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Beyond the Silos: Developing a Corporate Approach to Industry Engagement

Beyond the Silos: Developing a Corporate Approach to Industry Engagement. Judie Kay & Peter Shadbolt Industry Liaison . Presentation Overview . Industry Engagement: What is it ? Dimensions of Industry Engagement Why is Industry engagement important to Universities ?

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Beyond the Silos: Developing a Corporate Approach to Industry Engagement

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  1. Beyond the Silos: Developing a Corporate Approach to Industry Engagement Judie Kay & Peter Shadbolt Industry Liaison

  2. Presentation Overview • Industry Engagement: What is it ? • Dimensions of Industry Engagement • Why is Industry engagement important to Universities ? • What are the challenges? • Industry needs and problems ? • What is happening elsewhere? UK • The Swinburne Planning Experience and Outcomes • Discussion

  3. Industry Engagement: What is it ? Diverse range of activities • Teaching and learning collaboration • Business development • R & D collaboration • Community, industry and regional development = Knowledge Transfer

  4. Teaching & Learning Collaboration • Student placements: IBL / internships • Course/curriculum advisory committees • Professional accreditation • Graduate employment • Collaborative projects – final year & post grad • Sponsorship • Guest speakers & presenters • Industry facilities & equipment

  5. Business Development • Consulting and training • Commercialising IP – Spin-off companies • Alumni sponsorship, donations, scholarships • Product & process testing, prototypes & production • Facilities & equipment hire

  6. R & D Collaboration • Contract research • ARC Linkage and other competitive grants • CRCs • Informing learning and teaching practice

  7. Community, Industry and Regional Development • Participation on professional, industry or community development groups • Governance, advisory and project management structures • Professional development, staff exchange and teacher release • Establishing & supporting communities of academic interest, industry networks, professional associations, exchange groups, facilitating linkages • Conferences and conventions • Engagement with peak industry bodies

  8. Why is Industry engagement important to Universities ? • Research and Development • Current investment by industry in R&D .78% compared to 2.43% in Finland or less than half of the OECD average 1.62 % in 2001 • AVCC target is 2% by 2010 • National good : economic & social development • Employability of students • University mission : create and disseminate knowledge • Income generation

  9. What are the challenges for Universities? • Complex, diverse range of interactions • Fragmented structures, planning and service delivery • Measurement : lack of data • Priorities / culture/ timeframes • Relationships based on personal contacts • Staff skilled in industry engagement

  10. What does Industry want ? • ‘Industry is desirous of a stronger engagement with universities and sees significant potential from these relationships. However, these are only in an embryonic phase. Industry and the higher education sector should begin a rich dialogue to reach an understanding on the options and possibilities of mutual benefit’ AIG Research 2002

  11. Problems for Industry • The lack of consistent and clear intellectual property policies in universities • University approval processes that require multiple layers of decision making over long periods • Varying levels of commercial acumen in universities can lead to difficulties in the projects putting the financial returns at risk for both the university and the industry partner. Ref: ACCI, AIG, BCA submission to “Higher education at the Crossroads 2002

  12. What is happening elsewhere? UK • 3rd leg / stream funding supporting all HE institutions • in delivering their distinctive contributions to economic development • and the vitality of their communities • Higher Education Innovation Fund Round 2 • £187 million will be available over 2004/5 & 2005/6 • Supporting interactions – HED Institutions & business • Lambert review “Business – University Collaborations “ Dec 2003

  13. Drivers for Industry Engagementat Swinburne • Historical links to Industry • Practical and applied courses • Intersectoral University • Industry based learning • Research focus

  14. Swinburne Planning Framework • Master Plans • Entrepreneurial University • Flexible Learning and Teaching • Research Intensive University • Internationalisation • Intersectoral University • Enabling Plans • Finance • Industry • Human Resources etc

  15. Industry Enabling Plan: Development Process • Planning • Mapping & data collection • Discussion paper • University-wide Consultation • Analysis & Preparation of Draft Plan • Consultation with senior management • Finalisation & Council endorsement • Implementation

  16. Planning Process Issues • Reliance on secondary data • Intersectoral cultural differences • Communication – competition for attention • Whole of University view versus “ silos “ • Resources

  17. Industry Enabling Plan: Themes and Outcomes • Review organisational arrangements • Metrics & benchmarking • Account management • Industry-linked research • Recognition & incentives • Industry Synergy grants • Professional development

  18. Discussion & Questions • What are the challenges for universities in industry engagement ? • Collaboration versus competition between universities in industry engagement ? • What innovative strategies work in engaging industry with HED ? • What are the tends that will influence industry engagement into the future ?

  19. Contact Details Industry Liaison :Swinburne University of Technology Judie Kay : jkay@swin.edu.au Peter Shadbolt: pshadbolt@swin.edu.au http://www.swin.edu.au/corporate/ili/

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