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A reminder to turn off electronic devices, use the nursery for fussy children, and be considerate during preaching. Exploring the difference between a house that weathers a storm and one that collapses, highlighting the importance of a strong foundation.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
A reminder - Please: Turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only Turn off sound to all electronic devices Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early)
Building on Solid GroundMatthew 7:24-27 / Luke 6:47-48 The difference between a house that weathers a storm and one that collapses is its foundation The strength of a spiritual structure is the foundation upon which it is built
Two Men, Two Houses, Two EndsMatthew 7:24-27 Within this analogy there are two similarities and two differences First Similarity - both houses have a similar structural appearance The outward appearance / actions of true righteousness & self-righteousness are similar
Two Men, Two Houses, Two EndsMatthew 7:24-27 Second Similarity - both houses would have storms come against them prospiptw / prospipto vs. proskoptw / proskopto = difference in effect of the storm on the house
The Storms of LifeJames 1:2-4 Economics – Financial hardship & even poverty have been common to Christians since the beginning The wise heed Jesus’ teaching - their treasure is in heaven & they seek first His kingdom and righteousness
The Storms of Life - Suffering The consequences of the curse of sin include the storms of sickness and suffering – due to: Degraded Environment, Toxic Substances & Radiation, Genetic Mutations, Diseases, Parasites and Predators
The Storms of Life - Suffering The wise have a hope and a purpose that transcend the suffering of the present - Matthew 5 & 6 We await final redemption with a hope for glories of eternity (Heb. 12:2; John 16:21-33; Rom. 8:18f) The foolish find pain unbearable and seek to reduce and eliminate it - Prov. 31:6-7
The Storms of Life - Suffering Without hope, despair leads to a desire for death ignorant that eternal judgment will be worse Beware of those that claim Christians should always be healthy Paul could not heal Timothy, or himself (2 Cor. 9) - Asaph in Psalm 73 shows the proper view of suffering
The Storms of Life - Death The hardest storm in this life is the death of loved ones & facing our own The righteous still grieve, but we have hope for death has been conquered - 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Phil. 1:21f The foolish grieve with despairing sorrow because they have no hope
The Last Storm – Final Judgment The final storm the foolish will face will be their judgment before God - a great fall The context is the warnings about two gates, two destinations, false prophets and self-deception
The Wise Man & The Foolish Man “Therefore” points out this is a conclusion based on what Jesus has already taught The difference between the wise and the foolish man is their response to what Jesus says in this sermon You cannot work you way to heaven (Ephesians 2:8-9), the trap the self-righteous fall into (Mat. 7:21-23)
The Wise Man & The Foolish Man You just be a doer of the word, not merely a hearer who deludes himself - James 1:22 The gospel has been perverted by making your belief in Jesus a work that saves you Intellectual assent does not equal the three facets of belief, faith and trust which are needed for salvation
The Wise Man & The Foolish Man The evidence of salvation is a life regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit You are saved because God . . . - Eph. 2:4-5; Rom. 3:24, Titus 3:5-7, etc. The saved are new creations made righteous by God and so they love Christ and obey Him
Conclusions What will you do in response to what Jesus has taught? Are you wise or foolish? Hope begins with humility and mourning over sin to enter the narrow gate
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ