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DEYI NPCC UNIT. CONTENT. Sec 1 CCA Orientation 3 Sec 3 Classification Shoot 4 NPCC Campcraft Competition 5 Visit to Dog Unit 6 SANA Course 7
CONTENT • Sec 1 CCA Orientation 3 • Sec 3 Classification Shoot 4 • NPCC Campcraft Competition 5 • Visit to Dog Unit 6 • SANA Course 7 • Civil Defence Course 8 • Passing-Out-Parade 9 • Inter-Unit Shooting Competition 10 • Police Knowledge Course 11 • As a Marching Contingent in SYF 12 • Extra Physical Training 13 • Sec 3 NCOs Camp 14 • Scrabble Competition 15 • Walk ‘n’ Jog 16
Sec 1 CCA Orientation 2002 ( 4th Jan) We had our annual Sec 1 Co-Curriculum (CCA) Orientation on 4th Jan 2002. All of us were filled with determination in our heart to attract as many students as possible. All of us volunteered to stay overnight in school to set up our stall.our station was in front of the D&T building which can be easily be noticed. We built a shade with poles and manila hemp. It was used to exhibit our uniform, rifles etc. To make our presentation more interesting,we prepared Slides on our activities,e.g. canoe and our trip to Sentosa. We also took our banner we made and hang it above our stall and other Parts of the school. We also pasted posters which the Sec 2 cadets made. We were very proud of our work and looked forward to the next day. Staying overnight Introducing NPCC The next day, we got up early in the morning to do final preparation before the CCA orientation started. It was time to show the power of NPCC!!! The Sec 2s sang songs and cheers while the Sec 3s do baton drills. We were very happy to hear that the Sec 1 was overwhelming Poster done by the Sec 2s ~ S/sgt Fong Shimin Although it was a tiring day, I think that it was interesting experience as things were very new to me. It had helped me gained much experience,especially in teamwork and co-cooperation. The response given by the Sec1 was overwhelming, even the parents asked us many questions. I was glad that the hard work we had put in paid off ~ Corporal Rebecca Tan Displaying the awards
NPCC Campcraft Competition The Girls’ Campcraft team The Boys’ Campcraft team In the late month of November, 11 of us began Campcraft training. We came down to school thrice a week and practiced from morning to late afternoon, under the hot sun. Initially, the training was very tough.Whenever we made a mistake, our Cis reprimanded us and kept teaching us persistently. We were made to do Push-up if we made any mistakes in our pitching. After continuous pitching, our fingers and palms were full of blisters and were so painful that we could not even hold a pen. We were full of complaints, but we worked together during training. Even after the school term started, we has campcraft training after school. We returned home late and did not have much time to revise for our subjects. We were too tired and slackened in our training. We got scolded by our CIs and the anger in us made us more determined to improve in our pitching. When our competition day drew nearer, we trained everyday. We went to Police Academy for the competition on 9th Feb 2002. All of us were confident that we would complete our tent and flagpole within the given time. Unfortunately, the tent’s twine snapped at the last minute. We were bitterly disappointed and felt that all our training had gone to waste. Surprisingly, our Team made it in to the 19th place out of the whole competition!!!We felt very happy and proud of ourselves. We feel that this competition and all trainings that we had brought us team mates united and closer. We learnt to work together and care for each other. We also learnt more about each other, qualities like, team spirit and determination. We are proud of being one of the team ~Girls Campcraft Team
Sec 3 Classification Shoot ( 9th Feb) We were all trembling with fear, standing in the drill shed, waiting for our turn to step into the shooting range. For some of us, it was the last time to hold a .22 pistol, and for the other who could shoot better, they could enter the interview shooting competition. The officer-in-charge then called out to our squad to march to the Shooting range. We were then Pointed to queue up behind the stands. In the shooting range, the ‘beng’ produced by the pistols made us more nervous. Many of us were looking at each other with anxiety and fear. Finally, it was our turn, with calmy hands, we picked up the pistol, making our best shot. After we finished, we marched back in small group to the drill shed. Some of us were quite gloomy and sad as it was quite obvious that they had not done well for the ‘shootout’. For the others, with ‘YES!’ and smile all over their faces, have obviously done quite well. Having our classification shoot After taking up mach of our brainpower and energy for the badge, we finally returned home” ~S/Sgt Jonathan Chew
Visit to Dog Unit (9th Mar) NPCC Unit organised for the Sec 1cadets to go to the Dog Unit.It was fun but also quite disgusting. First of all, we went to see the dogs’ performance. There were many schools which were waiting for us as we were the last school to arrive. The place we sat was far from the field that the dogs perform on. I think it is to keep the dogs from a safe distance away the audience. After the performance, we went to see the different dogs and that can be disgusting in somewhere because some of the cages the dogs are kept had saliva. The place was squeezy. Some of the dogs barked upon seeing us, causing all the girls to be on wits’ end, some even screamed. However some of the dogs, normally smaller in size are cute because they were jumping when they saw us. Dogs trained to catch criminals Lastly, we went to a place to rest. At that place,there were souvenir and drinks. My friends thought that the souvenirs were cheap, thus they bought some. After then, we abroad the bus and bid the dogs goodbye. On the way back, the excitement has not creased. We continued to talks about the dogs in the dog unit. We had a lot of fun at the Dog Unit. I hope that NPCC unit would continue to bring the next batch of Sec 1 cadet to the Dog Unit Dogs jumping over the burning hoop ~Lance Corporal Ng Rong Rong
SANA Course (13/14 Mar) SANA stands for Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association. The Course is under the SANA Anti-Drug and Inhalant Badge Scheme. This SANA course was held in Deyi Secondary School for Area 2 schools. We, the Secondary 2 cadets were required to attend this course to get our SANA proficiency badges and the Secondary 3 NCOs helped to run the whole course. There were also other schools like Anderson Secondary and Serangoon Garden Secondary which also attend the course us. In this 2-day course, we learnt things about drugs like penalty of trafficking different drugs, the origin of the drugs, background on the drug and inhalant abuse problem in Singapore, enforcement, treatment and rehabilitation, types of drugs and their effects and background of SANA After the course, we had to take a test which was used to determine how much we understood. We also required to complete a project on drugs and a poster. The most challenging part of this course was to be a anti-drug messengers. We had to spread the message of anti-drug abuse to 10 people and also asked them to complete a sheet of questionnaires. Cadets listen intensively to the lecture Be assertive, Say “NO” to drugs Let’s perform! ~Corporal Terence Khim
Passing Out Parade (1st Jun) Days before Passing-Out-Parade, we prepared dance items and songs for the day. Joel, especially, was putting a lot of hard work organizing the function and trying to make sure everything would go smoothly. The Sec 1 and 2s were putting in lot of efforts in the dance and songs. They were doing their best to make their item as close to perfect as possible. The NCOs were helping out in any way they could. Everybody was rushing up and down the building. Our PC On the big day itself, the senior NCOs did their drill the last time. The Parade Commander for this parade was S/Sgt Seri. The Sec 4 squad marched into the parade smartly. At night, we had the farewell party.we set up the stage using the table from the canteen. We had been preparing early morning that day. Some of us were getting pretty exhausted. We blew balloons but half of them burst before we could even put them up. We went to gather firewood. Some of us had cuts and bruises but still we did our best to make the day successful. At last, the function started and we gave our best. Joel looked so tired out. He biggest credit should go to him for the leadership he show to make the day a success Sec 4 in parade square ~ S/Sgt Annu Sec 4 Squad Campfire is burning One of our performance
Civil Defence Course (5th Jun) I went for the Civil Defence Course on 5th Jun at Kim Keat.We took our own transport. We were the last to reach there. Deyi NPCC was one of the groups to have theory lesson before practical. I remember learning about the basic knowledge of Civil Defence, its motto and purposes. We watched this on a video. Later on,we had a lecture. We learnt what to do if there was a fire, what to bring in case of having to stay in a bomb shelter…etc. All these information are very useful and can be applied. The officer is telling the cadet what to do in bomb shelter After lunch, we had our practical lesson. We learnt how to put out a fire by a fire extinguisher. There are mainly 3 types of fire extinguishers which served different purposes. Some of us were nominated to try to use the fire extinguishers. Although I was not one of them, I cold tell that it was fun and knowledge. Finally, we had our last lesson, which is on learning how to use a portable stretcher. We are divided into groups and tried carrying a casualty and walked round the learning area. We also learnt how to use different types of methods transport casualties who suffer different types of injuries. This skill is useful as it can also be applied if there was insufficient or no stretcher available. In the afternoon, we had our test. We passed the Test and that was great. We learnt a lot of knowledge and skills which are useful in our daily life and are applicable in the case of emergency ~ Corporal Kwan Limin
Inter-Unit Shooting Competition After our marksmanship, several of our squad mates who had done fairly well for the shooting, were chosen to enter the Inter-Unit shooting competition The Girls’ Shooting Team The Boys’ Shooting Team We were all nervous when we heard that we would be representing our unit as were all eager to bring glory to bring glory to our unit and school. We are also excited at the same time as that would be a second chance for us to experience shooting and it would be the last chance. We had regular dry practices to prepare for the shooting competition. The practices were tough and we often go back home with aches here and there. We had a common aim in us that is to get the championship of the shooting competition. The time limit for us to finish shooting had made the competition more difficult and more competitive but all of us trained hard to achieve our am. We did many finger push-ups to Increase strength of the fingers On the competition day, we were waiting in the drill shed nervously for our turn to shoot. Picking up the pistol, we made our best shot. After we finished, we marched back to the drill shed. Many of us were disappointed with the results but all of us were self-conscious as we knew that we have done our best. ~S/Sgt Alvina Soh Captain of Girls’ Shooting Team It was time to bring glory to our unit and the school. Though We did quite badly but we all knew that we had done our best to achieve the best result ~S/Sgt Jonathan Chew Captain of Boys’ Shooting Team ~ S/Sgt Alvina Soh After we finished, we marched back to the drill shed. Many of us were disappointed with the results but all of us were self-conscious as we knew that we have done our best.
Police Knowledge Course (10-12th Jun) Police Knowledge course was a 3 days course on Police laws in Singapore. It was hosted by Xinmin Secondary School. For three Whole days, We were provided lunch at least. The food was quite tasty. Throughout the lecture we went through our Share of sleeps, jokes and giggles among ourselves at times. We Made few friends from other schools as well. Through this course, I learn more about the Singapore law and it is additional material that me make me think twice before deciding to commit any crime as I knew the seriousness of the crime . Since young, I think it was alright to do certain minor thing but out of surprise, it turned out to be a crime. S/Sgt Lim Zhiying The lecturer were interesting. They had a good sense of humor to perk us up. We learnt rules and regulations on Singapore laws. The topic that interested most was molesting, raping etc… We were told that any questions were welcome. The lecturers sometimes used true story to further explain the topic.We all glad by the third day of the course as it meant the last day. The Police Knowledge test that we were asked to do was to determine how much we understood. After the day, we left happy and yet empty and knew we were going to miss the lecturers and the people we came across. ~ S/Sgt Annu
As a Marching Contingent in SYF (6th Jul) The marching contingent On 6th Jul 2002, 13 Deyian NPCC cadets took part in the Singapore Youth Festival which was held in National Stadium. 13 of us were part of the marching contingents. Before the actual parade, we had frequent trainings at Police Academy, even during school holiday. We had more training when the actual parade drew nearer. The marching contingent was with other NPCC units from all over Singapore. The training as tough but all of us shared beautiful memories together. Finally, the most exciting moment arrived. We had to perform in front of many students from schools allover Singapore and parents. I was very nervous but contented. After the grand parade, I was overwhelmed with the joy at the sight of the supportive spectators. I felt honored and fortunate to represent Deyi NPCC Unit to be part of the marching contingent. I was glad that our frequent trainings had paid off, not just received overwhelming support from the spectators, but our discipline had improved tremendously. ~Sgt Reagan He
Extra Physical Training (11th Jul) Extra Physical Training Deyi NPCC always hold extra physical training during The weeks of the NAPHA test. This is to ensure that most of our Cadets, if not all, are able to pass the standard of the physical test. Our extra training are usually held during the weekdays After school. We start off by doing some warm-up exercises to Stretch our muscles and loosed them. Them we do a certain number push-ups and crunches, followed by various vigorous exercises like ranger jumps, jumping jacks and so on. While training for our 2.4km run, we usually head down to the MRT track near our school and run about 6 to7 rounds of 400m each. We are also by our CIs and NCOs, the time we clocked in for our 2.4km exercise. With these timings, we can judge our ability to Run and also pace ourselves for the actual 2.4km test. In this way, We know what to expect for the test and also our ability to do them. These extra physical trainings help to build up our stamina and to keep us fit and strong. We also get a rough idea of our strengths and weakness. So we can improve on those areas that we lack in. the training proved to be very useful for all of the cadets and through these trainings, many cadets did show a great deal of improvement in their physical fitness tests. ~ S/Sgt R. Sivan
Sec 3 NCOs Camp (26/27th Jul) 1st Day:Everybody was pretty excited over the Sec 3 NCO Camp; although we knew it was going to be tough. Its objective of this camp was to teach us leadership skill. The day’s first activity we started upon was lecture. We were talking about our role models---the Senor NCOs. We have both positive and negative views on them. After lecture, we went outside the canteen to learn how to set up barsha. As old school is being demolished, we used what little space we had to buildbarsha. We shared few jokes on how Barsha would collapse. CI Yu Sheng was the biggest joker. We enjoyed ourselves. The barsha that we built After dinner, we were taught how to light a kerosene lamp. CI Wenguang told us how CI Guo Qing poured the wrong liquid into the lamp,thus ended up bursting the lamp. We had a good laugh on it. We used the lamp for our night hike. It was tiring. We didn’t arrive in school on the time estimated, in the end, we had our supper at 2:30 a.m. the next morning. Some of the groups arrived at school by three plus, other at around 4:00a.m. all of us were sweaty and smelly after the hike so we had a good bath in school. By he time we were finished, we had less than 2 hours of sleep. Lighting up a kerosene lamp 2nd Day: We had our Saturday training and made bamboo rice. It still tasted like cooked rice but had the taste of bamboo. Lastly, around 3pm, we went home and our 2 day camp ended. ~S/Sgt Annu
Scrabble Competition (24th Aug 2002) Last two months, I participated the Scrabble Competition which was jointly organised by Deyi NPCC and Teck Chee CC. I won the High Game trophy. On that day, I felt very happy and proud of myself. I enjoyed myself when playing with other cadets from other NPCC unit. However, at the particular time, I had no confidence winning any trophy. I also mix around with others NPCC cadets. After we had finished the game, Deyi NPCC unit had provided us with some food. High Game winner The Scrabble Competition enhanced inter-unit relationship as during the competition, we were helping each other in some way or how ~ S/Sgt Darren Lee Besides me, one of my squad mates also participated in the competition but unfortunately, he did not manage to win any trophy. My squad mate told me his feeling. He was sad and disappointed that he did not win any trophy. However, he was a Great loser because he congratulated me for receiving the High Game trophy after the game ~ Cadet Nurain Binte Mohd Salleh
Walk ‘n’ Jog (27 Oct) Deyi NPCC unit was participating in the Walk ‘n’ Jog A group of us participated in the Walk ‘n’ Jog which was organised by Teck Chee Community Club.The Walk ‘n’ Jog was held on 27th Oct. The starting point and finishing point was Teck Chee Community Club. There were 4 checkpoints along the route. We had to have 4 checkpoint tickets before we could get souvenir and refreshment. Although, it was not the 1st time that I participated in such event, it was my 1st time that I engaged in such event with mysquad mates. The feeling was different from what I had when I Was with my family. In such event, there is interaction between he Sec 3 and Sec 2 cadets. I think that was a good event that to improve the relationship between each other. Though this Walk ‘n’ Jog was not a competition but I learnt from my squad mate that the 1st to arrive at the finishing point was an elderly who jog throughout the event. Even we youngsters were incomparable to him. After the Walk ‘n’ Jog, there was a lucky draw. Two of our squad mates won the prizes. One of my squadmates had also one of the highlights of the event because he suddenly stood up after a lucky draw number was being called. The aunty who actually won the prize stopped walking towards the stage and double checked her number. However, my squadmate was just going to the toilet I enjoyed the event and I think to the participants, regardless they were jogging, brisk walking or purely, it is a good form of exercise ~S/Sgt Lim Zhiying