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Core Membership Meeting 2011 - Recognition & Military Sessions

This text describes the Core Membership Meeting held on September 13, 2011, including the recognition of dedicated members and military sessions. Relevant topics include government relations, military affairs, and IAM programs for core members.

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Core Membership Meeting 2011 - Recognition & Military Sessions

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  1. Core Membership Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

  2. JACKIE AGNER Core Member’s Representative CMMB Chair Puget Sound International

  3. Presented To: Karen Conover In Recognition of Her Dedication and Contributionswhile Serving as a Member of theCore Members Management Boardand asRegional Representative North America International Association of Movers September 13, 2011 IAM 49th Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado

  4. Presented To: Steve Lewis In Recognition of His Dedication and Contributions While Serving as a Member of the: Core Members Management Board  and as  Regional Representative Eastern and Southeastern Asia International Association of Movers September 13, 2011 IAM 49th Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado

  5. DOUG FINKE CMMB Representative at Large Chair, IAM Commercial Affairs Sterling International

  6. REGION 1 - AFRICA Eric Beuthin Mathieu Dunod


  8. REGION 3 – EASTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN Yogesh Thakker Lars Iversen

  9. REGION 4 - EUROPE Marc Smet Robin Hood

  10. REGION 5 – MIDDLE EAST AND NEAR ASIA Ajay Bhalla Eran Drenger

  11. REGION 6 – NORTH AMERICA Arthur Drewry Edward Wickman

  12. REGION 7 – OCEANIA George Cooper Marilyn Sargent

  13. CHARLES WHITE Director, Government and Military Relations IAM

  14. Core Membership Meeting – 2011 Military Sessions Military Sessions at the 2011 IAM Annual Meeting Wednesday – September 14 Claims Panel – 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. – Capitol Ballroom 1-4 -- Steve Kelly – Army Claims Service -- Brett Coakley – Air Force Claims Service -- Peg Wilken – Moderator - Claims Committee Chair Military & Government Affairs Panel – 1:30 – 3:30 Capitol Ballroom 1-4 -- Representatives from GSA, U.S. Dept of State, GSA Audits, Air Force PPA HQ, SDDC & JPMO HHGS -- Jeff Coleman – Moderator – IAM Vice-Chairman & Chair of the Government & Congressional Affairs Committee “A PPSO/TSP View of DPS” – 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. -- Panel discussion Moderated by - Fran Vollaro - Pasha

  15. Core Membership Meeting – 2011 Military Sessions Military Sessions at the 2011 IAM Annual Meeting Thursday – September 15 Special Session – 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. – Capitol Ballroom 1-4 -- Commissioner Michael Khouri – FMC Final Report on Fact Finding Investigation #27 -- Ms Lisa Roberts – Office of the Secretary of Defense – Transportation Policy - Business Case Analysis (BCA) to Outsource Personal Property & Regionalization -- The Verdict Is In…. “Here Comes the Judge” Panel Discussion – DOD vs. Industry Moderator (Judge): Chuck White IAM Director of Military & Government Relations

  16. Core Membership Meeting – 2011 Military Sessions Military/Government Discussion Topics -- Business Case Analysis (BCA) for the possible outsourcing of the DOD HHG program -- SDDC’s Program Management Review (PMR) -- Joint Regionalization -- Review of Peak Season 2011 and a look ahead to Peak Season 2012 -- The Defense Personal Property Program (DP3) and the Defense Personal property System (DPS) -- Digital Certificates -- GSA’s new Third Party Payment System (TPPS) -- How to get involved in the U.S. Department of State’s HHG program -- Phase III of DP3

  17. Brian Limperopulos Program Manager IAM

  18. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members IAM Programs Enhanced Member Services & Program • How IAM serves its Core Membership: • Shipper Guides • Receivable Protection Program (RPP) • IAM YP-35 • IAM Code of Ethics • Global Accreditation of the Electronic Inventory Standard • How Core Members can take advantage of IAM Programs • Customs and Government Regulations • Distribution of your client’s Personally Identifying Information • Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Fact-Finding Investigation #27

  19. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members IAM Shipper Guides • A compendium of household goods-specific customs regulations for different countries throughout the world • The Shipper Guides can be found at http://www.iamovers.org/shippers.html • Over 110 different guides can be found on the website. • Core Members’ Representative, Jackie Agner, was instrumental in soliciting new information this past summer. • With Assistance from IAM Commercial Affairs Committee and its Chairman, Doug Finke, IAM is busy integrating this updated information. • Continue to help us by sending in new information as it becomes available!!!

  20. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members IAM Shipper Guides • Future Plans for the Shipper Guides: • Shipper Guide for each of the different countries represented by our membership • Develop applications for mobile devices to access the Shipper Guides remotely • Generate consumer referrals from the Shipper Guide website to our member’s websites • Establish a more user-friendly webpage for the Shipper Guides • Explore how social media can improve Shipper Guide responsiveness to changing world events

  21. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members Receivable Protection Program (RPP) • How does the RPP work? • IAM insures the commercial invoices of all IAM members. • If an IAM member goes out of business, a claim can be submitted for compensation. • If all conditions are met, the claimant will receive reimbursement. • At current participation levels, IAM can pay up to $4,000 USD per claim. • If more members sign up, we can increase the amount of money that we pay out per claim. • Notable Statistics: • 109 Members currently enrolled • IAM received seven different claims for the 2009-2010 fiscal year • In total, IAM paid out $21,014.17 to satisfy those claims. • In 2011, IAM is projecting approximately $30,000 in claims payouts. • The fee to sign up for Core Members is $650.00 USD.

  22. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members Invoice Dispute Resolution Process (IDRP) • Under this process, RPP members can request IAM intervention on invoice disputes that they have with other IAM members. • New Feature added to RPP on May 1st • IAM compiles a list of “slow payers”. • IAM circulates this list to RPP members on the first of every month. • RPP members gain valuable business knowledge as a result. • To sign up for the RPP or gain greater insight into the Invoice Dispute Resolution Process, please see me at the end of the meeting. I will be discussing this information in greater depth at the Knowledge Lab tomorrow at 1:30 pm. • More information can also be found at http://www.iamovers.org/rpp.html or by emailing me at brianl@iamovers.org.

  23. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members IAM Young Professionals (IAM YP-35) • Dramatic Membership Growth! • New Name • Enhanced Annual Meeting program • Leadership Development • Educational Opportunities • Young Movers Conference • Greater Communication to Members • Improved YP-35 page in The Portal • Charitable Involvement • Sign Up Today!

  24. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members IAM Code of Ethics • What is the IAM Code of Ethics? • The Code outlines generally accepted practices and professional standards. • IAM members are expected to adhere to these when conducting business with each other and their clients. • When established in 2006, no enforcement guidelines were developed. • IAM Leadership and Staff realized that policies were needed to adjudicate on ethics complaints alleged against members. • Code of Ethics Enforcement Procedures have been created and an Ethics Council composed of member volunteers will be implemented to address this gap.

  25. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members Global Accreditation of IAM Electronic Inventory Standard • Benefits of an Electronic Inventory Standard: • Greater Business Efficiency • Harness electronic and technological innovation • Automatic import of information from your operations team • Better Ability to Comply with Future Customs Regulations • Importer Security Filing (10+2) and European Advance Cargo Declarations • Greater transparency and depth of detail • What’s Customs going to do next??? • Standard documents can be displayed in your own language and translated into your agent’s language. • Includes all details that are found in a typical household goods shipment

  26. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members Global Accreditation of IAM Electronic Inventory Standard • How is IAM progressing toward our Goal of Global Accreditation? • IAM became an Accredited Standards Developer in 2008 with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). • ANSI approved the IAM electronic inventory standard in late July of 2010. • IAM has submitted the standard to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). • We are confident that the Standard will be affirmed as an official International Standard by next year’s Annual Meeting. • The Standard will demonstrate the industry's ability to meet future logistic challenges and security requirements head-on.

  27. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members Customs and Security Issues • Distribution of Personally Identifying Information (PII) • Short-term solution: Standardized Webform on IAM website. • Medium-term solution: Standardized Webform on CBP website • Long-term solution: Blanket protection against this information being distributed to Vessel Manifest Information Companies. • Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Fact Finding Investigation # 27 • This fact finding investigation examined unlawful, unfair, or deception ocean transportation practices related to our industry. • FMC Commissioner, Michael Khouri, will speak later at our Special Session concerning the Fact Finding Investigation # 27. • IAM will meet with the FMC shortly after the Annual Meeting to determine how the Association can assist with the recommendations set forth in its final report.

  28. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members Take Advantage of This Information! • As you can see, IAM offers much to its Core Members: • The Shipper Guides provide comprehensive Customs Information available at your fingertips. • Through the RPP, IAM gives you recourse to recover payments owed to you. • By enrolling in the YP-35, you can aid your career or assist in the professional development of an employee. • A greater sense of security when trading with other IAM members because of the RPP, the Invoice Dispute Resolution Process, and the Code of Ethics. • The development and accreditation of the Standardized Electronic Inventory will promote efficiency and enable your company to better negotiate the future burdens of expected customs regulations. • We are constantly working on your behalf to protect your businesses through our government outreach and relations.

  29. IAM Programs That Benefit the Core Members Contact • If you have any questions about this information, please contact me at the following: • Brian Limperopulos • BrianL@IAMovers.org • +1 703 317 9950

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