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The Nemean Lion

The Nemean Lion. Leland Murphy. King Eurystheus told Hercules his first assignment was to bring him the skin of a strong lion which caused grief in Nemea.

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The Nemean Lion

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  1. The Nemean Lion Leland Murphy

  2. King Eurystheus told Hercules his first assignment was to bring him the skin of a strong lion which caused grief in Nemea. • Hercules came to a town called Cleonae, where he stayed at the house of a poor man, Molorchus. Molorchus offered to sacrifice an animal to pray for a safe lion hunt, Hercules asked him to wait 30 days. If he returned, they would sacrifice to Zeus, king of the gods. • When Hercules made it to Nemea, he began tracking the lion and quickly noticed his arrows were going to be useless. • He followed the beast to a cave with two entrances. Hercules blocked off one of the two and approached the lion through the other. • He wrestled the lion with his strong arms, until he choked the beast to death.

  3. On the 30th day, Hercules came back to Cleonae, with the lion, and found Molorchus. The two of them sacrificed to Zeus. • He soon returned home, and to King Eurystheus’ amazement Hercules had managed to track and kill the lion. • The king became scared of Hercules, and told him to never come back through the gates of his city. • The king began to send letters, or messengers to assign hercules of his tasks so he would never have to meet him face to face. • *In the picture on the front, it shows Hercules wearing the skin of the lion.

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