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Sandra Shaffi HE Childhood and Youth Studies Stockport College

The introduction of self-assessment as a method for increasing student understanding of learning outcomes through the development of self-regulated learning:. Sandra Shaffi HE Childhood and Youth Studies Stockport College. Rationale. Policy

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Sandra Shaffi HE Childhood and Youth Studies Stockport College

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  1. The introduction of self-assessment as a method for increasing student understanding of learning outcomes through the development of self-regulated learning: Sandra Shaffi HE Childhood and Youth Studies Stockport College

  2. Rationale Policy Change in student population- widening participation- Boud (2010) QAA – Identified assessment as a priority in Higher education (QAA 2009) IQER – Highlight assessment as theme for first development engagements Professional Practice Self regulated learning – (Pintrich & Zusho 2002) Closing the gap between the present state of understanding and the learning goals Professional Practice Self regulated learning – (Pintrich & Zusho 2002) Closing the gap between the present state of understanding and the learning goals Personal Practice Learner voice Collaborative approach Student empowerment

  3. How was the task conducted? • The criteria which we expected the students to achieve was detailed on the self assessment form • Students comment on how they have addressed the criteria • Tutors feedback on how the students have engaged with the criteria • A mark is allocated in relation to how effectively the students have address the learning outcomes • Students Summarise their work: In this assignment I have developed my work on previous assessed work in the following ways: • Students set targets to develop their work in future assignments: To improve further I need to:

  4. Outcomes • Lack of understanding of the purpose and value of self-assessment. • Able to make a judgement on how their work relates to grading criteria • Lack of ability in self regulated learning. • Structure/timing of self assessment tasks • Anxiety issues

  5. What have we learned?How can we improve the outcomes? • Include students in the setting of the criteria • Engage in dialogue when giving the feedback • Prepare students for the task with adequate training • Conduct the self assessment task as a group • Use peer assessment to support the self assessment process • Conduct the self assessment task prior ro submitting the assignment

  6. I am happy to answer any questions you may have

  7. References • Boud, D (2010) ‘Assessment 2020: Seven propositions for assessment reform in higher education’. Sydney: Learning & Teaching Council • Pintrich, P. R & Zusho, A (2002) Student motivation and self regulated learning in the college classroom in J.C. Smart & W.G Tierney (Eds) Higher Education Handbook of Theory and Research . New York: Agathon Press • QAA ( 2009) Code of Practice. Available at http://www.qaa.ac.uk

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