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Superconductivity and Electric Power: Several Future Scenarios

Superconductivity and Electric Power: Several Future Scenarios. Paul M. Grant EPRI DOE Peer Review Workshop 23 July 1997. What is Electricity?. Electricity is the most efficient and convenient means mankind has found to transport energy throughout his habitat…. ]. Developed. FSUs.

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Superconductivity and Electric Power: Several Future Scenarios

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  1. Superconductivityand Electric Power:Several Future Scenarios Paul M. Grant EPRI DOE Peer Review Workshop 23 July 1997

  2. What is Electricity? Electricity is the most efficient and convenient means mankind has found to transport energy throughout his habitat….

  3. ] Developed FSUs Electricity Generation Developing log [ per capita Persian Gulf Emerging log [ per capita GDP] Electricityand the Quality of Life • Electricity directly related to standard of living in most of the world • Enormous increase in electricity usage seen for the 21st century

  4. China Vietnam Cambodia Laos Philippines Indonesia Electricity & QoL:Asian Scene

  5. E/GNP (index: 1900=100) Electricity (%) 150 50 E/GNP ratio 130 40 Electricity fraction 110 30 20 90 70 10 50 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Source: Electricity in the American Economy, Sam H. Schurr, et al., 1990 Electricity& Energy Conservation Electricity is the most efficient and convenient means mankind has found to transport energy throughout his habitat….

  6. Electricity - The Bottom Line

  7. US Energy Flow - 1995

  8. US Electricity Flow - 1994 1 Quad = 0.29 TkWh 0.15 TkWh 0.28 TkWh 3.24 TkWh

  9. 19 20 18 Indonesia US: $324 B World: $1.3 T 16 Philippines 14 Malaysia 12 Thailand 9 10 7.4 7.4 India 8 6.4 5.7 China 4.7 6 Japan 4 1.9 US 2 0 Electricity Prices: 1995US & Asia (¢US/kWh)

  10. U.S. ElectricityProduction/Loss Summary

  11. The Electricity Paradigm • Generation/Storage • Transmission/Distribution • Delivery/End Use

  12. The Electricity Paradigmand Superconductivity • Generation/Storage • Generators, SMES, Flywheels • Transmission/Distribution • Cables, Transformers, FCLs • Delivery/End Use • Motors, Electromagnets

  13. Superconductivityand Efficiency

  14. The Electricity Paradigmand Deregulation • Generation/Storage • GenCo • Deregulated, Open Market, Commodity Bidding • Transmission/Distribution • TranCo • Regulated, ISOs, Stewardship? • Delivery/End Use • ServCo • Deregulated, MultiUtility (Elec, Gas, Telecom,…)

  15. Electricity-Transportation Analogy

  16. Electricity Transmissionand Deregulation • Public Stake in Viable Grid • Freeway System Analogy • Who’s in Charge?

  17. California AB 1890Summary • Implements electricity deregulation and mandates CEC to set up RD&D program • CEC RD&D Program Mission • “Public interest RD&D activities to advance energy science or technology not adequately provided by competitive and regulated markets” • Funded by utilities and access rate levy • $62 M/yr

  18. California AB 1890RD&D Focus Areas • Renewable Energy • Energy Efficiency • Superconductivity? • Environmental Protection • Strategic Energy Research • Superconductivity?

  19. Gas or Electricity?Pipes or Wires?

  20. Natural Gas Industry Natural Gas Industry Tcf Tcf Estimates of Remaining Reserves Estimates of Remaining Reserves 2400 2400 3D Seismic Imaging 3D Seismic Imaging 2000 2000 1600 1600 1200 1200 800 800 Trendline Trendline 400 400 GRI PGC 0 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 North American CH4There’s Lots of It 3D Seismic Imaging Plus Directional Drilling 50 Years at ‘97 Prices! EPRI EPRI

  21. Natural Gas:Monthly Price Fluctuations

  22. Electricity from Gas Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (Aeroderived) >60% TE, $500/kW GE, ABB, Hitachi Steam Turbine Generator Gas Turbine

  23. Distributed Generation:US &Europe • Use widespread NG pipeline network • Generation plants sited locally • Community of 60,000: 50-100 MW • Subdivision of 1-2000: 3-5 MW • Single Family Dwelling: 20-30 kW (100,000 btu/hr) • Some level of storage required • “Loosely” connected to grid

  24. Distributed Generation:Approaches • Internal Combustion (GRI) • “Micro-turbines” (EPRI) • Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

  25. Power by HTSC:Middle East

  26. Power by HTSC:North America • Two Wheeling Scenarios: • Hudson Bay Hydo Power into New England/New York • Vera Cruz Gas Fields to Texas

  27. Power by HTSC:Asia Location of Asian Gas Fields and Major Energy Use Centers

  28. Power by HTSC:Southeast Asia

  29. The SuperconductingElectricity Pipe! • Total Cryo System • Power: 5 GW dc • Cost: < Gas, HVDC > 500 Miles

  30. Operating Parameters Capacity 50 kA, ±50 kV; %GMW Length 1610 km Temperature Rise, 21,600 liters LN /hr, 2 1 K every 10 km, 65 K, 100 kW coolers, 120 1 W/m heat input gal/min -5 -4 Vacuum 10 -10 torr 10 stations/10 km need 200 kW

  31. Gas/HVDC Comparison

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