2. TOPICS Overview
National Readjustment - NAD83 (NSRS2007)
County Scorecard
4. The CEAO Board, on Sept 6, 2007, passed a resolution to Adopt NAD83 (NSRS2007) as the reference system of choice for the development of county coordinate systems in Ohio.
6. Shifts in Ohio NAD 83 (1995) vs NAD 83 (NSRS2007)
Horz Shift Average : 0.016 m (Max: 0.348 m)
Vert Shift Average : 0.013 m (Max: 0.503 m)
7. For Stations not IncludedIn the NSRS (2007) readjustment NGS recommends that NAD 83 data that is not part of the NSRS readjustment be readjusted using original observation data
Because of the relatively small shifts involved transformation software such as NADCON will not be developed for NAD 83(NSRS2007)
NADCON accuracy ~ 6 cm (0.2 ft)
NAD 83 (NSRS2007) avg shift ~ 2.5 cm
NGS will streamline the process of project acceptance
OPUS DB coming soon - ? NADCON transformation value accuracy of 0.06 meter +/- 0.02 meter (0.20 +/- 0.06 feet)
NAD 83(NSRS2007) shifts across Ohio average 1.6 cm
New NGS Announcement, April 2007:
The Products and Services Committee of NGS voted to rescind the 1998 NGS policy which stated that a transformation would be provided between older versions of NAD 83 and NAD 83(NSRS2007). Initial tests indicated that the shifts were too small, the accuracy of the shifts too large, and sparseness of the data too great to produce a useful transformation.
Users who wish to transform existing surveys from an older version of NAD 83 into NAD 83(NSRS2007) are urged to recompute coordinates using original observations and newly published NAD 83(NSRS2007) coordinates.NADCON transformation value accuracy of 0.06 meter +/- 0.02 meter (0.20 +/- 0.06 feet)
NAD 83(NSRS2007) shifts across Ohio average 1.6 cm
New NGS Announcement, April 2007:
The Products and Services Committee of NGS voted to rescind the 1998 NGS policy which stated that a transformation would be provided between older versions of NAD 83 and NAD 83(NSRS2007). Initial tests indicated that the shifts were too small, the accuracy of the shifts too large, and sparseness of the data too great to produce a useful transformation.
Users who wish to transform existing surveys from an older version of NAD 83 into NAD 83(NSRS2007) are urged to recompute coordinates using original observations and newly published NAD 83(NSRS2007) coordinates.
8. Ohios GPS CORS Network
9. CORS/OPUS: Overview & Status
10. Vertical standard error achievable when a user submits 15 minutes of GPS data to OPUS-RS
11. OPUS FLAVORS Please check out NGS' new secret (NOT for general distribution) website for
DRAFT OPUS developments
"Not for General Distribution" means this is a developmental product we are
not ready to post to the public on our regular homepage.
*OPUS-DB**:* This prototype NGS database for sharing your OPUS results
continues to mature. A new datasheet retrieval page, simplified
registration, and upload page are now available. Please feel free to
submit data and note any usability concerns. See also our sample
*OPUS-mapper:* Developed for the US census, this uses lower accuracy,
short-duration kinematic or stop-and-go observations from single- or
dual-frequency receivers.
*OPUS-projects:* For internal NGS-trial only; may facilitate management
and processing of multiple-receiver campaign surveys.
General OPUS usage patterns are described in our CORS newsletter:
Please check out NGS' new secret (NOT for general distribution) website for
DRAFT OPUS developments
"Not for General Distribution" means this is a developmental product we are
not ready to post to the public on our regular homepage.
*OPUS-DB**:* This prototype NGS database for sharing your OPUS results
continues to mature. A new datasheet retrieval page, simplified
registration, and upload page are now available. Please feel free to
submit data and note any usability concerns. See also our sample
*OPUS-mapper:* Developed for the US census, this uses lower accuracy,
short-duration kinematic or stop-and-go observations from single- or
dual-frequency receivers.
*OPUS-projects:* For internal NGS-trial only; may facilitate management
and processing of multiple-receiver campaign surveys.
General OPUS usage patterns are described in our CORS newsletter:
13. OPUS-DBSample Datasheet
15. GPS data requirements
16. metadata requirements
18. NOAA has a relatively new performance metric that assesses how well we are doing at enabling local capacity for accurate positioning. This metric:
Makes use of NOAAs Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) as a proxy to assess the local use of NOAA positioning tools and services. Was developed over the past several years in partnership with National Association of County Surveyors (NACS).
Involves the use of a web-based county scorecard of 23 survey questions specifically focusing on infrastructure, NGS models and tools, NGS capacity building and outreach, and overall satisfaction.
We need input from YOU, our core customers, to help NOAA improve its geospatial products and services.
For more information, visit http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/scorecard/
or contact:
Your NOAA State Geodetic Advisor, in Ohio Dave.Conner@noaa.gov
(for current list of all Advisors visit http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ADVISORS/)
Brett Howe (Brett.Howe@noaa.gov)
NOAAS County Scorecard
19. Our Performance Metric Asks Are Counties using NOAAs positioning products and services?
NOAA looks at County Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) use as a proxy. Have there been 25 or more OPUS solution generations in a given county in the last 12 months?
Counties meeting the above criteria are substantially enabled (shaded yellow).
Is there feedback and interaction between the local community and NOAA?
20. NOAAS County ScorecardHow you can help
24. NSRS Coordinate Systems Latitude & Longitude
State Plane Coordinates
UTM Coordinates
U.S. National Grid
Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed
NAD 83
NAD 27
ITRF05 What would happen if a community received multiple warnings?What would happen if a community received multiple warnings?
25. Coordinate Confusion
26. Whats A Person To Do? NGS Ten Year Plan, Page 11 (Provide access to the NSRS)
NGS also recognizes that many users work in various datums and reference
frames and that it must provide tools for these users. NGS will therefore publish all
coordinates and velocities of NSRS defining points in both the most recent official
U.S. Datums and the most recent realization of the International Terrestrial
Reference Frame (ITRF). Furthermore, NGS will provide simple transformation
tools between all historic and current datums and reference frames used by NGS, in
4 dimensions if possible.NGS Ten Year Plan, Page 11 (Provide access to the NSRS)
NGS also recognizes that many users work in various datums and reference
frames and that it must provide tools for these users. NGS will therefore publish all
coordinates and velocities of NSRS defining points in both the most recent official
U.S. Datums and the most recent realization of the International Terrestrial
Reference Frame (ITRF). Furthermore, NGS will provide simple transformation
tools between all historic and current datums and reference frames used by NGS, in
4 dimensions if possible.
27. HTDP NAD_83(CORS96) to WGS-84(original)
28. HTDPNAD_83(CORS96) to WGS-84(original)
29. The NGS 10 year plan
30. Gravity for the Re-definition of the American Vertical Datum
Official NGS policy as of Nov 14, 2007
$38.5M over 10 years
Airborne Gravity Snapshot
Absolute Gravity Tracking
Re-define the Vertical Datum of the USA by 2017 Q: What is GRAV-D?A: A Plan (released Dec 2007)
31. The first, middle and last point of GRAV-D:
Gravity and Heights are inseparably connected
Or (to borrow from a common bumper sticker):
No gravity, no height
Know gravity, know height
Q: What is GRAV-D?A: Gravity to determine heights accurately
32. Fast, Accurate Orthometric Heights GPS already gives fast accurate ellipsoid heights
If the geoid were determined to highest accuracy
Fast, accurate orthometric heights
Anywhere in the nation
Time-changes to H determined through:
GPS on CORS (h changes)
Absolute gravity spot checks (N changes)
33. GRAV-D Airborne gravity
Critically needed as a one-time high resolution snapshot of gravity in the USA
As opposed to the thousands of surveys, with hundreds of instruments and operators over dozens of years
One time survey
Absolute gravity
Cyclical for episodic checks in fixed locales
Co-incident with foundation CORS?
Two field meters plus one fixed SG
Relative Gravity
More frequently attached to Height Mod surveys
34. National Readjustment
35. National Readjustment
36. New Standards for Geodetic Control Local accuracy ----------- Relative to Adjacent Points
Network Accuracy ------- Relative to CORS
Both are relative accuracy measures at 95% confidence
Will not use distance dependent (proportional) expression of accuracy Order/Class codes (A, B, 1, etc.)
37. Example Datasheet with new Accuracies
38. FGDC Standards for Geodetic Control
39. Future Changes? The published CORS coordinates based on ITRF2000 define the new NAD 83 (NSRS2007) coordinate system
When the next version of ITRF is available NGS will probably adopt it and revise the CORS coordinates
within a couple of years
Question- With Absolute antenna calibrations now implemented with ITRF05, what effect will this have on previously reduced vectors which used relative antenna calibrations when combined with new reductions?Question- With Absolute antenna calibrations now implemented with ITRF05, what effect will this have on previously reduced vectors which used relative antenna calibrations when combined with new reductions?