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What is IDL?. 1970 IDL's predecessor, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, CO1987 Unix environment1992 Widgets addedInteractive Data Language (IDL) is a programming language that is a popular data analysis language among scientists. It is has all of the program control opt
1. IDL Tutorial Day 1Goals:1) Introduce IDL basics2) Describe fundamental IDL structures Maria Kazachenko
2. What is IDL?
1970 – IDL’s predecessor, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, CO
1987 – Unix environment
1992 – Widgets added
Interactive Data Language (IDL) is a programming language that is a popular data analysis language among scientists.
It is has all of the program control options of a standard programming language.
Syntax includes many constructs from Fortran and some from C
Many useful functions are available in large library
Used by
- Lockheed-Martin
- Medical Imaging Fields
3. IDL under Unix
4. Basic Unix Commands >man command-name - looks at the manual page for the command
>pwd - shows current working directory path
>cd {dirname} - changes current directory into dirname
>cd /home/
>chmod {options} - changes permission modes of a file
>cp {filename}{path} - copies files from one directory/filename to another
>cp f1 f2 - makes a file f2 identical to f1
>cp –r - copies a folder
>emacs {filename} - runs the text editor named EMACS
>find ./ -name ‘’t*’’ –print - searches the named directory and its sub- directories for files starting with ‘t’
>gv {filename.ps} - X PostScript previewer
>ls {directory} - shows directory listing
>ls - prints the names of the files in the current directory
>ls –l - shows long directory listing
>mkdir dirname - makes a sub-directory named “dirname” in the current directory
>ssh {machine-name} - secure alternative to telnet.
5. In this tutorial, IDL> refers to the IDL prompt. And >refers to OS prompt (outside IDL).Once in IDL, you type the stuff that comes after this. For example to enter the print command, I’ll have IDL>print,aand you would type in “print,a” at the command line. Also [brackets]in an IDL description indicate an optional item.
6. Starting IDL
7. Starting IDL In a terminal window, once an IDL “path” is setup (.idl_startup), type idl, idlde, sswidl, or sswidlde
sswidl calls IDL with solar software and specified paths which have useful programs for solar physics work.
sswidlde calls a graphical developer, where sswidl simply works in your terminal window
You’ll almost always use sswidl or sswidlde.
To manually set the “paths” needed for your work, talk to your research advisor
To use an OS command, enter $ prior to it (Exceptions: pwd, cd,’/disk…’)
IDL>$ls ;lists content of current directory
To exit out of IDL
8. Journal Procedure Records everything you enter, plus any error or processing messages output by IDL, into a text file
IDL> journal,‘text_file’ ;opens the file & ;starts record
IDL> command line
IDL> journal ;closes the journal file
To view, open journal file with any text editor
> emacs text_file
or > nedit text_file
9. General Strategies IDL> ? ; IDL help menu
IDL> xdoc ; Sswidl (solar) help
IDL> help, [variable, /str] ; Properties of variables
IDL> z=fltarr(3,7) ; Defines new array (3x7)
IDL> help,z ; Tells about z
Z FLOAT = Array[3, 7]
IDL> which,’display.pro’ ; Location of the program ; you’re using
Unix text editors - nedit, emacs, pico, vi
> nedit mypro.pro
Don’t memorize all commands
Keep notes on your work and use the IDL journal
Write programs in steps
Learn by doing - don’t be afraid to make mistakes!!!
10. Some basic syntax IDL is not case sensitive but Unix is
IDL> help, var (=) IDL> HELP, Var
IDL> journal, “text_file” (NOT =) journal, “Text_File”
The up arrow key recalls the most recent IDL input lines
Ctrl-e, Ctrl-a – moves cursor to the end, beginning of the line
Ctrl-C – interrupts IDL-command
IDL> ; comments out an IDL line
Use & to enter more than one command on a line
IDL> a=[1,2,3,4,5,6] & print,a,total(a)
Commas separate arguments from one another
IDL> plot,a,sin(a/5.)/exp(a/50.) ;plots function
Use $ at the end of a line that needs to continue
IDL> for i=0,5 do $
IDL> print,i,a[i]
“All” programs end with .pro - masha.pro
11. Basic Variable Types Integers
- 1 byte – byte data type (0..256)
IDL> a=bindgen(1)
- 2 bytes – integers data type (0..2562-1)
IDL> b=indgen(1) & print,5/3 1
- 4 bytes – long integers (0..2564-1)
IDL> c=lindgen(1)
- 8 bytes – 64-bit long integers (0..2568-1)
Floating data types
- 4 bytes – floats (exponent from-38 to 38)
IDL>print,5./3. & y=float(3)/float(2) 1.66667
IDL> a=1.23456789
IDL> print,a,format=‘(f20.10)’
- 8 bytes – double-precision
IDL> print,5d/3d 1.6666667
IDL> a=1.23456789d0 & print,a,format=‘(f20.10)’
IDL> xyouts,xloc,yloc,string(a,format=‘f(20.10)’)
Strings (Text)
IDL>x=‘Hi there!!!’
12. Assigning a Variable a Value, Algebra Variable_name = value
- will automatically select a variable type
IDL> a=5/3.+4.1 ; float 5.76667
Variable_name = function_name(argument)
IDL> b=exp(a) 148.413 ; float 319.471
Variable_name = string(value)
IDL> str=string(’10’) ; str=’10’
Variable_name = long(value), converts to long integer type.
IDL>x=long(32000.0) ; long integer 32000
Variable_name = fix(value), convert to integer type.
IDL> print,fix(!Pi) 3 ; integer
Variable_name = float(value), convert into single precision float
IDL> help,float(2) 2.00000 ;float
Variable_name = double(value), converts into double precision float
13. Naming Variables Assign ‘readable’ variable names that make sense
Variable names must start with a letter
- NO: 6a=“gamma” OK: a6=“gamma”
Variables should not have the same name as IDL functions
-NO: plot=6.0
Variable names may not have spaces in them
- NO: A 6=5 OK: A_6=5
Some characters are illegal or have special meanings
- NO: a@=5, a.b=5 (used for structures), A+=5, A#=5
14. Organizational structures Scalars
IDL> x=3.
IDL> a=[0,1,2,3] & print,a[1] 1
Arrays (see IDL help for matrices) (index from zero)
intarr(), fltarr(), dblarr(), strarr().indgen()
IDL> q=intarr(2,2) 0 0
0 0
IDL> m=indgen(2,2) 0 1
2 3
IDL> print,m(0,1) 2
IDL> a=findgen(100,100)
IDL> print,a[1,0] 1.00000
IDL> b=a[23:25,67:69]
IDL> indx=where(a gt 10.)
IDL> jndx=where(a[indx] le 100.)
IDL> b=a[indx[ jndx]]
makes b equal to 1-d array equal to the elements of a that are both larger than 10 and less than or equal to 100
15. Array operations Simple math operations (* by scalar, +, -); A 3-column by 2-row array:
IDL> A = [ [0, 1, 2],[3, 4, 5] ,[5,6,7]]
IDL>B=2*A 0 2 4
IDL>print,B 6 8 10
10 12 14
More complex math
#, Multiply an array by another IDL> C=A#B
N_elements: Total number of elements in array
IDL> n=n_elements(A)
Total(array): computes a sum of all elements
Min(array): outputs the min value; also Max
Minmax(array): outputs the min then max
Rebin: Resize array IDL> C=Rebin(A,6,6)
Eigenvec: finds eigenvectors
16. Structures Structures are variables that contain multiple variables (scalars, arrays, or other structures)
Each variable contained within a structure is called a tag
IDL> struct={[struct_name], tag_name1: tag_value1,…}
Anonymous structure (may change tags)
IDL> A={name:’alpha ori’, ra:5.33, dec:-7.6, red:fltarr(12)}
IDL> help,/st
NAME STRING 'alpha ori'
RA FLOAT 5.44000
DEC FLOAT -7.60000
RED FLOAT Array[12]
IDL> print,a.dec -7.6
IDL> a.dec=5.5
Named structure. Once a named structure is defined, you cannot change the names of the tags or the number of tags
IDL> A={star, name:’alpha ori’, ra:5.33,dec:-7.6,red:fltarr(12)}
Array of structures (see Help for replicate function)
IDL> cataloga=replicate(a,585)
17. “Homework”
18. Questions
19. Loops Programs with vector and array expressions run faster than programs with scalars, loops, and IF statements.
Consider the problem of adding all positive elements of array B to array A.
IDL> FOR i = 0, (N-1) DO IF B[i] GT 0 THEN A[i] = A[i] + B[i]
IDL> A = A + (B > 0)
For…do – FOR statement is used to execute one or more statement repeatedly, while incrementing or decrementing a variable with each repetition. 1 1
IDL>FOR i = 1, 4 DO PRINT, i,i^2 2 4
3 9
4 16
Or if there are many lines in a loop, then write simple program
PRO Test
FOR i = 1, 4 DO BEGIN