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Environmental analysis HSR Phase 2. Asplan Viak AS with subconsultants MISA VWI BREKKE & STRAND akustikk as. Task. Develop methods for assessment of: Landscape (AVAS) Intervention effects (natural environment, water resources) (AVAS) Noise (AVAS, Brekke & Strand akustikk)
EnvironmentalanalysisHSR Phase 2 AsplanViak AS withsubconsultants • MISA • VWI • BREKKE & STRAND akustikk as °Miljøanalyser
Task Develop methods for assessment of: • Landscape (AVAS) • Intervention effects (natural environment, water resources) (AVAS) • Noise (AVAS, Brekke & Strand akustikk) • Energy (VWI) • Climate (MISA) Main challenge: High level analysis at a large geographical scale with relevant documentation and advices for the project and later IA. °Miljøanalyser
Landscape study and Intervention effects Legislative and Regulatory Framework; a selection: • European Conventions regarding landscape and biological diversity • The EU Water Framework Directive • implemented in Norway through Norwegian legislation • the main goal of the Water Framework Directive is to achieve a so-called “Good ecological standard” for the quality of surface water and groundwater.” • Water resources are regulated through e.g. ”Lov om vassdrag og grunnvann (Vannressursloven)” • Norwegian Nature Diversity Act • Norwegian Planning and Buliding Act, and requirements for Impact Assessment at different planning stages • Regulations • Handbooks °Miljøanalyser
Landscape study and Intervention effects Approach to Method Development: • Review existing methods for analysis and assessment of landscape and environmental intervention effects, and • Identify aspects of existing methods which could be adapted for high level analysis at a large geographical scale. °Miljøanalyser
Landscape study and Intervention effects Scope of work: • Litterature study • Identification and review of digital datasets • Identification of existing value classification of datasets • Identification of need for supplementing information and the need for additional/ supporting data and qualitative assessments • Description of methodology and description of GIS-model °Miljøanalyser
Landscape study and Intervention effects Recommendations so far: • ”Wide” defenition of landscape also including visible cultural heritage • Inclusion of natural resources and outdoor activities despite this not being covered by JBVs initial scope of work • The proposed approach consists broadly of the following stages: • To describe the character of the area under each topic • To describe a value/ importance/ sensitivity to the characteristics of the area • To describe how proposals will impact on these characteristics • To derive an overall assessment score/ measure of conflict potential • Derived from : [TØI, 2000] Miljøhåndboken, Trafikk- og miljøtiltak i byer og tettsteder, [STATENS VEGVESEN 2010] Konseptvalgutredning Grenland. Vurdering av ikke-prissatte virkninger , [STATENS VEGVESEN 2008] Konseptvalgutredning E18 Langangen – Grimstad. Vurdering av ikke-prissatte virkninger °Miljøanalyser
Landscape study and Intervention effects • GIS-model • Data unevenly registered °Miljøanalyser
Natural environment Naturbase (DN) – important nature Regionally collected Classified according to national, regional or local interest/ level of protection °Miljøanalyser
Noise • DIRECTIVE 96/48/EC — INTEROPERABILITY OF THE TRANS-EUROPEAN HIGH SPEED RAIL SYSTEM : Likely to be a guideline also for Norwegian HSR • Limiting values LpAeq,T for the stationary noise of rolling stock: 68 dB for train sets • Starting noise for electric trainsets: Class 1/Class 2 = 85/82 dB • Pass-by noise has different limits at different speeds, se table below. Measured 25 m from centre of track, 3.5 m above ground in a non reflecting environment. Practical situation: Limits are hard to achieve for rolling stock available today. °Miljøanalyser
Findings from the NOEMIE project (NOise Emission Measurements for high speed Interoperability in Europe –EU) • The TSI noise emission limits are difficult to keep, current HS-TSI levels can be considered to be very demanding limits, however, trainsets have come on the market since then. • The combined roughness of rail and wheels is the dominant contribution to the track side noise emission up to train speeds of 300 kph. • First at speeds beyond 300 kph, the aerodynamic noise tends to dominate • A takeout from NOEMIE project is that Nordic noise calculation method is expected to be applicable for higher speeds than earlier envisioned. °Miljøanalyser
A summary of pass-by noise levels Results from NOEMIE project compared with TSI values Results from new models of trainsets should be obtained and compared °Miljøanalyser
Important takeouts at this stage: • Noise limits set in the TSI for rolling stockswill be difficult to achieve • Nordic noisecalculationmetodcanlikely be used for most practical cases up to 300 kphbaseduponcurrent findings • Around and beyond 300 kph, the nose ofthetrain, the first boggie and thepantographcreatesthemainnoisesourcesand thepantograph present a noisechallence at these speeds, especiallybecause it maycreatenoisewithsignificantcontentof ”sinusiodal” character, implying a + 5 dB more stringent noiserequirementaccording to T-1442 • Vibrationsseemsmainly to followthesolutionsseen by ordinarytracks • Structuralnoisewill present a greaterchallengethantoday, especiallywherebuildingsarelocatedabove tunnel openings or close to the tunnel • Tunnels withirregularshape (”blasted tunnels”) have significantly less vibrational problems thanordinary, round tunnels. • Tunnels, tracks and power lines must be included in noiseassesment °Miljøanalyser
Energy Consumption • Infrastructure scenarios • General and train specific technical data and assumptions • General assumptions • Train specific technical data • Efficiency degree of the tractive system • (Intermediate) Results • Passenger load factor effects • Gradient and permitted track velocity impact • Tunnel impact on specific energy consumption • „Straight but steep“ vs. „Flat but with a detour“
Infrastructure scenarios • Based on the attributes above, 1,650 different infrastructural combinations – and thus far too many – can be found. Passenger load factors included, the number rises to 9,900. Consequently, the calculations are limited to reasonable scenarios, only.
Efficiency degree () of the tractive system • Efficiency Degree as a function of • Train Speed and Tractive/Braking Effort
Motivation for assessment of climate related effects • Is High Speed Rail an environmentally good solution, and for what time horizon? • Importance of infrastructure is often omitted in discussions of transport modes • Importance of infrastructure phase versus operation phase • HSR in Norwegian topography • More tunnels and bridges? What are the consequences? • Consequences of topography on operation? • Decision making support • Building module based system to assess various corridor characteristics – open sections, tunnels, bridges • Only climate related effects are considered in this part
Component-based emission inventories Air Physical planning Alternatives A-D Road: car & bus Market analysis Alternatives A-D High speed rail: A, B, C, D Energy use data Alternatives A-D HSR Demand for individual transport modes Infrastructure Rolling stock Operation Open stretch Tunnels Bridges Materials, processing, energy, transport … National emissions CO2e CO2e Emissions abroad Alt. 1 Emission profiles (to be made) Alt. 2 Alt. 3 Time (year) Time (year)