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LexNet electronic communications system. General Secretariat of Justice Administration – Spain. LexNet - a fast and safe means of exchanging legal documents through the use of electronic signatures. COSTS AND TIME ARE EXCESSIVE FOR THE PARTIES AND THE JUDICIARY. Why Lexnet ?
LexNet electroniccommunications system General Secretariat of Justice Administration – Spain
LexNet - a fast and safe means of exchanging legal documents through the use of electronic signatures
Why Lexnet? Secure information exchange with fast transmission and friendly interface Uses recognized electronic signatures including the accepted e-NIC certificates; Paper-free access 24 hours a day, seven days a week; Avoid unnecesary travelling, reduce postal cost (an average of €2.03 per notification) and time cost;
LexNet guarantees: Integrity Authenticity Confidentiality Timestamping High Availability Non- repudiation
Strong legal support: • Law 59/2003 legal framework for the use of digital signatures • Royal Decree 84/2007 on the implementation in the Administration of Justice the computer telecommunication system Lexnet
Fiscalías Procurador, Abogado, etc. Abogado Procurador, Abog.Est, Grad.Soc, Letrado Comunidad Usuario CM Base Datos Interoperability Portal Red Abogacía Interfaz WEB de Lexnet SGP Órgano Judicial Notificaciones MINERVA Cuadros de Mando Itineraciones OJ OJ Escritos firma TEMIS (Cataluña) antivirus Secr. Judicial ATLANTE (SGP Canarias) Interfaz propietaria Secr. Judicial Recibi Servidor Correos Oficial Oficial Cicerone (Valencia Servicios Web Acuses Fortuny Aplicaciones Escritorio (integradores) Ej: Sireno Servicios webLexnet Interfaces lexnet Leyenda: aplicación Aplicación integrada
Some examples of certified systems Attorneysapp Public Prosecutor app Madrid Prosecutors’ Office app
Thecurrentusers of thesystem are: • Judiciary • Attorneys • AttorneyColleges • State Bar • Advocacythat are dependentsfromtheState Bar • Regional Advocacy • Social Security Advocacy • Prosecutor • Lawyers • Social Graduates 38.000 users this year
And … Lexnet potential is huge. LexNet will be connected to the interoperable European e-Justice system e-CODEX widening the communication net from the Spanish courts to the other 14 Member States taking part in the project. More information: http://infolexnet.justicia.es