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How Does the Charter Affect Law Making in Canada?

How Does the Charter Affect Law Making in Canada?. Case Studies. Read article in class. Summary: Couple was born deaf Up until 1990 sign language interpreters were provided free of charge When the agency was short of $$$ the service was discontinued

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How Does the Charter Affect Law Making in Canada?

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  1. How Does the Charter Affect Law Making in Canada? Case Studies

  2. Read article in class. Summary: Couple was born deaf Up until 1990 sign language interpreters were provided free of charge When the agency was short of $$$ the service was discontinued Was denied communication rights when Linda Warren delivered her twins Fought the B.C. government for failing to provide interpreters, and won in the supreme court What rights were violated? 1. Equality Rights – Right to be free of discrimination because of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, age or mental or physical disability. Breaking the Communication Barrier

  3. Read article in class. Summary: Until 1985 the “Lord’s Day Act” made it illegal for most Canadian businesses to open on Sunday. Day of rest was respected Big M Drug Mart opened deliberately to break and challenge the law They fought the law in the supreme court and won It was concluded that the “Lord’s Day Act” violated Canadians fundamental right to freedom What rights were violated? 1. Fundamental Freedom – of conscience and religion. Always Open 24-7

  4. Read article in class. Summary: Canada’s government banned certain people from travelling by air for security reasons. Applies to all passengers “who appear to be 12 years of age or older” Applies to people deemed threats to airline safety including terrorist groups and people convicted of one or more serious crimes against aviation security Results: 1. Like the War Measures Act, the Anti-Terrorism Act was adopted by the Canadian government to restrict the rights of people deemed as dangerous to Canadian citizens. Restrictions on Flying

  5. Read the article in class. Summary Advertising is proven to persuade people to buy products Advertising junk food can be seen to be linked to poor health choices and increasing the need to spend money on unnecessary health care Want to protect children under the age of 9 What do you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZcjNumga4s&feature=PlayList&p=780AC60DEDDB015B&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZxgR2b7GCE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfodGQ0fWqo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O3Wb2RUwSc Banning Junk Food Ads

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