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1. agog. lead. pedagogy -ped (child) agog(leader) y(result of) **the art/profession of teaching(a teacher) synagogue -syn(together,with) agog(lead )**a place of worship for Jewish people**. 1. agog. 2. anthrop. mankind. anthropology -anthrop(mankind) logy(study of)
1. agog lead
pedagogy-ped (child) agog(leader) y(result of) **the art/profession of teaching(a teacher) • synagogue-syn(together,with) agog(lead)**a place of worship for Jewish people** 1. agog
2. anthrop mankind
anthropology-anthrop(mankind) logy(study of) • philanthropist-phil(love,fondness) anthrop(mankind) ist(one who)**usually gives money to several charities** 2. anthrop
3. arch(archae) old,ancient
archaic-archae(old) ic(having characteristics of) • archaelogy-archae(old) logy(study of) 3. arch(archae)
4. bell war, fight
rebel-re(back,again) bell(fight) • belligerent-bell(war) ger(make) ent(full of) • antebellum-ante(before) bell(war) 4. bell
5. brev short
brevity-brev(short) ity(state of) • abbreviate-ab(very) brev(short) ate(make) 5. brev
6. cap(cip,cept) seize,grasp
capture-capt(seize) ure(state,act) • recipient-re(back) cip(grasp) ent(full of) • perception-per(thoroughly) cept(seize) ion(act of) 6. cap(cip,cept)
7. centri center
egocentric-ego(self) centr(center) ic(having characteristics of) • centrosphere-centr(center) sphere(circle) **core of the earth** 7. centri
8. derm skin
dermatologist-derm(skin) log(study) ist(one who) • epidermis-epi(over,on) derm(skin)**outer layer of the skin** 8. derm
9. fer bear, produce, carry
ferry-fer(carry) • conference-con(together) fer(carry) ence(state of) 9. fer
10. fract(frag) break
fracture-fract(break) ure(state of, quality) • fragment-frag(break) ment(result of action or process) 10. fract(frag)
11. geo earth
geography-geo(earth) graph(write,record) y(result of) 11. geo
12. grad(gress) step,walk,go
gradual-grad(step) al(related to) • aggressive-ag(to,toward) gress(go) ive(that which) 12. grad(gress)
13. grat please, thank, favor
grateful-grat(thank) ful(full of) • congratulations-con(with) grat(please) tion(act,process) • gratuity-grat(thank) ity(act of) 13. grat
14. it go, travel
exit-ex(out) it(go) • transit-trans(across) it(go) 14. it
15. junct join, connect
junction-junct(join) ion(act of) • conjunction-con(together) junct(join) ion(act of) 15. junct
16. labor work
laborious-labor(work) ous(full of) • collaborate-col(together) labor(work) ate(make, do) • elaborate-e(out) labor(work) ate(make, cause) 16. labor
17. mal bad, wrong, poorly
malevolent-mal(bad) vol(choose) ent(full of) • malfunction-mal(wrong,poorly) funct(do) tion(act of) 17. mal
18. naut(nav) sail
nautical-naut(sail) al(related to) • astronaut-astro(star) naut(sail) • naval-nav(sail) al(related to) 18. naut(nav)
19. path feeling,disease
apathy-a(without) path(feeling) y(result of) • pathology-path(disease) logy(study of) 19. path
20. pugn fight
pugnacious-pugn(fight) ious(full of) • repugnant-re(back) pugn(fight) ant(that which)**repulsive; disgusting** 20. pugn
21. scop look
telescope-tele(distant) scop(look) • periscope-peri(around) scop(look) • stethoscope-stethos(chest) scop(look) 21. scop
22. tain(ten, tent) hold, keep
contain-con(together) tain(hold) • tenure-ten(hold, keep) ure(state,act) • retention-re(back) ten(keep) ion(state of) 22. tain(ten, tent)
23. therm heat
thermal-therm(heat) al(related to) • thermodynamics-therm(heat) dynam(power) ics(science of) • thermostat-therm(heat) stat(stand, stop) 23. therm
24. verb word
verbose-verb(word) ose(having the quality of) • verbalize-verb(word) ize(make,do) • verbatim-verb(word) 24. verb
25. volv(volu) turn
revolve-re(again) volv(turn) • convoluted-con(together) volu(turn)**complicated** 25. volv(volu)