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LC-1114 Communicating technology

LC-1114 Communicating technology. Relative clauses Collaborative punctuation review. Defining vs. non-defining relative clauses. My brother who lives in Germany is an engineer. My brother , who lives in Germany , is an engineer. Task 3-1:.

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LC-1114 Communicating technology

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  1. LC-1114 Communicating technology RelativeclausesCollaborativepunctuationreview

  2. Defining vs. non-defining relative clauses My brother wholives in Germany is an engineer. My brother, wholives in Germany,is an engineer.

  3. Task 3-1: • Those of you who stayed on the job today will get a special bonus for your loyalty to the company. • The whole factory went on an illegal strike today, and you must all face the consequences. b. • ____ All the employees, who failed to come to work today, will be fired. • ____ All the employees who failed to come to work today will be fired. • ____ All the employees failing to come to work today will be fired. a. a.

  4. Task 6-1: • All of the servers crashed, so we will need to replace all of them. • Only a couple of servers actually went down, so we will not need to replace too many. d. • ____ The university servers which crashed on Saturday evening will be replaced with newer models. • ____ The university servers, which crashed on Saturday evening,will be replaced with newer models. • ____ The university servers that crashed on Saturday evening will be replaced with newer models. • ____ The university servers, that crashed on Saturday evening,will be replaced with newer models. • ____ The university servers crashing on Saturday evening will be replaced with newer models c. d. d.

  5. Defining vs. non-defining relative clauses

  6. That vs. which THAT is only used in defining relative clauses WHICH in both defining and non-defining relative clauses. Remember: no comma in definingrelativeclauses! Examples: • Defining the inputs and outputs provides a better understanding of the steps that/which are necessary to complete the process. • Defining the inputs and outputs provides a better understanding of these steps,which are explained in 5.1.

  7. Which There are three special caseswhen 'which' is the only possibility and 'that' cannot be used 1. NUMERATOR + of + which Finland has a diversity of ecosystem types, each of whichcan be broken down into many finer categories. 2. PREPOSITION + which A non-falsifiable theory is a hypothesis for which no test can be devised. 3. REFERRING TO THE WHOLE OF A PREVIOUS CLAUSE He managed to survive in Lapland for three weeks without food , which was amazing in light of the harsh winter temperatures.

  8. Collaborative punctuation review Kie-98.1114 Communicating technology

  9. Collaborative Punctuation Review • Work in groups of three students • Each person receives a set of rules for punctuation (Comma 1, Comma 2, Semicolon & Colon) • Learn the rules • Share and test your learning (Quiz)

  10. Collaborative Punctuation Review STEP 1 Each person studies their rules and corresponding examples carefully & silently Ask your teacher if something is not clear. (10 minutes)

  11. Collaborative Punctuation Review STEP 1 Each person studies their rules and corresponding examples carefully & silently Ask your teacher if something is not clear. (10 minutes)

  12. Collaborative Punctuation Review STEP 2 The group takes a quiz to test how well rules were learned. When a rule that you learned can be applied to a sentence, explain the punctuation to the group.

  13. Collaborative Punctuation Review STEP 3 Self-correct the quizzes using the key given to you.

  14. Collaborative Punctuation ReviewKEY • The dairy cooperative Valio, the largest milk processor in Finland, has already implemented the recommendation, and Arla Ingman will do so during the course of this autumn. 3 points • Because Aalto University is still a new merger, students are not allowed to freely take courses from one campus to another 1 point • Suncom Corporation has subsidiaries in four cities: New York, New York; Wilmington, Ohio; Houston,Texas; and San Francisco, California. 8 points

  15. Collaborative Punctuation ReviewKEY 4. Vitamin D is also known to sharpen the immune system, thus protecting the body against infections. 1 point 5. People of all ages need more vitamin D, and overdosing on vitamin D is not recommended. 1 point 6. If engineers know which parts are most prone to damage, those parts can be built heavier, and other parts can be made lighter, reducing the overall weight and improving the performance of the suspension. 3 points

  16. Collaborative Punctuation ReviewKEY 7. To be a successful college student, two characteristics are needed: a positive attitude and lots of determination 2 points 8. Time management, an important skill for all college students, is taught in workshops in many universities. 2 points 9. According to a recent book, depression among fathers following the birth of a child is on the increase. 1 point

  17. Collaborative Punctuation ReviewKEY 10. Depression among new fathers, however, is an often ignored topic as more focus has traditionally been given to new mothers. 2 points 11. Most colleges in the US require students to stay in a dorm in their first year; in addition, some even require them to eat all meals at the college cafeteria. 2 points

  18. Punctuation rules can also be studied – on pages 63-77 in WGE- in Language aid Basic rules for punctuation- in AWE http://sana.aalto.fi/awe/punctuation/commas/index.html

  19. FAST-TRACK PEER REVIEW:Problem-solution paragraph

  20. FAST-TRACK PEER REVIEW: A2 • Pass the paper to the person on your right again. • Read the text given to you and marl with small circles the places where punctuation doesn’t seem correct (eithe • Under the title of the text, write one thing you liked about this problem-solution paragraph. • …then give the paper back to the author.

  21. FAST-TRACK PEER REVIEW: A2 • Pass your paper to the person on your right. • Read the text given to you and identify the first two moves in the situation-problem-solution-evaluationpattern. Mark moves 1-2 in the margin of the paper: 1) present situation/general context, 2) ‘the problem’ or need related to that situation (the ‘however’ fact) Mark + , if the move is clear. Mark ?, is you feel it should be clarified.

  22. FAST-TRACK PEER REVIEW: A2 • Pass the paper to the person on your right again. • Read the text given to you and identify the last two moves in the pattern. Mark moves 3-4 in the margin of the paper: 3) the solution (what does the writer propose?) 4) evaluation of the solution (main benefit briefly). Mark + , if the move is clear Mark ?, is you feel it should be clarified.

  23. FAST-TRACK PEER REVIEW: A2 • Pass the paper to the person on your right again. • Read the text and write one thing you liked about this problem-solution paragraph. • …then give the paper back to the author. How wouldyouimproveyourintroductionparagraph?

  24. HOMEWORK • TASK 2: Report introduction (Problem-solution) - Check punctuation, make corrections, and submit to MyCourses/Emended. -

  25. See you next week! -

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