaostot facebookissa: • Joukkoistaminen: http://www.facebook.com/JoukkoistaminenTuvi (168 tykkäämistä) • Kestävä kasvu: http://www.facebook.com/kestavakasvu (93 tykkäämistä) • Kestääkö hyvinvointivaltio: http://www.facebook.com/hyvinvointiyhteiskunta (43 tykkäämistä) Kestävä kasvu -jaoston keskustelupaperit: • Nettomittarointi:http://www.google.fi/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=nettomittarointi&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fweb.eduskunta.fi%2Fdman%2FDocument.phx%3FdocumentId%3Dts11712093547383%26cmd%3Ddownload&ei=XchFUI28CZLT4QSJhYHoDg&usg=AFQjCNFVuB32FcI5U9JUjeYzMN_XxS1YSA • Sähköautot:http://www.google.fi/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=alkusys%C3%A4yksell%C3%A4&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsahkoinenliikenne.fi%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F06%2FAlkusysayksella_sahkoautojen_kotimarkkinat_kayntiin1.pdf&ei=2shFUPPBDMam4gSeyYD4Dw&usg=AFQjCNHaT34pZQCoNG-di-Ovp_qcewEw7g
Technology Assessment Self made 3D Printer, Aarni Saarimaa, 2012 http://www.thingiverse.com/
TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (TA) • One task of the Committee for the Future is to function as a parliamentary body for assessing technological development and its consequences for society. • TA in a parliamentary context means appraisal of the effects on society of using the results of scientific research and technology. • TA generally encompasses broader sectors of science and technology, such as biotechnology, mass communications, transport, energy, etc.
TA • The need for TA in the Parliament of Finland can be justified in two ways • The accelerating development of science and technology is having substantial effects on society, economic development and the life of the individual. TA helps parliamentarians understand these influences better and take them into account in political decision making • The other justifying factor relates to the Parliament's tasks and democracy. When legislative and budgetary proposals of significant import for society are submitted for its consideration, the Parliament must, if it is to be able to exercise oversight of the Government’s actions, already have a good enough foundation of knowledge on which to assess these proposals
International Networks and Co-operation http://www.eptanetwork.org/