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Explore the clear path to salvation and divine guidance through scripture-based teachings and ministerial insights. Delve into the significance of faith, love, and salvation in our walk with Christ.
The Obvious Plan of God I THESSALONIANS 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.
Ministers: Bro. Tim Dodd Bro. Ed Byskal Bro. Aaron McGeary Bro. Jason Watkins The Unusual Plan of God
Birthdays & Anniversaries • Sept. 7th Sis. Mary Smith • Sept. 10th Billy & Lydie Ivy • Sis. Doris Reynolds • Sept. 11th Mark Sylvester, Anwar Javed, Leah Mayl • Sept. 12th Mollie Roy, Annabelle Clayville • Sept. 13th Ireland Cathy • September 14th Alethea Cross The Obvious Plan of God
Church Age Books Songea, Tanzania The Obvious Plan of God
I THES. 5:6-9 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. The Obvious Plan of God
WHAT.HEAREST.THOU.ELIJAH 24 They look for the big things, who can put up the biggest tent, build the biggest church. We Pentecostal people have gotten to such a place, if we go to a service and everybody's not running the aisles, speaking with tongues, jumping over the seats, we didn't have any meeting. It would pay us to set still till we hear something from heaven: a still small Voice. We need apostolic teaching, apostolic power. That apostolic power is not altogether noise; it's the Holy Spirit and the love of God that makes us wanting Christ Jesus. 59-0609 The Obvious Plan of God
BUT.IT.WASN'T.SO.FROM.THE.BEGINNING 58 Salvation comes through the Blood and that only. And if you've got salvation, Jesus Christ said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. And the works that I do shall you also." 61-0411 EPHESIANS 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. The Obvious Plan of God
THE.GREATEST.BATTLE.EVER.FOUGHT 339 …This helmet? It's a protection. What is a helmet made out of? Brass, salvation, knowing this, "And my healing comes from God. My salvation comes from God. My experience matches His Word, not the churches idea, the Word!" Amen. The helmet of salvation, deliverance. Take that, then go marching forward. 62-0311 LUKE 11:11, 13 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? 13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? The Obvious Plan of God
DESPERATIONS 14 The Lutherans allowed it to, "Accepting the Word; accepting Christ as personal Saviour." The Methodists, “When you get happy enough….” The Pentecostal, "Speak in tongues..." And we find out that all of it was wrong. The Token is the Token. It's you and Christ as persons together. It's the Holy Spirit, His Life in you, working His Own Life through you. 63-0901 The Obvious Plan of God
ENTICING.SPIRITS 51 Give me a preacher; give me a Christian; a housewife that's a Christian; a farmer or a factory worker that'll put God first in everything, I'll show you a man that'll be successful in the spite of all the devil can put on him. He seeks God first. 55-0724 The Obvious Plan of God
THE.UNPARDONABLE.SIN 145 And when you've got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the power of God working in your life, and make you live humbly and peaceful in this present world, day after day, week after week, year after year, they know where you're standing. David said, "It'll be like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water. Whatever he does will prosper. He will not wither in a drought, because he's planted by the rivers of water.“ 54-1024 The Obvious Plan of God
MATTHEW 12:38-42 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The Obvious Plan of God
CHURCH.AGE.BOOK 154-1What is the Baptism with the Holy Ghost? It is the Spirit Baptizing you into the body of Christ. It is the new birth. It is the Spirit of God coming in and filling you after you have repented, (having heard His Word) and been baptized in water as an answer of a good conscience toward God. The Obvious Plan of God
WHAT.SHALL.WE.DO.WITH.THIS.JESUS 109 What is the evidence of It? When that spirit that's in you can punctuate every promise with an amen, and God will confirm it… They had more fruits of the spirit, all kinds of evidences. You can't pin any evidence down to anything but God Himself manifesting His Word. That's the only true evidence that there is that you're a Christian. 64-0126 The Obvious Plan of God
CHURCH.AGE.BOOK 108-4"He that hath an ear, let him hear…" How tragic it is that this first age did not listen to the Spirit. But thank God, in the last age there will be a group rise up, the True Bride of the last day, and she will listen to the Spirit. In that day of gross darkness the light will return by the pure Word and we will return to the power of Pentecost to welcome back the Lord Jesus Christ. The Unusual Plan of God
JAMES 1:21-22 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. 22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. The Obvious Plan of God
TOKEN.THE 131 You see men wearing pink shoes... That's a disgrace. I like to see men again that's absolutely men. Looks like there's a power that drives them to do it; it's the devil and the pressure of this day... Let men be men. Let women be feminish; be ladies. When the Token's applied, they turn back to that. God made them different, and they are different. Men wants to look like women; women wants to look like men. The Unusual Plan of God
Survey: 4500 Independent, Pentecostal, Charismatic Pastors 1. Total Offerings; 2. Total Number in Attendance; 3. Number of Staff Meetings; 4. Number of Programs Offered; 5. Number of Square Feet (building). The Obvious Plan of God
5 Signs Your Church Might Be Heading toward “Progressive Christianity” The Obvious Plan of God
1. There Is A Lowered View Of The Bible • One of the main differences between Progres-sive Christianity and Historic Christianity is its view of the Bible. Historically, Christians have viewed the Bible as the Word of God and authoritative for our lives. Progressive Christianity abandons these terms, emphasizing personal belief over biblical mandate. • Comments you might hear: • The Bible is a human book... • I disagree with the Apostle Paul on that issue... • The Bible condones immorality, so we are obligated to reject what it says in certain places... The Obvious Plan of God
2. Feelings Are Emphasized Over Facts • In Progressive churches, personal experiences, feelings, and opinions tend to be valued above objective truth. As the Bible ceases to be viewed as God’s definitive word, what a person feels to be true becomes the ultimate authority for faith and practice.Comments you might hear: • That Bible verse doesn't resonate with me.... • I thought homosexuality was a sin until I met and befriended some gay people.... • I just can’t believe Jesus would send good people • to hell.... The Obvious Plan of God
3. Essential Christian Doctrines Are Open For Re-interpretation • J. Pavlovitzwrote, “There are no sacred cows [in Progressive Christianity]....Tradition and doctrine are all fair game, because all pass through the hands of flawed humanity." Progressive Christians are often open to re-defining and re-interpreting the Bible on hot-button moral issues like homosexuality, abortion, and the virgin conception." Comments you might hear: • The church's historic position on sexuality is archaic and needs to be updated within a modern framework... • The idea of a literal hell is offensive to non-Christians and needs to be re-interpreted.... • https://www.crosswalk.com/slideshows/5-signs-your-church-might-be-heading-toward-progressive-christianity.html The Obvious Plan of God
PALMERWORM.LOCUST.CANKERWORM 42 If there's something wrong in the church today, that it's not progressing the way it should, to my opinion we ought to go back to the Pre-scription, find out exactly what's wrong, this church is so sick that there is disease in our church, sin disease. Then we've got to find out what the Doctor prescribed, see if our druggist pastors are giving us the right Prescription. Remember, you can add something to a real close diagnosed Scripture and kill the patient. 59-0823 The Obvious Plan of God
CHURCH.AGE.BOOK 82-4 Persecution and trials are a natural, normal part of the Christian life. There is only one thing you can do about them. Commit them all to God, judge not, and leave their outworking and final judgment to Him. The Obvious Plan of God
SUPER.SIGN Somebody said the other day, "Do you believe in purgatory?" I said, "Yes, sir." Isaid, "Not the kind you pay some priest that prayed for you. I believe that God purges our souls right now, and we go through a time of cleansing, of purging out the dross." Certainly. 62-0624 The Obvious Plan of God
THE.END.TIME.EVANGELISM We have no denomination. And we just gather, the people that believe in God gather together to worship the Lord together, offer our prayer, make our confession to Him. And each Sunday and each day we go through a purgatory, that is, purging our souls by His Holy Spirit, from our sins, trying to live as godly as we know how in this present age, looking for His appearing at any time. 62-0603 The Obvious Plan of God
Proceedings of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, Volume 25 By Worcester Historical Society, Worcester, Mass The Obvious Plan of God
THE.FIRST.SEAL 120 They [foolish virgins] go through the purging of trial of the tribulation; because they're not actually under the Blood. They claim they are, but they're not. How can they go through a trial to purify them when the bleach Blood of Jesus Christ takes every symptom of sin away from you. You're already dead, your life is hid in Him through God and sealed in there by the Holy Ghost; what are you going to be judged for? What do you have to be purified from when you're perfectly in Christ, sinless? 63-0318 The Obvious Plan of God
WHAT.DOES.THOU.HERE 32 There's got to come something deeper than a healing service, than a gift to speak with tongues, a rushing mighty wind. The wind went forth, but God wasn't in it. We've had rushing mighty winds all over the country, sensations, all kinds of signs, but where's God at? 33 Elijah waited. Yet, he was a prophet. He never went out to compare revivals with them. He never went out to get the biggest tent in the country. He never went out to go on television... The Obvious Plan of God
Oh, we love noise. But God's not in the noise. All though as honorable and things as they are, yet God isn't in noise. If that'd been so, when the Africans beat tom-toms; you never heard such noise, rhythm. God wasn't in it. And we've had rushing mighty winds; fires, earthquakes, shakings, great revivals; God wasn't in it. If it had've been, it would showed... But after that come a still small Voice; then God was in the voice. 59-0301 The Obvious Plan of God