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Welcome to the Payroll/HR Users Group (PHRUG). Wednesday, September 12th 8:30 – 11:30 AM. Today’s Agenda. Welcome and Opening Remarks Announcements Open Enrollment Information Final Issues / Questions Regarding CIR Ruling Payroll Conversion Information Recognize Agencies Making Changes.
Welcome to thePayroll/HR Users Group(PHRUG) Wednesday, September 12th 8:30 – 11:30 AM
Today’s Agenda • Welcome and Opening Remarks • Announcements • Open Enrollment Information • Final Issues / Questions Regarding CIR Ruling • Payroll Conversion Information • Recognize Agencies Making Changes 2
Announcements • Introduction of Brian Svik – new NIS Training Coordinator • Password resets – NDS not going live this year 3
Open Enrollment Plan Year - 2008 OCTOBER 22ND THROUGH NOVEMBER 19TH, 2007 4
Employees MUST elect new plans Part-time Employees will complete paper applications when they elect their new plans Employees MUST re-enroll all dependents and beneficiaries Address changes done by HR staff ONLY Initial Options News (Benefit newsletter) will be mailed to employees home address listed in NIS. This mass mailing is scheduled to go out on or aroundSeptember 27, 2007 The 2008 Options Enrollment Guide (replacing the Benefit Statehouse Observer) will be mailed to employees home address on or around October 9, 2007 Flexible Spending Plans (Medical & Dependent)/Long Term Disability Plans/Combined Campaign will all be ended by State Employee Benefits Benefit Enrollment 5
Where do I find help? NIS and State of Nebraska Employee Benefits website listed below https://www.nis.ne.gov http://www.das.state.ne.us/personnel/benefits NIS work instructions CIO Help Desk Employee Benefit flashes if necessary for any updates 2008 Options Enrollment Guide Worksheet will be available Vendor 800#’s for plan information included in the Options Enrollment Guide Employee Benefit toll free# for outside Lincoln area 877-721-2228 NSOB labs: Friday, October 26 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday, November 2 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 7 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday, November 8 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 14 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday, November 15 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday, November 16 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday, November 19 8:00 am. - 5:00 p.m. 6
Medical Benefit Plans Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska – Regular PPO (Statewide) Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska – High Deductible PPO (Statewide) Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska – Greater Nebraska BlueChoice POS (Available in all areas EXCEPT zip codes starting with 685, 681, and 680) Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska – Greater Nebraska BlueSelect HMO (Available in all areas EXCEPT zip codes 685, 681, and 680) Coventry Healthcare of Nebraska – HMO (Available in ZIP code areas starting with 685, 681, and 680) Coventry Healthcare of Nebraska– POS (Available in ZIP code areas starting with 685, 681, and 680) For the purpose of health insurance plan enrollment, the 3-digit ZIP code is employee’s residence ZIP. 7
Map 8
Updates Regarding Other Benefit Plans LONG TERM DISABILITY * MetLife is new LTD Carrier * 8 Plan Options, Including 4 New Plan Options * Premium Rates Determined by 11 Age Brackets * Aggregate 35% rate DECREASE DENTAL * 2 Year Contract Extension * 5.7% Rate Increase for 2008 VISION * 4% rate DECREASE for 2008 WHI PREFERRED FORMULARY LIST * https://www.walgreenshealth.com/common/pdf/PMLAlpha2007.pdf LIFE * No changes for 2008 9
Passwords and Userid What if employees forget their password or userid? * Go to https://nis.ne.gov and click on the “Forgot Password” button. Complete the blank fields and click on the “submit” button to request new password * USERID can be found in the upper left-hand corner of employee pay stubs 10
NIS Benefit Clean-up Run cleanup reports now Benefit Enrollment Outside Group All Dependents over Maximum Age Make corrections in NIS BEFORE Open Enrollment (OE) AFTER OE clean-up from Nov 26 – Nov 30 During the above mentioned week Human Resource Contacts will be notified if necessary to clean up specific benefit issues Electronic vendor file sent by Dec 7 Confirmation statements will be processed and mailed to Agencies during the week of October 9th. The information will be current as of October 1, 2007. Mid December, Employee Benefits will send a report containing the names of those employees who elected a supplemental option that will require medical underwriting and approval by Mutual of Omaha 11
Other Employee Benefit Updates • Dependent Entry – Newborns • Electronic COBRA NOTIFICATIONS. Try to get all agencies on board with this process. Be sure to include all dependent information and the employee NIS number • State of Nebraska Employee Benefits is using a system to track questions and problems similar to that used by the CIO Help Desk where a ticket is issued and email sent • Remind current employees on state splits that one or both employees will need to enroll for coverage, depending upon the coverage elected. Splits may enroll for two single plans, employee + spouse, or one single and employee + children 12
Important Technical Dates Change the State Split Benefit group employees to your agencies appropriate paycycle benefit group by OCTOBER 12, 2007 • Example 1: SSPB10 now becomes either a RULE-B, NAPE-B or other appropriate Benefit Group under the B10 pay • Example 2: SSSB12 now becomes either a RULB12, NAPB12 or other appropriate Benefit Group under the B12 paycycle • Example 3: PT-1, PT-2, and FT-1 will also need to be changed to the appropriate Benefit Group under the appropriate paycycle • Helpful Tip: Go to the Basic Comp screen and under Benefit Group, enter SS* and your split benefit employees will show up List of Benefit Groups can be found on the Benefits website shown here. All Split Benefit Groups will end 12/31/07 www.das.state.ne.us/personnel/benefits Part-time employees will NOT go through the Employee Self Service (ESS) Open Enrollment in NIS to enroll for 2008 Benefits. Due to all the different FTE’s which require an HR manual change, the employee must enroll via the paper application process. 13
Important Technical Dates (continued) • All New hires, benefit group changes, and part-time FTE to full-time FTE changes after October 12, 2007, need to be sent to Susie Voecks, Employee Benefits @ svoecks@notes.state.ne.us She will then re-build the employee workfiles in order for the employee to see the correct benefits based on their changes. • Agencies can NOT be locked in a payroll starting the week of October 8 whether you are a Bi-weekly or Monthly paycycle. (all bi-weekly payrolls for B21 will be finalized by Friday October 5, 2007.) State Accounting will reset your payroll if you are locked in a payroll. Workfiles for Open Enrollment can not be built if a payroll is locked. • The Employee Benefit office will stop the following deductions for your employees based on their benefit group and Paycycle code as of October 12, 2007 (this process is called Batch Enrollment). If your employee is in an incorrect benefit group this means their benefit plan(s) will be stopped on an incorrect date. Please review your employees benefit group by running the Benefit Enrollment Outside Group report (R083470). Send a note to Susie Voecks @ svoecks@notes.state.ne.us, if you have questions regarding the Batch Enrollment to end plans. • September 27 & 28 Ending 2007 Flexible Spending Plans and 2007 Combined Campaign • October 12 Ending 2007 Medical, Dental, LTD and Vision Plans • October 13 & 14 Building the 2008 Benefit Plan workfiles for Open Enrollment 14
CIR Ruling Final Issues / Questions?
Payroll Conversion Information • What questions do you have? • BW new hire issue 18
Thank you for coming!Please remember to fill out an evaluation!