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MULTIBAC 2.0. Impedance and turbidity analyzer to detect, quantify and research microorganisms. cc 327 – correo central Tel/Fx: 54-381-4364120 cfelice@herrera.unt.edu.ar www.ibi.herrera.unt.edu.ar. Technical specifications. 30 impedance channels 30 turbidity channels Two incubators
MULTIBAC 2.0 Impedance and turbidity analyzer to detect, quantify and research microorganisms. cc 327 – correo central Tel/Fx: 54-381-4364120 cfelice@herrera.unt.edu.ar www.ibi.herrera.unt.edu.ar
Technical specifications • 30 impedance channels • 30 turbidity channels • Two incubators • The impedance include: • medium resistance • interface reactance • interface resistance • Friendly windows-based user interface
Technical specifications • Low cost technology • Hard and easy construction
Advantages with MULTIBAC • Aerobic or anaerobic culture cells • Better impedance interface growth curves with our patented technique • Data in familiar and exportable ASCII and mdb formats to off-line analysis.
Two incubators with independents temperatures ranges to analyze microorganisms growth Impedance and turbidity simultaneous measurements with easy-handling cells
Advantages with MULTIBAC • Opaque sample ?, measure impedance, do not dilutions. • Small impedances changes ?, use turbidity. • Not medium resistance changes ?, measure imterface impedance.
Applications • Foods industry • Farmaceutical industry • Cosmetic industry • Oil industry • Clinical samples • Examples: milk, beer, meat, fish, water, urine, juices, etc.
Applications • Detection and quantification of microorganisms. • Biocides ranking. • Microbial growth characteristics analysis with two simultaneous methods: impedance and turbidity.
References • FELICE C.J., CLAVIN O.E., SPINELLI J.C., VALENTINUZZI M.E. and GALLO B. del V. (1988) " Low-Cost digital impedance meter for the detection of micro-organisms". J. Biomed. Eng. 10(5):448-452. • FELICE C.J., CLAVIN O.E., GALLO Beatriz del V., ARMAYOR M.R., SPINELLI Julio C. and VALENTINUZZI Máximo E. (1988) "Impedancimetric Bacterial Detection: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects". Medical Progress through Technology 14:25-33. • FELICE C.J., OLIVERA J.M., LOPEZ R. (1991) "Sistema multicanal para la detección de micro-organismos".Mundo Electronico (Barcelona, España) 291:53-58. • FELICE C.J., VALENTINUZZI M.E., VERCELLONE M.I., MADRID R.E. (1992) "Impedance Bacteriometry: Medium and interface contributions during bacterial growth". IEEE Trans Biomed. Eng. 39(12):1310-1313. • MADRID R.E., VERCELLONE M.I., FELICE C.J., VALENTINUZZI M.E. (1994). "Bacterial growth analyzer by impedance and turbidity". Medical & Biol.Eng.& Comput. 32(6):670-672. • MORUCCI JP, VALENTINUZZI ME, RIGAUD B, FELICE CJ, CHAVEAU N, MARSILI PM (1996). Bioelectrical Impedance Technique in Medicine. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 24(4-6). Begell House, Inc., 79 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, pp:209-681. • FELICE C.J., MADRID R.E., OLIVERA J.M., ROTGER V.I., VALENTINUZZI M.E. (1999) "Impedance microbiology: quantification of bacterial content in milk by means of capacitance growth curves". J. Microb. Meth. 35(1): 37-42. • FELICE CJ, VALENTINUZZI ME. (1998) Medium and interface in impedance microbiology: measurement method and electrochemical perspective. Material parcialmente protegido por la patente Argentina # 960101249, 1997. In Press in IEEE BME. • MADRID R.E., SPINELLI E.M., FELICE C.J. (1998) Exact linearization sinusoidal fitting applied to bioimpedancimetric measurements. Submitted. • MADRID R.E., FELICE C.J., VALENTINUZZI M.E. (1999) Automatic on-line analyzer of microbial growth using simultaneous measurements of impedance and turbidity. In press in Biomedical Engineering and Computing. • Patente Argentina en trámite (# 960101249, 1997) Felice CJ, Madrid RE., EQUIPO PARA ANALIZAR EL CRECIMIENTO DE MICROORGANISMOS MIDIENDO IMPEDANCIA EN DOS FRECUENCIAS. Gestionada a través del CONICET. • Patente Argentina en trámite (Acta # 980106505, 1998). Madrid RE, Felice CJ, EQUIPO PARA ANALIZAR CONTAMINACIÓN MICROBIANA POR IMPEDANCIA Y TURBIDEZ. Gestionada a través del CONICET. • Felice CJ (1995). Monitor digital de microorganismos: aspectos teóricos y prácticos. Departamento de Bioingeniería del INSIBIO, UNT. Tesis Doctoral. • Madrid R.E. (1998). Uso simultáneo de impedancia y turbidez para la detección y cuantificación de microorganismos. Departamento de Bioingeniería del INSIBIO. UNT. Tesis Doctoral.